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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 47 minutes ago, Bubbles said:

    What a bloke.


    Is this in the Joiners?

    5 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    There's more to life than money.

    You may be too short sighted to understand that there's even more to life than Derby County.

    This is nothing to do with Newcastle United or the views of their entitled fans.

    This is to do with Mike Ashley, the unpleasant person and terrible employer.

    So swivel whatever you like.... And learn more about life, the world and everything in it.

    You are clearly VERY naive. There's no such thing as a nice/pleasant successful business owner, they are all bar stewards, in fact, ruthless bar stewards by nature. People think Gibson at Boro is a nice guy ffs!

  2. 10 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    As for the vaccine being released for use quickly as mentioned by @Mostyn6, a virologist was asked this very same question on 5live yesterday and he said something like:

    'We had no choice. Normally we have time to do more testing, but we had tens of thousand of people dying every day and had to get it out there.

    Wow. There’s whistle-blowing evidence that the vaccine existed before the pandemic!! ?

  3. 7 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    No, but I've watched Noel Edmonds telling the story of how some mind altering drugs caused one girl to regurgitate her own pelvis, and a young lad to cry all of the water out of his body.

    Noel is an intelligent man, concise, clearly no nut job, has no agenda has nothing to sell, so I've sworn off cake for life.

    I recommend watching it still. He's not trying to convince anyone of anything but points out a few things. He's called dangerous by some Prof of Science at Notts Uni, but points out that the main benefactor of thhe Professor's department is the Pharmaceutical company. He points out that he's called dangerous for refusing to have a vaccine, but the vaccine is harming and killing people. Worth a watch no matter how ignorant you want to be. You cannot ridicule something you don't know.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    This is garbage when you know they list Eriksen who hadn’t even had the vaccine at the time of his collapse.

    The Aguero one as well. He has had heart issues since 2004.

    Why are you so desperate to find fault with the vaccine that you believe these conspiracies?

    did you miss the bit where they said "We do not claim that all of these people have become ill and died from vaccination, or that there is a proven relationship in the case of vaccination."? The article is about sudden heart issues in a time when Vaccines being pushed.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    This is garbage when you know they list Eriksen who hadn’t even had the vaccine at the time of his collapse.

    The Aguero one as well. He has had heart issues since 2004.

    Why are you so desperate to find fault with the vaccine that you believe these conspiracies?

    simply because my brain tells me that it's impossible to develop, test and successfully launch a vaccine so quickly. Especially when they still do not know for definite where the Covid came from and definitively how it's transmitted. The truth is always follow the money. The measures in place, and the propaganda has ALL been predicted by the "conspiracy theorists" from minute one.

    1 death is 1 death too many as far as I am concerned, for a vaccine that doesn't prevent transmission. For a vaccine that can supposedly protect you from Covid, but cannot protect you from the unvaccinated. The fact that £9bn was added to the share value of the top 10 Pharmaceutical share-holders holdings within a week of "Omicron" being mentioned. The fact that the booster was already the right vaccine for Omicron within a day of it being a variant of concern, the fact that on Christmas Eve, they were already saying the 3rd jab was already waning and a 4th booster was needed...... do I need to carry on? Everything they have said has been utter guesswork, or even worse, it's been blantantly untrue.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    I'm seriously concerned now.

    Boris has just said that the conspiracy theorists' stuff is 'mumbo jumbo' - which, going by his previous form relating to his straight-uppedness and believability, means that they are right.

    joking aside Eddie, as someone who's admired you and your intellect for many a moon, I was genuinely wondering what it would take for you to be suspicious of the way the Vaccines have been quickly created and rolled (forced) out. Who would make you think "hey, summat's not right here!" if they piped up and raised concerns?

    Just to be clear, I know Covid exists, I had it, it was very bad, and I couldn't breathe. AS a diabetic too, I was scared. I had the first 2 jabs, albeit with many doubts of the authenticity of the claims of what it was. 

    Pre-Covid, the Conspiracy theories doing the rounds were all about control, social-class systems (like in China), digitalising all money (cashless society), and removing ownership of things (everyone hires/rents everything). Backing up this, was a supposed attempt to wipe out 1.6bn people over 10 years (by killing off the old and ill, and reducing child births). There is a notion that old people don't contribute anything (in taxes), and hold onto their money and live longer.

    Now all of that sounds ridiculous to your average human. But there are people more evil than you and I. Wealth creates power and influence. Hearing crackpots like Gates talking about people like me as if I am a cancer on HIS planet makes me think that something isn't right.

  7. 6 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Why isn’t this on YouTube proper? Let me guess. 

    Mate, when the bloke who invented mRNA is banned from social media for talking about mRNA, you’ve got no hope of whisteblowers being allowed to whistleblow at will. 

    just to add, this video is seen as “dangerous and hateful media”! ?

  8. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    So assuming all vaccinations are that risk-laden, applying those ratios to the UK populous means that there are over 1.6 million people wandering around not knowing they now have an inflamed heart, or that they are in fact dead.

    I suspect it'll be something of a shock when they find out!

    This is a proper concern. Your average person won’t ordinarily put their heart under stress very often. However, there’s been an alarming number of professional athletes and sports people collapsing, dying and discovering new heart problems after vaccines. 

    if you haven’t seen this video, please give it a watch.

    Matt Le Tissier is an intelligent man, concise, clearly no nut job, has no agenda  has nothing to sell  




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