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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 6 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    So it’s deliberately misleading. The main table is the proportion of living people who have died from the virus over a six month period. 

    The comparison in the notes, if you are right is the proportion of dead people who died from other causes. Which is very misleading. Especially if you are a living 59 year old.

    No it’s not. The only thing is it’s lumped all the 0-60 together in that stat, whereas in the table (middle column) the comparable statistic  has split it further. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Just how many people are in this big conspiracy, because that's exactly what you are alluding to?

    It's either every single doctor and coroner in the country falsifying the information on death certificates, or it's the Office of National Statistics who have the responsibility to record and collate the information.

    Occam's Razor, mate. The hypothesis requiring the fewest assumptions is the most likely to be the correct one.

    I don’t know how many people are involved in the entering of records, I’m not sure how it is checked/corroborated, nor if it’s compiled without being amended etc. what we do know for a fact is that people who didn’t die of COVID were included in the Covid deaths total. What we also know is that people who have died, had serious reactions, given birth to stillborn babies etc are not being recorded and communicated with the same level of enthusiasm and fearmongering. 

    4 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I’m not sure such stats can be concluded yet until everyone has had the virus. 


    But these stats have been used to justify ruining people’s lives, livelihoods, freedoms and mental health. Either the data is relevant or it isnt! This data was also pre-vaccine. 

    35 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    But all the doctors, nurses and registrars are part of the conspiracy. The press have been bought off. The hospital administration teams are in on it all, covering it up. Because they need to roll out the vaccine to as many people as possible because Bezos and Musk are bringing in the new world order. 

    Am I close? 

    We know the press have a vested interest already. We don’t know if doctors and nurses are the end-user for data entry. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    So between June 2020 and January 2021 A US citizen had a 1% chance of dying by suicide? Did one in a hundred Americans  under 60 die by suicide in that six month period? That would be about 2 million people killing themselves in a six month period. Sounds like they’ve got their maths wrong somewhere.

    No you’re reading it wrong. If there were 100 deaths, 1 was suicide. You’ve read it as 1 in 100 people under 60 committed suicide, instead of 1 in 100 deaths. 

  4. 55 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Just out of interest, what are the risks of people dying from the vaccine?

    They won’t publish the stats and I don’t think they know the longer term risks yet. Someone published some stats in US saying that Pfizer own tests suggested 1 in 34 risk of heart inflammation or death. I don’t believe those thats though. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Albert said:

    lolwut? Australia never had 'internment camps' for Covid positive patients. People isolate at home until cleared, which now is a negative rapid test 7 days after confirmed infection. 

    Australia also never had such, no way the Morrison government could organise to actually build infrastructure. It's why I don't fear them despite all the rightwing rhetoric. Morrison can barely manage a handshake, no way he could round people up into camps.

    But the media said it so it’s a fact! 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Archied said:

    I’ve seen bits and pieces around this , it’s to do with something called the Liverpool care pathway ( now supposedly abolished)  , end of life care and a certain drug used which is claimed has been used in much larger amounts during pandemic, non resuscitate orders being placed on elderly ( during pandemic) without relatives or patients knowledge , very emotive with a lot of complainants , worth proper balanced ??‍♂️investigation I would think

    the drug in question is midazolam 

    It could, and SHOULD have been a Panorama documentary. 

  7. 7 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Total number of people in England and Wales from January 1 to August 31 2021 where primary cause of death was recorded on the death certificate as Covid-19: 59922

    Total number of people in England and Wales to January 1 to August 31 2021 where primary cause of death was recorded on the death certificate as a reaction to the vaccine: 9

    Blood clots are a fact of life (and all too often, a fact of death). In 2019 (the last year before the pandemic), the total number of deaths in England and Wales where blood clots was the primary cause of death recorded on the death certificate was 4271.

    Regarding my personal experience of blood clots, I've had 7 (6 DVT confirmed and 1 pulmonary embolism suspected - it could also have been pleurisy) and am on anticoagulants for life. Vaccines had nothing to do with any of them, but swine flu (another disease that people pooh-poohed as 'mostly harmless') was the trigger for basically screwing my blood and lungs up.

    You do realise that if someone died of the vaccine but had Covid in the previous 60 or 90 days (depending when, as parameters changed), it was recorded as a Covid related death and NOT a vaccine related death??

  8. 1 minute ago, Boycie said:

    I guess everyone does their own thing.

    Trouble is we naturally want to argue our beliefs I guess.

    I’m happy where I am, and it sounds like the others are happy where they are too.


    We’re all happy people yes? *cough, pardon me.

    I’m happy where I stand, but i know two people who suffered blood clots, one getting a bit closer to death than he did when he had COVID, within 48 hours of vaccine. So I have a concern about justifying a jab that isnt really needed. 

  9. Just now, Boycie said:

    If it means I go away with less risk, then that suits me.

    In my line of work I need to be up to date with boosters. I just accept it, it could kill me, but so could the work I do.  We can’t live our lives on a “what if” basis.

    As for boosters, I get the Flu booster every year, yes it’s tested and trusted as you’ll say.

    How long do the anti Vaxers wait until it’s proven? Genuine question, I have no idea how long it takes normally?

    I think the term anti-vaxers is harsh and weaponised. To have doubts about ONE experimental gene therapy (being presented as a vaccine), does not equal anti-vaxer.   There are people out there who’ve had every known vaccine being labelled as this!

    I have theories about the future timescale and what might happen, but they’re just theories. 

  10. 1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

    Still can't work out what the end game is for all this social manipulation. Money? Because the biggest gains seem to have been Bezos and Musk. How did they manipulate China, Australia, Germany, Spain, Greece, Italy and the USA (and more) to adopt the measures they took, all independently of each other? 

    The great reset. Build back better. World Economic Forum. 

  11. 16 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    and grifters like the Ickes

    this amuses me. The Ickes generally give their messages/opinions/propaganda away for free, but it was clearly exposing so many people that they were silenced by mainstream media. Ironically, they have to now fund their own platforms, so any money they make is cos they were silenced by the social media companies for going against the narrative.

    Interestingly, David Icke exposed Jimmy Saville (and other powerful pedofiles) 12 years before he was officially outed and was ridiculed and discredited by the very same establishments that discredit him now.

    I consider the Ickes as close friends, and am slightly offended on their behalf by your generalisation. I am willing to guess you've never listened to a thing Gareth or Jaymie have said, or watched any speech they've ever given, in fact I would predict you have no interest in doing so. That is your prerogative. I however, whilst not always agreeing, do listen and watch. It's funny how almost every prediction since the first mentions of Covid in January 2020, have actually come true, from Lockdowns, to Vaccinations, to Vaccine Passports, to creations of division, to silencing of voices... you name it, they were right.

  12. Just now, rammieib said:

    Agreed Mostyn.

    If we have goal threats in front of us then you can play him but we don’t. Bird and Joz you’ll be luck for three a season. So playing Thompson means that’s three of your front six where we are very unlikely to see a goal. It puts too much pressure on the others.

    about five minutes after I typed it, he passed back to Allsopp when there were at least three other passes available, Allsopp dithered and nearly lost the ball. Totally unneccesary pressure. If you're gonna pass it under pressure, pass it where it's least dangerous. If he'd opted for the pass to Lawrence, and Lawrence loses it (as he often does), it doesn't create an open goal chance, whereas the pass to the GK would've.

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