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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 14 hours ago, Rev said:


    Everything I'd hoped it would be.

    Big, brash and faithful to the book.

    Binged it in 24 hrs, it won't win any awards, but then again it doesn't set out to do anything but entertain, and it delivered for me. 


    How coincidental. I stumbled across this and watched it all in one sitting. Wasn’t trying to be too clever, kept it simple. Few things still unanswered, unless i missed it! Was disappointed with the predictable double cross! 

  2. 38 minutes ago, Turnstile said:

    Not in this country. Only under very experienced (defensive minded)managers where he was working (supervising training)for world class players.I don’t think Everton have many of those !! We will see how they go on.

    Was he not a success under Ancelotti at Chelsea? 

  3. 7 hours ago, Turnstile said:

    I recon this is a recipe for disaster ,who the hell would want to employ clement.Harry may come in as advisor on how to lose your fortune.No wonder football is in such a mess.

    Clement has an outstanding record in the role he’s just been given ??‍♂️ 

  4. 2 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Latest figures suggest that you are 24 times more likely to die of Covid-19 if you are unvaccinated.

    Darwin at work.

    You’re both analytical and logical. As both, you’ll know the key word there is “suggest”. There’s no way of proving this. To be able to prove or disprove this you’d need to somehow test the same subject under both conditions, and that’s impossible. 

    There are stats saying that 80-90% of Covid deaths are people with significant existing health problems and in the top age bracket! 

    Whereas the numbers of previously healthy people dying after a vaccine is more varied across the age ranges. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, YouRams said:

    Call me a conspiracist but the people at the top with all the scientific knowledge about this so called deadly virus were throwing birthday parties, having affairs and so on during the peak times of the crisis, does this not scream to you it’s nowhere near as bad as they’ve led everyone to believe? 

    The then Health Secretary Matt Hancock was getting jiggy with it outside of his immediate social circle! 

  6. 11 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

    An average 82 year old still has about 8 years of life expectancy, despite usually having lots of minor or even major ailments. 

    Some people aged 90 may die of COVID. Some like MeatLoaf only 74, so it averages out. . Some people die much younger. So your point is what exactly? If you are old and have ever had anything wrong with you, you may as well catch covid and die?   

    My point is that it firstly, it’s doesn’t back up the narrative that absolutely everyone is likely to die, and secondly that ANY death as a result of the vaccine was avoidable. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:


    That is quite staggering -  we've been told right from the very start that those most at risk of dying are those with existing medical conditions?

    The families of those 17k people with no pre-existing medical conditions or co-morbidities who died must be furious

    Average age of 82.5? In a time nursing homes and care homes and hospital wards were locked down. I’d wager the families of those were perhaps were more furious at being kept from holding hands with a dying relative than anything else. 

    I’d be also interested how many people of that age died of “natural causes” (or whichever terminology was used pre-covid) for a death of old age. 

  8. I said in here there are many NHS staff who won’t have the vaccines and got shot down, its now estimated between 110000-125000 will not be vaccinated by the arbitrary deadline of 31st March. 

    Yesterday there was a demonstration in London, which was reported as 100s, yet the number attending was estimated at over 100k. 

    There is some powerful pictures and footage of NHS uniforms laid out in Trafalgar Square and NHS uniforms being thrown at the gates to Downing Street. 

  9. On 16/01/2022 at 13:43, Norman said:

    Djokovic had tested positive for Covid in the middle of December. 

    He was less of cause for concern as far as the virus is concerned than someone who had received their second jab 3 months a go and was sat in the stands watching. 

    I don't care if Australia want him there or not, but to say it was a decision on health grounds is just wrong. 


  10. 3 hours ago, BucksRam said:

    The Queen's Gambit - Netflix

    Synopsis - Set during the Cold War era, orphaned chess prodigy Beth Harmon struggles with addiction in a quest to become the greatest chess player in the world.  Brilliantly played by Anya Taylor-Joy with a great supporting cast.  A burner but a great watch.  Thoroughly enjoyed    9/10

    Wow. Late to the party Bucks! This must’ve been 50pages back ?

  11. You’d be surprised how many nurses (and doctors) don’t believe in the vaccine and don’t actually want it. 

    a lot have buckled under the pressure and blackmail tactics, but there’ll be a big decision to make halfway through March when the government has their bluff called by tens of thousands of nurses who blatantly refuse the vaccine. They automatically become bona fide whistle blowers, with many currently gathering evidence. 

  12. A Quiet Place 2:

    absolutely love Emily Blunt, this may suppress any negative evaluation of her work. I did enjoy the first film, but in this film I found myself automatically being annoyed by the daughter! There’s also a part in the film for Cillian Murphy. 

    The film could actually be a re-imagining of the first movie. There’s actually nothing to suggest it’s a sequel! Still a decent enough watch, with enough intensity to keep you interested. 

    Branko Strupar/10


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