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  1. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from eezzeetiger in EFL Verdict   
    So sending the muck spreader to the efl headquarters is off then☹️
  2. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from Raich Carter in EFL Verdict   
    So sending the muck spreader to the efl headquarters is off then☹️
  3. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from kevinhectoring in EFL Verdict   
    So sending the muck spreader to the efl headquarters is off then☹️
  4. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to Truckle in EFL Verdict   
    I was thinking of a way to address the misleading narrative around us and the EFL that is making so many other fans dislike our club when actually they should be worried about when the EFL might come for them. So I wrote this article, if you like it and can be arsed we could put it on a few other fans sites.  I bet Mr Pop in Bristol would love it.
    The Wrong Coloured Shorts (wixsite.com)
  5. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from richinspain in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    It’s what the younger generation now call vintage ?
  6. Clap
    Foreveram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Why do elephants have big ears                                            
    cos Noddy won’t pay the ransom  
  7. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from SKRam in Summer 2021 Transfer Window - Suggestion Thread   
    I hope they don’t go after that 36 year old Ronaldo or 34 year old Messi, has beens
  8. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from Ramarena in Summer 2021 Transfer Window - Suggestion Thread   
    I hope they don’t go after that 36 year old Ronaldo or 34 year old Messi, has beens
  9. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to DCFC1388 in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Rooney has said he has players who want to join us already lined up which cannot be completed yet.
    Really no harm or worry having players come in to train and get fit, could be that they are in the building ready in case the takeover doesnt go through and we cant get the players already lined up, similar to how we got CKR last season.
    The alternative is pin our hopes on our takeover and if it doesnt happen in time then we will be picking from the remaining free agents who are unfit and nowhere near ready to play...which is when fans will moan that we didnt plan for the takeover not happening.
  10. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from DCFC1388 in Summer 2021 Transfer Window - Suggestion Thread   
    I hope they don’t go after that 36 year old Ronaldo or 34 year old Messi, has beens
  11. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from angieram in Could we defy the odds next season.   
    How to make lot’s of money ?
  12. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from BucksRam in Could we defy the odds next season.   
    How to make lot’s of money ?
  13. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Could we defy the odds next season.   
    It’s always nice to go there and look at the stands that we paid for?
  14. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Could we defy the odds next season.   
    Just going to the big preseason game then,glory hunter
  15. Cheers
    Foreveram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in EFL Verdict   
    Accentuate the positive make some toast
  16. COYR
    Foreveram reacted to TheresOnlyWanChope in Could we defy the odds next season.   
    True, in fact, cup success and 1st in the league should be the ultimate target every season. No weakened teams, go for the cups, go for promotion. Realistically, I think playoffs is a good target to have as long as there as some new recruits. The squad needs to be bigger than last season’s and that seems like a huge task in itself. 
  17. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in EFL Verdict   
    Surely the sensible thing for him to say would have been “ We are desperate to sign players and we will pay whatever you want” not.
  18. Clap
    Foreveram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in EFL Verdict   
    Surely the sensible thing for him to say would have been “ We are desperate to sign players and we will pay whatever you want” not.
  19. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to RoyMac5 in EFL Verdict   
    So maybe it's saying to other clubs - you don't hold the upper hand in player negotiations. We're not rushing into signings, we're not overpaying and we're not panicking!
  20. Haha
    Foreveram reacted to Truckle in EFL Verdict   
    With their policy, best described as: Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no, it wouldn't be a terrible idea if someone with photoshopping skills were to make a big poster of Rick ‘Vicky Pollard’ Parry and we all clubbed together to put it on a billboard outside EFL HQ, like those lads at Led by Donkeys who call out the lies of politicians. 
  21. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to Pearl Ram in EFL Verdict   
    Dear Mr Pop,
    Thank you for taking the trouble to screenshot a post of mine last night to include on the OTIB forum, I feel blessed.
    Despite all your guff and gnashing of teeth, the only  discrepancy The EFL ever had on us was the explanation of our amortisation could have been clearer which is regrettable.
    Everything else was approved by them.
     What  I am having trouble comprehending though, is why it’s so difficult for you and your cohorts to understand that though The EFL, aided by the goon at Middlesbrough FC, wanted us hammered and were determined to do so, doesn’t the fact they couldn’t hammer us, even slightly give you the impression they had nothing to hammer us for? ?‍♂️
    Give it up old son, you’ve made yourself look a bit silly over this, I mean, you obsess with us yet not a peep out of you regarding Bournemouth, Villa, Leeds or Leicester who have all benefitted far more than us by wandering from the straight and narrow.
    And now your work with us is now done, keep your minces on Stoke and Reading, they might give you something else to get your teeth into. Don’t forget to say hello when you visit the cathedral of football on the 23rd of March.
    Good grief, imagine if you come here needing points to stay up and we tonk you and send you down...? Karma can be a good thing you know.
    Best Regards, 

  22. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to nottingram in EFL Verdict   
    Unless that advantage was being one of the top 3 spenders on wages in each of the seasons being looked at we haven’t pished it anywhere.
    We’ve ran an (unsustainable) wage bill that has probably ranged from top 4 to top 10 in the division and have more often than not been a top 6 team in that time period. Few unlucky defeats in play off games to teams that have spent more than us / have gamed the system to a greater extent than we have (delete as appropriate) has meant we haven’t gone up, so be it. When football comes down to one off games it can at times be luck based and that’s why we all love it. We’ve now tightened that wage bill, understandably, but I get the feeling that won’t or indeed hasn’t stopped you moaning that we will be less competitive in the league now.
    Don’t think we are “victims” as such but it is curious that just winning one of those set of play offs would see our strategy highlighted as a great success story and have fans of other clubs saying “wow look how well Derby are run” like you see from some on here re. Leeds, Villa, Wolves, Bournemouth and so on.
    Unfortunately by not going up due to these fine margins we have found ourselves in the cross hairs of the EFL who’s rules are so clear that they are now seeking to change or clarify the rules that supposedly found us guilty. We are not victims of other teams cheating, in my opinion, but we have been victim of the EFL going on a crusade after the football club and creating a narrative that we are the villains of football with their vindictive, unclear statements and obvious leaks to the press.
    Yesterday’s news should have been celebrated across football, that no precedent was set to retrospectively relegate a team for off field matters that were signed off for three years by an organisation that didn’t understand their own rules. I get the feeling it wasn’t though, because a narrative has been created that if you push spending limits and do not get promoted, you are worse than those who push limits and do.
  23. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to Comrade 86 in EFL Verdict   
    Load of subjective nonsense. From your own carefully selected texts...
    "We accept that the club has at no time sought to mislead the EFL"
    "In all other respects (bar the one line in our accounts describing out amortisation policy) we accept that the club has acted with candour and transparency in its dealings with the EFL"
    If these appear damning condemnations, rather than mealy-mouthed excuses for their inept handling of the investigations and subsequent appeals, then fair enough, but we'll have to agree to disagree. It was openly accepted that the EFL failed to understand the methodology used and the terminology that described it. Somehow, that has morphed, in the minds of some, into some carefully orchestrated campaign to hoodwink the EFL.
    The focus should not now be further baseless accusations levelled at a club who have been driven to the brink, but rather on the astounding lack of professionalism displayed by a sporting body who have shown themselves to be both hugely hypocritical and vindictive in equal measures. If their board had an ounce of self-respect, then resignations would be being submitted as we speak, yet despite this pointless and ultimately fruitless campaign against the club, their noses will remain firmly in the trough.
    Frankly, I think the club have remained remarkably dignified in the their conduct over the course of the last 18 months, certainly when compared to the EFL, Gibson and that utter gobshite of an owner at Wycombe.
  24. Like
    Foreveram reacted to B4ev6is in Light end of the tunnel for me   
    Well yesterday guys pain management final got into contact with me they rang my mum phone as just easier for me well guys towards end of july I got to go for another cov 19 test but then I am having neve blocking injections but once my cov19 test been done then I have to self isolate which means I will miss both pre season friendly sigh.
    Wish me look guys I just hope these injections work but I am facing my fear of needles I got a feeling going to hurt like hell.
  25. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from Leeds Ram in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    Man City??
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