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  1. Clap
    Foreveram reacted to Day in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    When Mel went public with his intentions to sell, I made a suggestion, write an autobiography when this is all over, and I hope he does once the dust settles.
    What happened, what was the tipping point that saw him pull the plug, how did we manage to rack up this huge debt to HMRC when Fawaz down the A52 was facing winding up orders every couple of months.
    Whilst ultimately his decision cost jobs, left behind a lot of debt to local businesses, which I am a creditor myself, leaving the existence of this club in jeopardy, I can’t sit here today and lay all the blame at his door, of course he must accept his part in this, not suggesting for a second he completely blameless.
    Being a long time supporter of Mel, I have largely avoided discussions around him as there are still questions that I feel need answering, more clarity of what went on, closure. It would be easy to sit here and call him all the names under the sun, but I feel like I owe him the opportunity to explain, I hope he does find a way as his final Radio Derby interview didn’t really explain anything we didn’t already know, no gaps in the timeline were filled, and it’s those gaps which have left so many questions.
    Do not think I am here to defend Mel, only Mel can defend himself, I have no intention of getting into drawn out debates as it will only cause more anger and frustration when right now we should be focussing on the future of this club.
    You can drag up posts from the past that I and others made, but they were made with the information that we had at the time, others that raised concerns, had their doubts whilst hurt may feel smug with “I told you so”, which is their choice. I have made my enemies just from running this platform, sure there’s a few out there finger pointing.
    However Mel came in, spent money, created excitement and dared us to dream which is exactly what football fans want, we had no idea it was ever to be a poo or literally bust, we were led to believe that we were on the line, pushing it at times which many clubs do, but that line was dragged out of reach when the EFL decided to review our accounts over previous seasons, accounts which they signed off.
    I still to this day believe that EFL, Boro and Wycombe must also take some responsibility in all this. I also don’t think we can just ignore the impact that Covid has had, both financially and personally. Mel did not have a crystal ball, for all this to come at a time when trying to sell the club placed a fuckload of barriers in the way.
    Whilst you can argue you shouldn’t live life on the edge, be prepared for the worst, I have been around 40 years and this is the first global pandemic which has changed life as we know it and seen sporting events played behind closed doors. Over the next 12 months I’m sure we will see others start to show the impact that alone has had without the EFL on their backs.
    His own health issues which remain private and may not have played no part in his decision, but many things happen in life that can make you question your own mortality, did his, was his primary concern his family where the outside abuse questioned his financial support? I honestly don’t know and not trying to manufacture excuses here, losing close friends, illness, it can and does make you question where you are yourself in life.
    I don’t know if we will ever see a book, if some already feel they have closure and wouldn’t be interested or believe a word he says, I for one believe it would give closure those that supported him during his tenure and feel hurt with how the club has been left, all the memories which should have been left have now been tarnished, including the one at Elland Road.
    Life does go on though, I'm not going to spend another day questioning why as another mental drain that I have no desire to entertain.
  2. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from cannable in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Will you accept £1.25
  3. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from LeedsRam1999 in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Will you accept £1.25
  4. Like
    Foreveram reacted to Day in Happy New Year   
    2021 hasn't been easy for a lot of people, even tougher for us Derby County fans that have had to endure and will continue to do so the sleepless nights with the unthinkable, the threat of our club facing possible liquidation. 
    I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year, without you, this community would not be here, the community that has allowed fans from not just around the country, but the world to come together and help each other through these difficult times and I'm sure will continue to do so through next year and beyond.
    For any players, management, staff, anyone connected to the club that may also be reading this, Happy New Year to you also, I can only speak for myself, but I'm sure many others will agree, you are all making us so proud to be a Ram, we cannot ask anymore from you.
    Let's all go and smash 2022 ?
  5. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from taffyram in Reading game live on Sky Sports   
  6. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from MackworthRamIsGod in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Will you accept £1.25
  7. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Will you accept £1.25
  8. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from GenBr in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Will you accept £1.25
  9. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Will you accept £1.25
  10. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from GenBr in The Administration Thread   
    All right Dave how’s Del Boy 
  11. Like
    Foreveram reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    alternatively you could just give it it a rest.
  12. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Thanks Angie, nice to meet you tonight. I was just going to have a couple but then I met some guys who had been guests in the directors box and they forced me to drink with them till after midnight ?
  13. Clap
    Foreveram got a reaction from Grumpy Git in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Mission accomplished, on my way home, ready for Reading.
  14. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from jono in Cashin’s tackle on Clarke   
    In 1970
  15. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from angieram in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Thanks Angie, nice to meet you tonight. I was just going to have a couple but then I met some guys who had been guests in the directors box and they forced me to drink with them till after midnight ?
  16. COYR
    Foreveram got a reaction from sage in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Thanks Angie, nice to meet you tonight. I was just going to have a couple but then I met some guys who had been guests in the directors box and they forced me to drink with them till after midnight ?
  17. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Thanks Angie, nice to meet you tonight. I was just going to have a couple but then I met some guys who had been guests in the directors box and they forced me to drink with them till after midnight ?
  18. Cheers
    Foreveram got a reaction from SKRam in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Thanks Angie, nice to meet you tonight. I was just going to have a couple but then I met some guys who had been guests in the directors box and they forced me to drink with them till after midnight ?
  19. Like
    Foreveram reacted to angieram in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Back from the game, what an atmosphere and what a win! Thoroughly deserved and I am proud to be a Ram tonight.
    Our fans were brilliant, and I have to give a shout out to the Stoke stewards and police, who were superb. Firm but fair.
    Said thank you to one of them, she replied we were the best fans they'd had there this season "very entertaining"! Take that how you will. ??‍♀️
  20. Like
    Foreveram reacted to Cam the Ram in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
  21. COYR
    Foreveram got a reaction from Rams forever in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    3 points tucked away, back in the bar, love it when a plan comes together.
  22. Like
    Foreveram got a reaction from norwichram in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    3 points tucked away, back in the bar, love it when a plan comes together.
  23. Like
    Foreveram got a reaction from 2tups in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    3 points tucked away, back in the bar, love it when a plan comes together.
  24. Haha
    Foreveram got a reaction from Ellafella in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Predicted the score as well?
  25. Clap
    Foreveram got a reaction from angieram in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Just checked in to the holiday inn next to the ground. Off to the bar shortly and then a 100yd walk to the ground. 3 points then back to the bar then to bed, wake up cooked breakfast then drive home in the daylight. Well that’s the plan anyway.
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