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Posts posted by Foreveram

  1. 25 minutes ago, ap04 said:

    Spot on, and just as important the standard ones we look at are not post-shot models so ignore a good part of the performance.

    The thing to remember though is that even a flawed xG will always outperform goals, these are quite interesting reads [1] [2] [3]

    Really looking forward to the match tomorrow, hope we have a positive XG…….. said no one.

  2. Tickets available for the last 3 home games.

    Blackpool 1,363.

    Leyton Orient 3,523.

    Carlisle 185.

    West Upper Block H hasn’t been opened, reserved for the families of the 75 title winners sat in the directors box ?.

    Gordon Guthrie corner also not open, it was for Bolton.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    These are the main comments I picked up from Matt Hale and Jake Buxton. 

    Academy chances
    Buxton - players haven't done enough in training to convince Warne to play them. However, he aknowledges some players need to be given the chance in the team to show they are good enoguh. He used Thompson as an example, as he wasn't a standout in the academy, but showed he was capable once given game time in the first team.
    Hale - pointed out it's difficult when Warne's priority is promotion and the risk of dropping an untested player in potentially resulting in less points on the board. Harsh on those youngsters when we're 3-0 up in games and have unused subs.

    Breakthrough players
    Understandably, neither wanted
    Hale - average age of a Premier League debut is 21. I disagree with his view that a debut at a younger age is a good achievement, espeically with us being a L1 club (and hoopefully Championship club soon)
    Buxton - highlighted the young players we have in the U21 squad at the moment, with several 17 year old playing. However, Robinson and Fapetu and 19 and Weston are 20 (all should be looking at first team football either with us or on loan).

    Hale - Restructures our U18 and U21 setup at the start of the season, to ensure each individual player has their own session, reviewed regularly. Now in the Central League to play agaisnt older players and expereicne the importance of wins over performances and help transition to men's football. Pointed out that we need to teach them the dark arts (tactical fouls, etc)
    Buxton - greater variety of games is important and gives them a different experience (passing football in PL2 and more direct in the Central League)
    Hale - work with other sports to look at transferable skills (momentum was highlighted). Also work with other businesses. Applies to staff and players.
    Hale - review suitability of loan (game time and suitability). May want to ask more money off the loaning club if they aren't playing as much as we like as they could be in our U21s instead. Ensure staff watch every game of players out on loan and offer support to all players (such as life skills for players who will be away from home for the first time)

    On style of play
    Buxton - Writing a playing phylosophy for the whole club which hasn't been fully implemented yet. He described it as "free flowing football" with a "high press". U21s are already aligned with the first team.
    Hale - Added that they need to teach them when to press, when to drop off, knowing that we'll be more adaptable in the first team. Pointed out ball retention is important and correlated with league position, but also added winning the ball back is just as important.

    Other comments
    Hale - Derby's training ground is twice the size of Southampton's.
    Hale - Vision for the academy is to be PL ready in terms of staff, players, facilities
    Buxton - All staff sit with players to discuss if they will or won't be retained. If to be released, they're told early on in the season. Players will be offered trials prior to signing for the U21 squad.
    Hale - a lot of scouts viewing all age groups to spot players and have a filtering process. Strong competition with other Cat 1 clubs, with Moor Farm "packed" every game to watch our games. Plans in place for reviewing contract offerings to 16/17 year olds to aid retenation. Opportunity and pathway to the first team is our USP as we can't offer the money PL clubs can.


    Comments from Stephen Pearce and Paul Warne to follow...

    Hale used the phrase “ Premier league ready “ several times, so hopefully that’s the aim not too far into the future.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Ram@Lincoln said:

    It's poor judgment from Dom, the old adage "don't give the referee a decision to make" comes in here. Sure, technically speaking one meaning could be general discussion, but overall, the most common understanding of the word by a landslide is negative slanting. Dom could've easily used a different word that'll not be confused.

    Likewise with seemingly suggesting that Brown has left the club entirely. Very poor choice of wording and sentence structure from him. Whether he's trying to create a media story and bait engagement remains to be seen. I'd more likely put it down to naivety and the inexperience of trying to use big words where basic words would do the job fine.


    If you want to take things out of context, Warne said he’d like to sign Jude Bellingham 😂

  5. 8 minutes ago, angieram said:

    This. It's just plain stupid. I have raised with SLO on numerous occasions.

    "It's out of our hands" is always the reply I get. Aaarggh! 

    It was right across the front row at both grounds, Portsmouth classing them as restricted view.

  6. 20 hours ago, Foreveram said:

    I had to smile about the ‘buy tickets at the front’ advice, clubs very often don’t sell the first one or two rows, I guess the thinking it’s if you’re going to run on to the pitch it’s harder if you have to climb over seats to get there.

    So fans buy tickets at “ the front “ expecting to be at the front.

    Unfortunately we’re a big fish in a small pond in this league where they don’t often have sellout away ends, so when we have took all the seats offered to us clubs invariably cash in by releasing the front rows often to people that have decided that they wish to stand, regardless.

    It’s happened on numerous occasions in the last couple of seasons.


    Just to illustrate my point, both Wycombe and Portsmouth released front row seats this morning.

    So 15 + members bought what they assumed to be front row tickets at both Wycombe and Portsmouth and could now potentially have someone who hasn’t been to an away game all season standing in front of them.



  7. 4 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    100% - that's really disappointing from Radio Derby. Trying to cause controversy where literally none exists

    I came away thinking that, for once, there was nothing really controversial said. 

    The only bits even vaguely contentious were Matt Hale saying that they taught the academy players to "cheat" 

    and PW saying that he completely respects the rights of the fans to boo his players off the pitch at full time if you feel that they haven't performed well enough



    Really, what about the way he likes his beans on a full English 😧

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