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  1. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Tamworthram in End of season celebrations.   
    I don’t know where you’ve been reading that but I suspect there is zero chance of a points deduction. It happens all the time when a team wins something or gets promoted. It’s already happened at least twice this season (Pompey and Wrexham) and I’ve not see any mention of such a sanction.
    Wherever you read it, stop reading there.
    I also don’t think the club should embrace a pitch invasion. They’ll probably expect it’s going to happen IF we seal promotion but they shouldn’t be encouraging it. Accept that some will run on the pitch but hope/aim to get them to return to stands for the lap of appreciation to take place. I’m not sure how the elderly and unsteady person on the row in front of me would be partying on the pitch. 😀
  2. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Charliegeorge1962 in Peterborough vs Bolton   
    Why not?
    The team finishing 3rd is certainly not good enough for promotion in that particular division. Hence why it always worked fairly before the football league grubby little fingers got involved to make more money. 2 up 2 down or 3 up 3 down, promotion and relegation is based over season not on whether you can finish 6th and get promotion.
  3. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
  4. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Foreveram in Paul Warne   
    Are these the same fans that were worried that the manager wasn’t good enough to get us promoted and wanted him sacked.
  5. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to On the Ram Page in Paul Warne   
    I understand your frustration at wanting to see exciting, flowing football through all areas of the team with midfield dominating and passing through the lines. But I would argue we just haven’t had the players to do this the way you want.
    The first point I would make is that you are assuming that at every stage of every game, the players are doing exactly what is asked of them by the management team. I don’t believe this. They don’t encourage players not to pass to each other - they don’t encourage them not to attack the opposition. I have lost count of the number of times in his interviews after the game where he has “criticised” his players for not being braver on the ball and in games. The matches at the end of the season are slightly different as all that matters is gaining 3 points (e.g. Cambridge).
    the fact is that our midfield (until Adams arrived) was weak - physically, aggressively and pace wise too. We were bullied off the ball too much, waltzed around by younger, quicker players (Peterborough). We just did not have the right players in there to compete. Before Adams arrival we didn’t have anyone in there who could be aggressive, have any pace or could tackle. Fornah was tried for a while but ran out of steam and made mistakes. At least playing 3 at the back, gives you more potential bodies in midfield with the wingbacks available to help out, but even them, unless it was Forsyth or Nayambe, they we’re not tacklers. Added to this was poor movement off the ball and poor passing. Unfortunately, Hourihane is no longer mobile enough to dominate midfield and we have looked better since he has not been in the side.
    Our midfield needs a complete overhaul in the summer. Hopefully we can get Adams in permanently but we need others of similar ilk and also a good playmaker. I think Warne was trying very hard to get the right midfielders in, but it just didn’t happen until Adams arrived.
    Finally, I would add that with all the injuries we have had this season (Ward, Elder, Forsyth, Rooney, Bird, Waghorn, Washington, Nyambe, JJ,Embleton,Thompson,Gayle,Barkhuizen), Warne has done a remarkable job in patching us up but still managing to pick up points. Admittedly, not in the exiting way we would all want to see, but there have been some good footballing performances too. Plenty of goals have been scored too (9 more than last year despite losing our talisman McGoldrick). 
    All in all, I think we have done pretty well, but I think you are wrong to lay all the Blame on Paul Warne for our less exciting displays - much is down to the players too. I am sure we will recruit well during the summer.
  6. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Charliegeorge1962 in Peterborough vs Bolton   
    To make the playoffs more justifiable they should be done something like this.
    Top two automatic promotion
    Whoever finishes 3rd has to play the team 3rd bottom from the league above. This then proves whether they are capable of playing in that league above.
    I hate to think a team finishes 3rd is beaten in the playoff final by the 6th place side just because they had an off day or too many injuries.
    Premier league and championship would be a straight swap. Bottom. 3 for the top 3.
    It's not about fairness it's about the football league's grubby little fingers making money.
  7. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Rev in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    It'll be bittersweet for me come Saturday.
    My lads decided to make a new life for himself, literally on the other side of the earth.
    So we'll hopefully be celebrating, but in my mind I'll be thinking it may be the last time we ever stand together at Pride Park, at least for the foreseeable. 
    Still, we've had a good run, what better way to sign off than a promotion?
  8. Like
    Kathcairns got a reaction from Abu Derby in Peterborough vs Bolton   
    Ive always thought that, how is it a team in 6th can go up. Dosnt matter about that though its all about money. Dont agree with parachute payments either.
  9. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Comrade 86 in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    I must be easily pleased, as I'll be celebrating like a mad thing if we clinch promotion on Saturday and right now I couldn't care less about Premier League football.
  10. Like
    Kathcairns got a reaction from DE56Ram in Peterborough vs Bolton   
    Ive always thought that, how is it a team in 6th can go up. Dosnt matter about that though its all about money. Dont agree with parachute payments either.
  11. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Comrade 86 in Derby County Football Club   
    Love the man. Properly down to earth and humble, but there's a steely determination that's palpable and you can tell what was in part, an act of mercy, has now now morphed into a grander vision. Far from feeling the pressure and weight of fan expectation, the man seems positively enthused. Seems to me he's loving it really and I did worry about that a little. That said, he is a fan himself, so he's every right to feel chuffed!
    As for the vision, well it seems that these days more than ever, sustainability is absolutely key to a successful football operation, so to hear him echo that ethos is also really reassuring. It's not sexy, but for me, above and beyond all other considerations, are the checks and balances that ensure we never make the same mistakes again. And talking of mistakes, I really hope I'm not wrong again, as Clowes does seem to me at least to be the perfect custodian for this grand old club of ours. Please can I not be wrong again!
    In all seriousness, I do have enormous faith in the man. Listening to him talk, I think it's safe to assume that there won't be the overnight change that some seem to expect, but rather incremental growth, built on solid foundations. I get that some folk want to see us challenging in the Championship straight away*, why wouldn't they, but slow and steady is all music to my ears, as I believe that a more measured and strategic plan is far more likely to yield longer term success, than the bang or bust approach adopted by so many clubs these days. And if Clowes, whose first year losses amounted to £7 million, is prepared to be patient enough to build this club back up the right way, as well as footing the bill, surely the fan base should be too? It's food for thought.
    *Irrespective, we do still have a game to negotiate on Saturday and hopefully all the players and coaching staff are fully focussed on that right now, as this is potentially a huge step back towards whence we came and if any supporters are due a party, it's us lot 😋
  12. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to 1977 Ram Raider in Derby County Football Club   
    Brought a tear to my eye. That march was so emotional. 
  13. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Zag zig in Derby County Football Club   
    The bit that makes me blink, is D.C retelling the story of how he got the nod on a London business trip, him and wife welling up in tears on the tube; yep we’ve all been there, it’s that realisation of a special moment just happened, that causes full grown men to blink hard, as something is in their eyes.
    Great reminder @BuckoBeast
  14. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to inter politics in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    Who knows who will be around when we reach the prem again or win a cup. These last few years have shown that you have to appreciate these possible moments.
  15. Like
    Kathcairns got a reaction from SKRam in Peterborough vs Bolton   
    Dont think simmo is a cheat, not that kind of person.
  16. Like
    Kathcairns got a reaction from 21CSchizoidRam in Peterborough vs Bolton   
    Ive always thought that, how is it a team in 6th can go up. Dosnt matter about that though its all about money. Dont agree with parachute payments either.
  17. COYR
    Kathcairns reacted to Ram-Alf in Derby County Football Club   
    Stability...Integrity...Progress... 👌
  18. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to MadAmster in Derby County Football Club   
    1st of July.. when the commentary got to that bit, I welled up. Not ashamed of it. Just shows how much a part of me DCFC has been since my first game back in 1961. I don't think I'll be the only one to feel that emotion. 
    Always have been, always will be... Derby Till I Die
  19. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Paul Warne   
    It's a fair enough question.
    I think he's earned the chance to answer it.
  20. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Paul Warne   
    I think this is only a small portion of people, Eddie. I’d say most of those who have been in the Warne Out camp have accepted that he’s turned it around and are very happy about it. Some may now be completely convinced, while others still have doubts but are happy to support him and give him a fair crack in the Championship.
    There’s still a minority who don’t believe in him at all, some blindly and others after giving it thought. But it’s a minority IMO.
  21. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Eddie in Paul Warne   
    I can't speak for other people (I leave that to people like you who have a crystal ball or some deeper insight that I'm just not wise enough or clever enough to possess) - but I get behind the club from top to bottom.
    My philosophy with respect to the manager of Derby County is that I will support them until the day that they no longer hold that position. I started watching The Rams regularly 58 years ago when we moved back into the area (the love affair was, by and large, from afar before then). Tim Ward was manager at the time, so he had my support. I didn't call for his head when we finished 17th in the old Second Division, and neither did I call for Brian Clough's head the following year when we finished 18th. I just carried on supporting the club.
    You would have been yelling for Clough's head though - because Clough was a Fourth Division manager, and you would have not deemed him good enough for a Second Division side. Now before you start some sort of mindless prattle about comparing Warne with Brian Clough (or even Nigel), I'm not. I'm just saying that, sometimes, a particular manager in a particular club at a certain time can be a good fit - or a bad one.
    Coming back to the point I highlighted, it seems to me that people are either on board with Paul Warne or they're not, and it doesn't matter what he achieves this season or in any subsequent time that he may be at the club - the doubters/haters will still be doubters/haters, and the reason for that is simple - some people do not have the capability to ever admit in public that they were wrong, no matter how much evidence mounts up one way or the other.
  22. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to europia in Paul Warne   
    There have been many disappointments since and including that 2007-08 capitulation. Hopefully, Saturday is the start of better things to come. We will do OK in the Ch'ship next season, and significant investment could follow on from that. With the right leadership, it's not inconceivable that DCFC could then be competing at the top end of the Ch'ship. 
  23. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to jimtastic56 in Paul Warne   
    It does seem incredible -17 years without a promotion , and it’s not unusual for teams to spend 20 years in the Championship. So it’s imperative that we enjoy the moment on Saturday.
  24. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Hoppo in 'Compensation' for not going up   
    Nothing. Its like betting against your family. Let’s just get out of this god forsaken division. I tried it a few times, it’s like an insurance policy against your emotions. It leaves you’re skint and happy or with a few quid and unhappy.
    Either way, it left me feeling either dirty or pee’d off. 😂
  25. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Old Spalding Ram in Match Thread: Carlisle United (h)   
    For those of a nervous disposition regards Saturday………here’s some chill medicine! 👍😁
    Review of the match, pinched from the Carlisle forum.
    Derby need a point for promotion and this can do funny things to you mentally. However, some pointers which may settle them down somewhat. There is staggering 69 point gap between the sides. They’re +78 ahead of us on goal difference. Home record for Derby, played 22, won 14, drawn 4, lost 4 – scored 39, conceded 18. Two of those home defeats came in August against Wigan and Oxford. They also lost against Peterborough on New Year’s Day and Charlton at the end of February – but since then have won their last five home games.
    Last but not least, we have a Derby legend running our team. He has more appearances for the Rams and scored more goals than for any other club. Is he really going to be trying to win this fixture and potentially deny them promotion? Hmm…
    Derby’s a decent away day, so those of you lucky enough to be in attendance - please take a second to take it all in, it may be a very long time before we “enjoy” a Saturday afternoon fixture in the sun at ground and club like this again, so make the most of it.

    …………..all seems fair comment to me. 👍
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