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  1. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to RIMBAUD in The Administration Thread   
    Yes but I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised with the speed of the process now that the preferred bidder has been announced. ?
  2. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    that Middlesboro fan who was on here, with his horrible 'what about Bournemouth?' thing. One thing he said which was just a bit chilling was that we had the worst administrators in the world.
    They will never get another football gig that's for sure  
  3. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Rev in The Administration Thread   
    It was a Ferrari when I went. 
    I suppose he can't afford the petrol now, and he used to charge the Tesla with an extension lead from the ticket office, which is no longer an option. 
    I bet he creeps around the discount supermarkets now, using the free 30 minute charge while buying a potato at each one.
  4. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Gringo in The Administration Thread   
    In negotiations you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, endlessly insulting someone never gets the result required.
  5. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Gringo in The Administration Thread   
    But he’s not asking full price. Nothing like. He’s asking for enough to cover the outstandings to MSD 
  6. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Arsene Titman in The Administration Thread   
    But he’s not asking full price. Nothing like. He’s asking for enough to cover the outstandings to MSD 
  7. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    But he’s not asking full price. Nothing like. He’s asking for enough to cover the outstandings to MSD 
  8. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    Interesting suggestion. If there is a gap between MM and CK, it’s not beyond the realms that Stretford would persuade WR to help fill it. 
    Personally I think the ground purchase by local business worthies is a more likely outcome. Don’t think the Council have the wherewithal for this sort of cut and thrust. And 15-20 m for a group of those guys is not a stretch and they could even make money on it 
    This will get done B4 and you deserve to be in the room when it happens  ? 
  9. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Abhorrent is course, these death threats. But also, so stupid. They should be saying “please will you sign one last cheque?”
  10. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Early in Administration, Rooney was asked if he'd be interested in buying the club.
    He said: "I'm not that daft".
  11. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    Don’t panic. The detail of the stadium purchase will take some working out and maybe once the ground rental is settled the business plan needs to be revisited. I think we’ll have one more extension, and  then we’re the CK Rams
  12. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to chezzyram in The Administration Thread   
    Does that mean we're going to sell Moor Farm and go back to Waynesway? 
  13. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    As he said this trip had been planned for a while, I strongly suspect it won't have anything to do with DCFC. Not directly, at least.
  14. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to TooFarInToTurnRed in The Administration Thread   
    Problem I have with that is I never believed that the council buying the ground was a realistic option considering the timescales required. They simply would not be able to do it quick enough,  so always thought CK would “reluctantly” offer to buy it at the last minute but on his terms.
  15. Like
  16. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to S8TY in The Administration Thread   
    I agree but no guarantee a local will look after it as history has shown and Cook  is not silly enough to leave us in a worse position than now,,,maybe just some minor short term investment to see the ground come out of Morris and MSD ownership 
    I personally think CK will deal with someone who Cook has got  investing rather than give Morris money directly just my thoughts 
  17. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Half Fan Half Biscuit in The Administration Thread   
    I may be missing something but surely to come out of administration the MSD debt has to be paid off. It was there as a liability in the statement of affairs. 
  18. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Alty_Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Jeez, there he goes again, CK communicating with the fans again to keep us in the picture with what he is able to tell us. Who does he think he is eh with all his fancy 'dialogue with the fans' shenanigans ? ? We enjoy being blanked and starved of info.
  19. COYR
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from IslandExile in Ground Sharing Agreement   
    I was confused by this exchange between you and @angieram  I though the list of the club’s creditors filed by Q indicated that MM’s loans were to a holding company not to the club 
  20. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Wignall12 in The Kirchner-Morris Summit Meeting   
    And if he was having a drink ....so what ? ....just getting liquidated ! ???
  21. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Good point about Q,  where are they?   And their cash flows must be worse than the clubs’. We should check whether they are in administration 
  22. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to cosmic in The Administration Thread   
    The contrast between the two options is huge.
    Kirchner: We keep Rooney, we keep the majority of the squad, use Rooney's pulling power to sign decent additions, the feel good factor continues and we have a good chance of (eventual) promotion. Rooney gets a statue.
    Ashley: Won't pay the creditors enough, we're docked 15 points, Rooney leaves, new manager comes in and somehow tries to recruit a whole squad for what will be a relegation battle and an inevitable descent to League Two. Club crumbles into the abyss.
    It's hard to get behind the second scenario, but the opportunity to have a preference is fading fast. We need to forget what we want and concentrate on getting what we desperately need i.e. anyone to save us. Grim, but here we are.
  23. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Sorry to really hammer this home, but...
    Ignore any misgivings for MA as an owner for a moment.
    The facts are:
    The structure of CK's offer - albeit without the stadium - has been accepted by the admins, and the EFL, and would allow the club to exit administration without incurring the -15(+) points deduction.
    With this, you could reasonably say that the CK offer would be the baseline, the cheapest it gets. He's hardly going to pay more than is necessary.
    We know that the price for the stadium, unless Mel moves, which seems very unlikely, is £22m.
    Given what we know about how MA operates - swoop in at the last possible moment for the cheapest possible price - the thing that puzzles me the most, and thus worries me the most, with MAs 'offer', is he likely to match CK + £22m?
    I would say not. So what will budge? 
  24. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to 1977 Ram Raider in The Administration Thread   
    He's probably had enough and just thought Phuket.
  25. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Good point about Q,  where are they?   And their cash flows must be worse than the clubs’. We should check whether they are in administration 
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