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  1. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    And so begins the (glorious? ) reign of Kirch
    (We knew he wouldn’t leave us in the lurch)

    just 48 remaining hours must pass

    Before Mel exits stage left on his ar$e

    Our torment had it seemed gone on for ages
    (This thread has more than fifteen hundred pages)
    But now it’s done,  it’s just as q advised:
    It’s gone so fast we’re pleasantly surprised
  2. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Mr. P in The Administration Thread   
    And so begins the (glorious? ) reign of Kirch
    (We knew he wouldn’t leave us in the lurch)

    just 48 remaining hours must pass

    Before Mel exits stage left on his ar$e

    Our torment had it seemed gone on for ages
    (This thread has more than fifteen hundred pages)
    But now it’s done,  it’s just as q advised:
    It’s gone so fast we’re pleasantly surprised
  3. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from jono in The Administration Thread   
    And so begins the (glorious? ) reign of Kirch
    (We knew he wouldn’t leave us in the lurch)

    just 48 remaining hours must pass

    Before Mel exits stage left on his ar$e

    Our torment had it seemed gone on for ages
    (This thread has more than fifteen hundred pages)
    But now it’s done,  it’s just as q advised:
    It’s gone so fast we’re pleasantly surprised
  4. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    And so begins the (glorious? ) reign of Kirch
    (We knew he wouldn’t leave us in the lurch)

    just 48 remaining hours must pass

    Before Mel exits stage left on his ar$e

    Our torment had it seemed gone on for ages
    (This thread has more than fifteen hundred pages)
    But now it’s done,  it’s just as q advised:
    It’s gone so fast we’re pleasantly surprised
  5. Haha
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    And so begins the (glorious? ) reign of Kirch
    (We knew he wouldn’t leave us in the lurch)

    just 48 remaining hours must pass

    Before Mel exits stage left on his ar$e

    Our torment had it seemed gone on for ages
    (This thread has more than fifteen hundred pages)
    But now it’s done,  it’s just as q advised:
    It’s gone so fast we’re pleasantly surprised
  6. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    I used to play badminton in my 20's and I was mortified when my doubles partner and I were announced as Allcock and Ball...?
  7. Haha
    kevinhectoring reacted to Turk Thrust in The Administration Thread   
    I used to work with a woman called Catherine Kinghorn.  She had a brother but what were the parents thinking when they named him? His name is Ivor
  8. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    Big boost. He was one of the ones I expected to stay in the Championship.
  9. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The future of derby county looks bright again   
    I just want you as the team’s motivational coach next season 
  10. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to RamuelLJackson in The Administration Thread   
    Actually 4 is the most unlucky number in Chinese numerology as it can also be pronounced to mean "death". 8 is the luckiest number
  11. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    Share premium is the amount paid above par value, ie if you pay £10 to buy a £1 ordinary share, then in the balance sheet £1 is shown as called up share capital and the other £9 is shown as share premium.
    The £9 is not a loan and is not repayable.
    The £153m share premium is not a loan from MM and is not repaysble by DCFC.
    Where the loans have arisen is in the company that MM used to buy the shares, one of the Gellaw companies from memory. 
    So MM loans Gellaw £150m and Gellaw use it to buy the shares.
    MM is owed money from Gellaw not DCFC.
  12. Sad
    kevinhectoring reacted to one_chop in The Administration Thread   
    As much as I want to crack open a bottle of beer I'm going to err on the side of caution. A few things could happen before Tuesday to make things go sour. I won't mention them for fear of being labeled an attention seeker, you've also got a certain Russian making a nuisance of himself in Europe who could start WW3 or even worse any day now.
    Fingers crossed ? for Tuesday.
  13. COYR
    kevinhectoring reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    LET'S F'N GO.
  14. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to ck- in The Administration Thread   
    Thanks for coming on here and being so even handed with your debate. I’ve enjoyed reading your thoughts. 
    On the above point, I’m not sure it was the accounting policy that was described in that way, but rather the explanation of the accounting policy. Subtle but important difference. 
  15. Clap
    kevinhectoring reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    Genuine question, not to be rude or anything but you’re a QPR fan right? The season is over, it’s 10.30am on a sunny Friday morning, how does jumping on a Derby County forum to talk about your mate at HMRC appear so highly on your to do list?
    I mean, we’re just a League 1 club now, you’re in the Championship, there is no rivalry here despite your cheating in the season you went up. We no longer have sleepless nights over Bobby Zamora and Richard Keogh, it’s gone, in the past, history.
    I just find it a little bizarre unless you have been sent here on a mission by the gas bill paying public to see us liquidated so they can fuel their homes this winter.
    Don’t QPR need a manager? So it’s not as if you haven’t got talking points to go over with your fellow fans, or is Wayne Rooney more sexy than what you are being linked with? If so there’s 50% off shirts in the club shop if you want to switch clubs?
  16. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from RAM1966 in The Administration Thread   
    funny you mention the rules. Our accounting was so egregious that the EFL had to change the rules to make it clear it was not permitted 
  17. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Rev in The Administration Thread   
    This is bluster. I don't believe you, if you are suggesting that before setting the wolves on us you had an informed view that our interpretation of frs 102 was wrong. It's a highly technical question and your expertise is in a different area. And if you reflect on the LAP judgement, you'll see that a major pillar of the decision was not the technical analysis at all (they were all lawyers). Instead it was the finding that the IDC was wrong in disregarding the EFL's expert evidence, in circumstances where we put none forward.
    I can see you might have looked at our accounts and noticed that we were applying an amortisation policy that was different to that applied by the other clubs.  This doesn't explain the zeal with which you put us in the cross hairs. And so the inference will be that the whole thing was an exercise in self promotion; or that you chose to damage Morris and by extension, us 
  18. Clap
    kevinhectoring reacted to LazloW in The Administration Thread   
    He isn’t ‘the’ baddie, he’s ‘one of’ the baddies ?
  19. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    This is bluster. I don't believe you, if you are suggesting that before setting the wolves on us you had an informed view that our interpretation of frs 102 was wrong. It's a highly technical question and your expertise is in a different area. And if you reflect on the LAP judgement, you'll see that a major pillar of the decision was not the technical analysis at all (they were all lawyers). Instead it was the finding that the IDC was wrong in disregarding the EFL's expert evidence, in circumstances where we put none forward.
    I can see you might have looked at our accounts and noticed that we were applying an amortisation policy that was different to that applied by the other clubs.  This doesn't explain the zeal with which you put us in the cross hairs. And so the inference will be that the whole thing was an exercise in self promotion; or that you chose to damage Morris and by extension, us 
  20. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in The Administration Thread   
    This is bluster. I don't believe you, if you are suggesting that before setting the wolves on us you had an informed view that our interpretation of frs 102 was wrong. It's a highly technical question and your expertise is in a different area. And if you reflect on the LAP judgement, you'll see that a major pillar of the decision was not the technical analysis at all (they were all lawyers). Instead it was the finding that the IDC was wrong in disregarding the EFL's expert evidence, in circumstances where we put none forward.
    I can see you might have looked at our accounts and noticed that we were applying an amortisation policy that was different to that applied by the other clubs.  This doesn't explain the zeal with which you put us in the cross hairs. And so the inference will be that the whole thing was an exercise in self promotion; or that you chose to damage Morris and by extension, us 
  21. Like
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from angieram in The Administration Thread   
    This is bluster. I don't believe you, if you are suggesting that before setting the wolves on us you had an informed view that our interpretation of frs 102 was wrong. It's a highly technical question and your expertise is in a different area. And if you reflect on the LAP judgement, you'll see that a major pillar of the decision was not the technical analysis at all (they were all lawyers). Instead it was the finding that the IDC was wrong in disregarding the EFL's expert evidence, in circumstances where we put none forward.
    I can see you might have looked at our accounts and noticed that we were applying an amortisation policy that was different to that applied by the other clubs.  This doesn't explain the zeal with which you put us in the cross hairs. And so the inference will be that the whole thing was an exercise in self promotion; or that you chose to damage Morris and by extension, us 
  22. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to The Baron in The Administration Thread   
    As for Samuelson, thoroughly unpleasant individual. 
  23. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    More or less correct, but we would have been days away from being wound up by HMRC again if Mel didn't put us in administration first.
  24. Like
    kevinhectoring reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    That sounds about right. I escaped Big 4 but some escapees where I work still do it
  25. Clap
    kevinhectoring got a reaction from I know nuffin in The Administration Thread   
    This is bluster. I don't believe you, if you are suggesting that before setting the wolves on us you had an informed view that our interpretation of frs 102 was wrong. It's a highly technical question and your expertise is in a different area. And if you reflect on the LAP judgement, you'll see that a major pillar of the decision was not the technical analysis at all (they were all lawyers). Instead it was the finding that the IDC was wrong in disregarding the EFL's expert evidence, in circumstances where we put none forward.
    I can see you might have looked at our accounts and noticed that we were applying an amortisation policy that was different to that applied by the other clubs.  This doesn't explain the zeal with which you put us in the cross hairs. And so the inference will be that the whole thing was an exercise in self promotion; or that you chose to damage Morris and by extension, us 
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