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  1. COYR
    Alty_Ram reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
  2. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from angieram in The Administration Thread   
    I have no idea how serious or otherwise Ashley's interest might be but to me we really need to hope that we can hit the no points penalty threshold. Even if we are saved (for now), watching another season of crippling points deductions and embargoes with even less players on the books would test a lot of peoples patience and willingness to dip into already stretched household budgets. We desperately need to be able to draw a line under recent financial traumas and try to move on and start rebuilding our battered and plundered playing squad and junior ranks.
  3. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    Jeez, there he goes again, CK communicating with the fans again to keep us in the picture with what he is able to tell us. Who does he think he is eh with all his fancy 'dialogue with the fans' shenanigans ? ? We enjoy being blanked and starved of info.
  4. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    I have no idea how serious or otherwise Ashley's interest might be but to me we really need to hope that we can hit the no points penalty threshold. Even if we are saved (for now), watching another season of crippling points deductions and embargoes with even less players on the books would test a lot of peoples patience and willingness to dip into already stretched household budgets. We desperately need to be able to draw a line under recent financial traumas and try to move on and start rebuilding our battered and plundered playing squad and junior ranks.
  5. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
    Jeez, there he goes again, CK communicating with the fans again to keep us in the picture with what he is able to tell us. Who does he think he is eh with all his fancy 'dialogue with the fans' shenanigans ? ? We enjoy being blanked and starved of info.
  6. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Chester40 in The Administration Thread   
    Jeez, there he goes again, CK communicating with the fans again to keep us in the picture with what he is able to tell us. Who does he think he is eh with all his fancy 'dialogue with the fans' shenanigans ? ? We enjoy being blanked and starved of info.
  7. Haha
    Alty_Ram reacted to SSD in The Kirchner-Morris Summit Meeting   
    Man enjoys pint after two days of solid work.
  8. Clap
    Alty_Ram reacted to Comrade 86 in The Kirchner-Morris Summit Meeting   
    None of our business how Chris spends his free time. His life, his time, his money, his responsibility. Beggars belief that some on here have felt the need to pass judgement on him having a beer or two of an evening, both in terms of the event and the location. 
  9. Angry
    Alty_Ram reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    Good of Q to update the fan base before a Sun Journo?
  10. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from RipleyRich in The Administration Thread   
    Even if he were interested, Ashley might solve Morris' problem but surely won't offer enough to avoid crippling sanctions from the EFL and in any case, why would he want a crippled League 1 side who have all on to avoid relegation to League 2 for 50m quid ? We are not looking a very viable proposition for anyone unless Morris chooses to make it so.
  11. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Up until now I've been ticking over with irritation and frustration at the shenanigans from MM over the ground but this latest game is simply despicable and cynical. The last 24 hours has me heading firmly towards a deep anger bordering on rage.
  12. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Rammy03 in The whole squad wants to stay.   
    Depressing but he's right to manage expectations and it's easy for players to say that they want to stay publicly but still instruct their agent to find them a move or get badgered into it by an agent looking for a cut on a transfer. There never was going to be a situation where everyone stays and we simply can't afford the higher wage earners and some of the younger stars will get poached.
    We just need to get a deal done on the club so we can at least tie players that we need down to contracts so if we have to sell anyone else then we can do so from the position of a club no longer in crisis and can stop other clubs taking the piss and get proper value for our playing assets for once if they do decide to move on.
    Still need to have a viable squad for next year though and there is little or no dead wood so if we let people go then we will need to plough any fees back into building a balanced squad. Big rebuild required in the junior ranks too. Good chunks of our junior teams are playing against much older players because we are so stretched and each tier has been poached to make up numbers in the tier above. We need to help them out and reinforce them to allow them to develop and be competitive in their own leagues.
  13. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Morris probably owns the runway but not the hangers and terminal and has a complex series of loans against it and refused permission for CK's plane to take off again.
  14. Like
    Alty_Ram reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in The Administration Thread   
    Should we be asking questions of team Derby? I think it was them who instigated the proposal for the council to buy the stadium. It would be good to hear an update from their spokesman today.
  15. Sad
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Nishfan in The Administration Thread   
    Think I'm going to have to blot this out for a few hours at least. It's messing with my brain... ?
  16. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Think I'm going to have to blot this out for a few hours at least. It's messing with my brain... ?
  17. Sad
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Think I'm going to have to blot this out for a few hours at least. It's messing with my brain... ?
  18. COYR
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward   
    Exactly, same here. The reality is that none of us knows how CK will work out even if it goes through, so all you can do is hope that he gets it over the line because time is up.... end of the line... this is it... now or never. No point discussing any other potential owner that anyone might prefer... the ship is sailing, the horn has sounded, the gang plank is about to be lifted Just got to hope that he's the real deal and then get behind him, our manager and our team.

    COYR. Come on folks, get this done. Just want to look forward to football and a long term future for our club again.
  19. Like
    Alty_Ram reacted to ilkleyram in The Administration Thread   
    The inevitable is that Wayne will leave sometime, whether he jumps or is pushed.  In the meantime it is fair to say that he hasn't yet had the opportunity to work in a constructive or healthy relationship with the Club's custodians - Mel or Q - but kept us up in season 1 and failed gloriously in season 2. Having created in both seasons a very positive dressing room spirit that got us further than we might otherwise have done, he has more than earned the chance at season 3, a positive owner/manager relationship and, hopefully, some financial support.  If he does well then he may get another offer he can't turn down; if he doesn't do well then no doubt the terraces will let him know and/or the owner will act.  'Twas ever thus.
  20. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Indy in Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward   
    Exactly, same here. The reality is that none of us knows how CK will work out even if it goes through, so all you can do is hope that he gets it over the line because time is up.... end of the line... this is it... now or never. No point discussing any other potential owner that anyone might prefer... the ship is sailing, the horn has sounded, the gang plank is about to be lifted Just got to hope that he's the real deal and then get behind him, our manager and our team.

    COYR. Come on folks, get this done. Just want to look forward to football and a long term future for our club again.
  21. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from CBRammette in Highlight of the Season   
    So many great moments and a good few of them were not actually the playing of football ! What a weird and still wonderful season it has been to have so many positive moments in a season where we have been relegated.
    I genuinely don't know ! For sheer bonkers/limbs stuff the Bielik equaliser vs Birmingham is hard to beat and what a header from Curtis but just so many others that just made you proud to be a Ram either because the team rescued something from nothing or the fans just made your heart swell with pride. Really hope we can keep this intensity next year, it's completely restored my faith after a few years of perhaps feeling slightly detached from the team. Butterfield, Blackman, Anya etc were depressing as they waded in cash while not seeming to give a damn and compare and contrast with Cashin's reaction to his goal on Saturday.
  22. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Outstanding, many thanks for that. A touching and thought provoking piece that all football fans should consider when taking delight at other clubs misfortunes. You are all, every one of you, just one bad owner away from what sadly so many fans have had to endure.
    It was an brilliant day out, great humour and banter and fantastic noise from both sets of fans. A chance for a bit of a party after a pretty traumatic year and we had a blast. Hopefully we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel with a potential takeover but I don't think anyone is going to completely relax until it is done and we get a better idea of what we have taken on board !
    Thanks for your hospitality and kind words. It's great to know that fans and clubs such as yourselves can see past some of the lazy journalism, inexplicable EFL rulemaking and tribal club rivalry to see what is always the case, that people who live and breathe football in their community are always the ones to suffer. We were glad to be able to show support in your darkest times and genuinely touched to see that returned in bucketloads. Really looked like some of the young lads were a bit taken aback by the applause at the end.
    Hopefully we can see you soon back in the Championship very soon but in the meantime I wish the very best of luck to you and Blackpool.
  23. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from BarrowRam in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Outstanding, many thanks for that. A touching and thought provoking piece that all football fans should consider when taking delight at other clubs misfortunes. You are all, every one of you, just one bad owner away from what sadly so many fans have had to endure.
    It was an brilliant day out, great humour and banter and fantastic noise from both sets of fans. A chance for a bit of a party after a pretty traumatic year and we had a blast. Hopefully we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel with a potential takeover but I don't think anyone is going to completely relax until it is done and we get a better idea of what we have taken on board !
    Thanks for your hospitality and kind words. It's great to know that fans and clubs such as yourselves can see past some of the lazy journalism, inexplicable EFL rulemaking and tribal club rivalry to see what is always the case, that people who live and breathe football in their community are always the ones to suffer. We were glad to be able to show support in your darkest times and genuinely touched to see that returned in bucketloads. Really looked like some of the young lads were a bit taken aback by the applause at the end.
    Hopefully we can see you soon back in the Championship very soon but in the meantime I wish the very best of luck to you and Blackpool.
  24. Clap
    Alty_Ram reacted to Ellafella in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Superb Sir! A very professionally presented, and beautiful piece, and emotionally moving when you know the treatment of our respective clubs by previous owners and the suits at the EFL. I was at the game and it will forever live in my memory as the model, the example of what football can be and how it brings together people in friendly rivalry. The atmosphere created by both sets of fans was goose-bumpling for 90 minutes. The friendly banter brought both smiles and a tear to my eyes and I know I wasn't alone in that. It was a celebration of what's good in football and why we do it, even in the face of extreme frustration caused by those who are supposed to know how to administer and run the game. Your piece captures all that so well. Thank you @LeeCharlesTV; I hope our feedback encourages you to share this around the wider football family. It will plant the key messages that you are conveying into the minds of fellow football fans and Clubs - laugh at clubs in peril at your own peril because what comes around goes around - and also that great connections can be made between clubs who support one another when the chips are down. All the very best to you and Blackpool FC for next season. I hope we meet again soon and not in league 1.      
  25. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in DERBY and Blackpool fans chant together just amazing scenes   
    Outstanding, many thanks for that. A touching and thought provoking piece that all football fans should consider when taking delight at other clubs misfortunes. You are all, every one of you, just one bad owner away from what sadly so many fans have had to endure.
    It was an brilliant day out, great humour and banter and fantastic noise from both sets of fans. A chance for a bit of a party after a pretty traumatic year and we had a blast. Hopefully we are seeing some light at the end of the tunnel with a potential takeover but I don't think anyone is going to completely relax until it is done and we get a better idea of what we have taken on board !
    Thanks for your hospitality and kind words. It's great to know that fans and clubs such as yourselves can see past some of the lazy journalism, inexplicable EFL rulemaking and tribal club rivalry to see what is always the case, that people who live and breathe football in their community are always the ones to suffer. We were glad to be able to show support in your darkest times and genuinely touched to see that returned in bucketloads. Really looked like some of the young lads were a bit taken aback by the applause at the end.
    Hopefully we can see you soon back in the Championship very soon but in the meantime I wish the very best of luck to you and Blackpool.
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