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  1. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from NottsRam77 in Said no Derby fan ever   
    I'm really worried that we're rushing the takeover
  2. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Said no Derby fan ever   
    I'm really worried that we're rushing the takeover
  3. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from CBRammette in Said no Derby fan ever   
    I'm really worried that we're rushing the takeover
  4. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from WhiteHorseRam in Said no Derby fan ever   
    I'm really worried that we're rushing the takeover
  5. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Said no Derby fan ever   
    I'm really worried that we're rushing the takeover
  6. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from IslandExile in Said no Derby fan ever   
    I'm really worried that we're rushing the takeover
  7. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    We can only hope that stuff is progressing. The noises last week from all parties were all very positive and stuff like the pitch getting some TLC and Buchanan contract extension hopefully hints at some progress. For the moment I'm going with the idea that the latest stated date is more realistic than the other constantly broken ones and that it will go down to the wire but actually get done. Lets be honest, what else can we do than just keep fingers crossed. Hopefully the twitter idiots are leaving CK alone for now.
  8. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from DavesaRam in From being hard done by, to being despised?   
    Made me smile this. Wish I could paste it on their board. 'In this world, be More Blackpool' feels like that should be on a T-shirt as a little joke/acknowledgement for those in the know?. Might also work for their tourist board !
    Agree with other comments saying that I wouldn't wish what we've been through on anyone else. Obviously based on the attitudes of some teams fans I would enjoy watching them squirm in their boiling vat of hypocrisy for a bit with their sudden need for other clubs/EFL to understand that its not Forest/BristolCIty/Leeds fans fault that they are in this predicament.
    That's why Blackpool was different. They just knew what we're going through. Be more Blackpool.... positivity message for the day ?
  9. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Premier ram in The Administration Thread   
    Well it might be the glue on the desk next to me having an effect but perhaps it is nothing more sinister than cashflow. CK knows that he needs to help rebuild the squad and the academy after it has been shredded by the last couple of years and if he throws 23million at the ground too then it will impact on what is an urgent rebuild without selling off some hard won assets. Someone says OK, well if the stadium is a problem then we'll buy it and you can rent it for the following very reasonable rate on the grounds that we didn't really pay that much for it in the grand scheme of things.
    Someone will say "See he's got no money" but 1) That's no necessarily true and 2) Surely doing this more cautiously is what we want. Lets pay competitive wages and reasonable fees but surely nobody wants to see big borrowing if it isn't a cash gift of to be written off as other clubs are doing.
    Might be total nonsense of course but lets be honest, we are all speculating anyway !
  10. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from archram in The Administration Thread   
    Well it might be the glue on the desk next to me having an effect but perhaps it is nothing more sinister than cashflow. CK knows that he needs to help rebuild the squad and the academy after it has been shredded by the last couple of years and if he throws 23million at the ground too then it will impact on what is an urgent rebuild without selling off some hard won assets. Someone says OK, well if the stadium is a problem then we'll buy it and you can rent it for the following very reasonable rate on the grounds that we didn't really pay that much for it in the grand scheme of things.
    Someone will say "See he's got no money" but 1) That's no necessarily true and 2) Surely doing this more cautiously is what we want. Lets pay competitive wages and reasonable fees but surely nobody wants to see big borrowing if it isn't a cash gift of to be written off as other clubs are doing.
    Might be total nonsense of course but lets be honest, we are all speculating anyway !
  11. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Macintosh in The Administration Thread   
    Well it might be the glue on the desk next to me having an effect but perhaps it is nothing more sinister than cashflow. CK knows that he needs to help rebuild the squad and the academy after it has been shredded by the last couple of years and if he throws 23million at the ground too then it will impact on what is an urgent rebuild without selling off some hard won assets. Someone says OK, well if the stadium is a problem then we'll buy it and you can rent it for the following very reasonable rate on the grounds that we didn't really pay that much for it in the grand scheme of things.
    Someone will say "See he's got no money" but 1) That's no necessarily true and 2) Surely doing this more cautiously is what we want. Lets pay competitive wages and reasonable fees but surely nobody wants to see big borrowing if it isn't a cash gift of to be written off as other clubs are doing.
    Might be total nonsense of course but lets be honest, we are all speculating anyway !
  12. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    Well it might be the glue on the desk next to me having an effect but perhaps it is nothing more sinister than cashflow. CK knows that he needs to help rebuild the squad and the academy after it has been shredded by the last couple of years and if he throws 23million at the ground too then it will impact on what is an urgent rebuild without selling off some hard won assets. Someone says OK, well if the stadium is a problem then we'll buy it and you can rent it for the following very reasonable rate on the grounds that we didn't really pay that much for it in the grand scheme of things.
    Someone will say "See he's got no money" but 1) That's no necessarily true and 2) Surely doing this more cautiously is what we want. Lets pay competitive wages and reasonable fees but surely nobody wants to see big borrowing if it isn't a cash gift of to be written off as other clubs are doing.
    Might be total nonsense of course but lets be honest, we are all speculating anyway !
  13. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    Exactly, I made the same point on the Forest thread. I has a horrible inevitability about it to me. Just needs one... ☹️
  14. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from angieram in The Administration Thread   
    Well it might be the glue on the desk next to me having an effect but perhaps it is nothing more sinister than cashflow. CK knows that he needs to help rebuild the squad and the academy after it has been shredded by the last couple of years and if he throws 23million at the ground too then it will impact on what is an urgent rebuild without selling off some hard won assets. Someone says OK, well if the stadium is a problem then we'll buy it and you can rent it for the following very reasonable rate on the grounds that we didn't really pay that much for it in the grand scheme of things.
    Someone will say "See he's got no money" but 1) That's no necessarily true and 2) Surely doing this more cautiously is what we want. Lets pay competitive wages and reasonable fees but surely nobody wants to see big borrowing if it isn't a cash gift of to be written off as other clubs are doing.
    Might be total nonsense of course but lets be honest, we are all speculating anyway !
  15. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Day in The Administration Thread   
    Exactly, I made the same point on the Forest thread. I has a horrible inevitability about it to me. Just needs one... ☹️
  16. COYR
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Well it might be the glue on the desk next to me having an effect but perhaps it is nothing more sinister than cashflow. CK knows that he needs to help rebuild the squad and the academy after it has been shredded by the last couple of years and if he throws 23million at the ground too then it will impact on what is an urgent rebuild without selling off some hard won assets. Someone says OK, well if the stadium is a problem then we'll buy it and you can rent it for the following very reasonable rate on the grounds that we didn't really pay that much for it in the grand scheme of things.
    Someone will say "See he's got no money" but 1) That's no necessarily true and 2) Surely doing this more cautiously is what we want. Lets pay competitive wages and reasonable fees but surely nobody wants to see big borrowing if it isn't a cash gift of to be written off as other clubs are doing.
    Might be total nonsense of course but lets be honest, we are all speculating anyway !
  17. Cheers
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Gisby in The Administration Thread   
    Yeah, Bingo. Had exactly the same thought and same example (Seles) sprung to mind. There had been one or two incidents around that time with idiots running on court it was thought to be harmless but one person with the right (wrong) mindset just changes all that. It just feels like it is going to happen sooner or later. ?
  18. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Premier ram in Adventures of Sloth, Jon Moss and their band of Merry men.   
    No, and I totally get that. Baiting fans is really not bright and regardless of the downright sick and unnecessary abuse that he has received Sharp hasn't exactly done anything to calm things down and IMHO he has been pretty irresponsible.
    I remember years ago though when you'd occasionally get someone being an idiot and running on court at tennis tournaments and nobody thought at the time that it was anything other than annoying and harmless and then one day some random guy stabbed Monica Seles because he wanted Seffi Graff to win. With the extra intensity and passions at football, the potential of a really serious incident almost seems inevitable at some stage.

    What's alarming is that you see flares on a regular basis at football grounds now and so clearly the prospect of getting a knife into a ground is a very real threat. 'Accident' waiting to happen.. ☹️
  19. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Wayne Rooney   
    "I'm sorry M'lud but my client is not guilty on the grounds of being batshit crazy and 'out of it' at the time, deleting by happy chance exactly the messages in question in her randomness because she a woman who was pregnant at the time and as we all know that prevents any logical thought so it couldn't have been deliberate, plus she was suffering from Dubai Syndrome which we all know means that you press random buttons a lot". Brushes hands together... "Job done !"
  20. Haha
    Alty_Ram reacted to therealhantsram in Wayne Rooney   
    The conclusion of Tom Peck who has been reporting the case for the Independent...
    'Vardy denies these allegations. Her denials, at least in the words of the barrister cross-examining her, appear to depend on her WhatsApp conversations having been conducted, “not in English, but in a kind of jokey code, in which words don’t mean what they say.”
    She has, in effect, it seems to me, sued someone for calling her a duck, only for long years of WhatsApp conversations to be read out in court, none of which appear to say anything other than “quack”.'
  21. Cheers
    Alty_Ram reacted to Red_Dawn in Adventures of Sloth, Jon Moss and their band of Merry men.   
    Nice comments.. jokes aside I really hope this takeover goes through and you can start the season in a normal fashion. 
    I’ll be betting on you to go down again if course, but that’s irrelevant if you have a team to support right.. 
  22. Cheers
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Red_Dawn in Adventures of Sloth, Jon Moss and their band of Merry men.   
    You'll be favourites no doubt and tbh when you squeak through in a penalty shootout then you start to believe that it's your year. We did that against Southampton in the playoff semi and I think we just started to get the feeling that we might well do this. West Brom were better than us in the final but that counts for nothing and we pinched it.

    Conversely we were comfortably better side against QPR and ended up losing.. So anyway, it's clearly an absolute lottery but my gut feeling still says that you will get the job done. Obviously happy for you to fail spectacularly but that goes without saying right ?
    Re takeover. Who knows, just want it done, have the summer off and be able to debate normal things like potential signings, pre season games, the fixtures list and hopes for the season, not endless threads about the EFL, Administration and ceasing to exist.
  23. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Indyram in From being hard done by, to being despised?   
    Any more punishment and we'd have folded -  that's not being overly dramatic that's just the truth of it. We were borderline saveable as it stood, never mind further sanctions. It looked for a long time that anyone who wanted to buy us would have to pay way more than the club was worth due to no ground and almost no residual value in the playing squad. That made us barely viable, arguably not viable.
    We have been relegated with a threadbare squad stripped of key players by poaching and contract expiry. Contracts have run down because of the sanctions and our squad is worth very little because of this and we now have an EFL approved business plan to look forward to. There has been a steady exodus of players we are left with a handful of contracted senior players. The academy has been utterly plundered to the point where they are hopelessly outgunned with our teams largely playing the age bracket above. I'm not sure how much punishment some of these people feel is necessary for an accounting technique that was only found to be unacceptable after the fact. We've taken what was dished out and now want to move on but these obsessives can't seem to let go and want nothing less than extinction.
    I'd love to see how committed to their principles they are if their team's very existence was at stake due to the actions of a former owner. I can just see them now "Oh, well fairs fair I suppose, the authorities have no option but drive my club out of existence because of that former owner, just as long as we're complying with rules".
  24. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in From being hard done by, to being despised?   
    Any more punishment and we'd have folded -  that's not being overly dramatic that's just the truth of it. We were borderline saveable as it stood, never mind further sanctions. It looked for a long time that anyone who wanted to buy us would have to pay way more than the club was worth due to no ground and almost no residual value in the playing squad. That made us barely viable, arguably not viable.
    We have been relegated with a threadbare squad stripped of key players by poaching and contract expiry. Contracts have run down because of the sanctions and our squad is worth very little because of this and we now have an EFL approved business plan to look forward to. There has been a steady exodus of players we are left with a handful of contracted senior players. The academy has been utterly plundered to the point where they are hopelessly outgunned with our teams largely playing the age bracket above. I'm not sure how much punishment some of these people feel is necessary for an accounting technique that was only found to be unacceptable after the fact. We've taken what was dished out and now want to move on but these obsessives can't seem to let go and want nothing less than extinction.
    I'd love to see how committed to their principles they are if their team's very existence was at stake due to the actions of a former owner. I can just see them now "Oh, well fairs fair I suppose, the authorities have no option but drive my club out of existence because of that former owner, just as long as we're complying with rules".
  25. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from angieram in From being hard done by, to being despised?   
    Any more punishment and we'd have folded -  that's not being overly dramatic that's just the truth of it. We were borderline saveable as it stood, never mind further sanctions. It looked for a long time that anyone who wanted to buy us would have to pay way more than the club was worth due to no ground and almost no residual value in the playing squad. That made us barely viable, arguably not viable.
    We have been relegated with a threadbare squad stripped of key players by poaching and contract expiry. Contracts have run down because of the sanctions and our squad is worth very little because of this and we now have an EFL approved business plan to look forward to. There has been a steady exodus of players we are left with a handful of contracted senior players. The academy has been utterly plundered to the point where they are hopelessly outgunned with our teams largely playing the age bracket above. I'm not sure how much punishment some of these people feel is necessary for an accounting technique that was only found to be unacceptable after the fact. We've taken what was dished out and now want to move on but these obsessives can't seem to let go and want nothing less than extinction.
    I'd love to see how committed to their principles they are if their team's very existence was at stake due to the actions of a former owner. I can just see them now "Oh, well fairs fair I suppose, the authorities have no option but drive my club out of existence because of that former owner, just as long as we're complying with rules".
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