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  1. Like
    vonwright reacted to PistoldPete in Sheffield United (H) Matchday Thread Saturday 15th January 3pm   
    I am so proud of this  club and right now this set of players. Every single one is putting their heart and soul into saving this club.  Thank you.  
  2. Like
    vonwright reacted to DJFern94 in Sheffield United (H) Matchday Thread Saturday 15th January 3pm   
    Whatever happens in the next few weeks. I could not be more proud of this club, the players and all of the staff. That includes Jags and Shinnie. Everything they've given us this season is more than I could ever ask for as a fan. 

    Slightly watery eyes right here.

  3. Clap
    vonwright reacted to Indy in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I think Wycombe’s claim is that we submitted the revised accounts after the new season had started to deliberately avoid having any sanctions imposed to last season’s results. This ignores:
    1. The ruling quoted above saying that points deductions shouldn’t be imposed without the chance to redeem themselves on the pitch (excluding automatic administration points)
    2. The date to submit the accounts (18th August) wasn’t set by us. 
  4. Clap
    vonwright got a reaction from Maharan in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I was talking about our P+S penalty and how that was for breaches that had nothing to do with COVID. 
    P+S breaches - and how the are calculated during a pandemic - are one thing, since all clubs will have lost revenue. Penalties for going into administration are another: we are the only club to do so, and we were clearly running up large debts before the pandemic. We had the option of pursuing our claim that COVID caused administration and we dropped it. 
    (For what it's worth I don't think the claim 'We couldn't sell players!' has much merit. I'm just saying COVID wasn't behind our P+S breaches. It might still cause other clubs to breach P+S.)
  5. Like
    vonwright got a reaction from Kathcairns in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    (This is actually one of the things that puzzles me about the claims by Wycombe and Middlesbrough: did we actually break the rules in 2020/21? Or is the argument that we somehow caused them losses by our actions from several seasons earlier? How could that be some kind of contract breach or similar with Wycombe, who weren't even in the division at that point etc etc)
  6. Like
    vonwright got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I was talking about our P+S penalty and how that was for breaches that had nothing to do with COVID. 
    P+S breaches - and how the are calculated during a pandemic - are one thing, since all clubs will have lost revenue. Penalties for going into administration are another: we are the only club to do so, and we were clearly running up large debts before the pandemic. We had the option of pursuing our claim that COVID caused administration and we dropped it. 
    (For what it's worth I don't think the claim 'We couldn't sell players!' has much merit. I'm just saying COVID wasn't behind our P+S breaches. It might still cause other clubs to breach P+S.)
  7. Like
    vonwright reacted to PistoldPete in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Even if we had been relegated last year, if we hadn’t got a point against Sheffield Wednesday on the last day then Wednesday would have stayed up and Wycombe still relegated.
  8. Like
    vonwright got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    (This is actually one of the things that puzzles me about the claims by Wycombe and Middlesbrough: did we actually break the rules in 2020/21? Or is the argument that we somehow caused them losses by our actions from several seasons earlier? How could that be some kind of contract breach or similar with Wycombe, who weren't even in the division at that point etc etc)
  9. Like
    vonwright got a reaction from BucksRam in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    To be fair our big P and S breaches were for seasons before COVID. Theoretically if we'd not gone into administration we would have benefitted as much as any other team from some P and S related 'COVID adjustment' for seasons where it hit revenue. 
    Of course we did go into administration, and we blamed COVID for that, but so far other teams haven't. (It would definitely get interesting if a few other teams went into administration and blamed COVID.)
  10. Like
    vonwright got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    (This is actually one of the things that puzzles me about the claims by Wycombe and Middlesbrough: did we actually break the rules in 2020/21? Or is the argument that we somehow caused them losses by our actions from several seasons earlier? How could that be some kind of contract breach or similar with Wycombe, who weren't even in the division at that point etc etc)
  11. Like
    vonwright reacted to Boycie in David Marshall - joined QPR   
    Well I thought he was good more times than not.
    Good luck David and thanks.
  12. Clap
    vonwright reacted to Eddie in The Administration Thread   
    101 pages.
    Does this mean that George Thorne is the preferred bidder?
  13. Clap
    vonwright reacted to Mihangel in The Administration Thread   
    Surely we're better than this misogynistic crap?
  14. Clap
    vonwright reacted to Maharan in The Administration Thread   
    I think you're spot on. It wouldn't surprise me if the initial offer is well below what the admins / creditors would hope for, so now it's a case of trying to come to a point which is mutually acceptable. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a little longer than we'd hope, but it is the nature of the beast, and it sounds like a really messy situation. 
  15. Like
    vonwright reacted to RoyMac5 in Is Mel still 'pulling the strings'?   
    And how little he cared who he was selling us to! Just get his money out.
  16. Like
    vonwright reacted to Maharan in Is Mel still 'pulling the strings'?   
    It's immaterial though isn't it. Mel decided to stop paying the bills and put the club into administration. Fawaz was a mess, no doubt about it, but he didn't decide to stop paying the bills. That's the point really, other clubs might have cash problems, but they aren't in administration
  17. Like
    vonwright reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I can't really buy the "did nothing wrong" line, had we done nothing wrong we wouldn't be less 9 points.
    I do totally reject the moralising, intentionally cheating, beyond the pail, uniquely awful behaviour stuff.
    I also reject that Middlesbrough have any claim as a result of this - DCFC have been tried by the EFL under the EFL ruels for such matters. If Gibson doesn't like that, he should (and I'm sure has) lobby the EFL to change the rules.
  18. Like
    vonwright got a reaction from rammieib in Louie Sibley   
    Not long ago he was the youngster I'd least like to lose. Now he's well down the list, sadly. Just feels like he needs to get his head down, play some games somewhere and figure out how to be effective against teams who know a bit about him.  
  19. Sad
    vonwright got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Is Mel still 'pulling the strings'?   
    It's hard to get away from the fact we are, so far, the only club to enter administration during the pandemic (other than Bury and Wigan, who had well-publicised non-Covid issues).
    Yes we didn't get the £8m EFL Covid loan but a) other clubs got by without it, b) it was a loan, and c) it was really quite small compared to the money we'd burnt through season after season. (For instance, it is roughly equal to the pay-off we supposedly still owe Cocu and his staff).
    I don't know (or particularly care) whether it was pride, denial, or something else that saw Mel let things drift to a point where he couldn't or wouldn't foot the bill, but I do blame him to a very large degree for where we are now.
  20. COYR
    vonwright reacted to Old Spalding Ram in Deep breaths and count to ten   
    Courtesy of Graham Richards
    Nerves of steel……….”cool as custard”
    “six minutes to go, and this is one of the most vital penalties in our history”
    ”goal, goal, goal”
  21. Like
    vonwright reacted to Leeds Ram in Is Mel still 'pulling the strings'?   
    Mel boy give it a rest. He said he'd keep funding the club until he managed to find a buyer and then he stopped funding the club, so yet again just another false statement from the bloke. Now we can have a pointless discussion as to whether he'd reached a point where he was struggling to fund the losses as none of us know one way or the other. But putting the club into administration is by definition walking away from the situation. There is literally no other way you can put it. 
    On his attempts to sell the club, he was still according to the Al-Jazeera documentary asking for 100 million all in, and 50 million for club minus the stadium. That is not the sale price of a man desperate to sell up, but rather the actions of a businessman looking to secure as much money as possible for a second division club. If he wanted out 2 years ago are you really telling me he couldn't have found a consortium who wanted to buy the club for a couple of quid? 
  22. Like
    vonwright reacted to Andicis in Reading FC (A) Matchday Thread   
    I think Curtis will go down as one of my favourite ever Derby players. He's just a hero. His attitude to playing for this club is absolutely immaculate and he's been a top performer for years. One of the best signings we've made in a long long time. 
  23. Like
    vonwright reacted to brady1993 in Reading FC (A) Matchday Thread   
    When isn't he ? 
    I'm quietly come to the belief that I think he might be the best we have coming through. The way he's seamlessly slotted into the midfield with how high is average performance is It's phenomenal at his age.
    Our midfield with him and Bird look so much more fluid than it did earlier in the season and with the 3 in front of we are keeping the ball better and pressing more intelligently.
  24. Clap
    vonwright got a reaction from angieram in Reading FC (A) Matchday Thread   
    "Score some goals"
  25. Like
    vonwright got a reaction from Hector was the best in Reading FC (A) Matchday Thread   
    What a goal!
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