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Posts posted by loweman2

  1. Nearly completed the journey now of meeting the legends, tonight was one of the great names in football, the man who stood in as captain and lead us to a second first Division Championship, the scorer of that goal for Scotland against Holland, the scorer of that free kick against Forest in the FA cup, one of Cloughs lieutenants who fell out with him so publicly over the European cup final, the man who would run tirelessly from box to box and never be in the headlines, working twice as hard as the ones who scored the goals.

    was really pleasantly surprised at what a top friendly guy he was, he spent an hour with us, I took loweman1 and loweman3 with me and he sat there chatting away with all of us and bringing out his grandad skills to charm Jordan.

    he had some great tales, we only scratched the surface but most of them were about him, Clough and Taylor, his fall outs and how Cloughie tried to make it right with him in the end.

    Good old Archie ! Top Ram !


  2. 14 minutes ago, froggg said:

    Fair play mate, I’m a bit of a collector as well but way out of your league. ??

    There are leagues and everybody starts somewhere, when I first started it about fifteen years ago you could pick up quite a few bargains on eBay etc but now everybody knows that there is money to be made in old football shirts, I think that because we have had some success in the past fifty years that has inflated the prices, I mean in the 7Os and then also under Arthur Cox and Jim smith in the 80s and 90s so those shirts hold their value and increase as we would rather remember the good days rather than the mediocre, you can get a man united shirt for £50 from the 80s where as a Derby shirt will go for double that, if you get two or three interested they can go for £200 or £300 just because there are so few, most of our mums chucked them in the bin !

    I didn’t start out to collect the shirts it just happened and became a mission to collect every shirt in my lifetime, I was born in 1970 so that means there are a lot to collect, I have most of them but there are still a couple as posted previously that I would like, a couple of the guys on here have them so I know they are out there !

    up the Rams !

  3. 23 minutes ago, froggg said:

    Is this collection something that will be auctioned as part of your estate or would you sell at the right price?

    I am bringing up the little guy (loweman3) to be a devout Ram, just like my old man did with me, when I die and they lay me to rest it’s going to go to him, my thoughts are that over time the shirts will become rarer and more valued, but I would still love to see in some mad world or parallel universe a load of mannequins displaying each shirt, like in the yard were they could all be on a shelf about ten feet up and running around the entire internal perimeter all 160 of them ! Or of course when we get this rams museum open at Pride Park !

    i reckon it has cost around £8,000 so far putting together, I would like to think that some of them are quite valuable.

  4. 46 minutes ago, SKRam said:

    Fantastic stuff loweman2. As an ‘outsider’ my memory bank of The Rams began when Derby signed Franny. I’ve often mentioned (sorry to bore but it’s ‘my’ special story why I’m black and white and not blue mooning) Franny made this nine year old cry rivers leaving my beloved Man City for a new chapter under Dave Mackay. So from that day I became a proud Ram and despite my family doubting, I never returned (They are my number 2). Anyhows...... I may have missed it but did you ever get hold of Mr Lee for this series? Be fantastic if you did/could!!  

    I met Tommy Booth at a party, someone I watched regularly from the terraces, he does corporate stuff at The Etihad, strange for me that the pre Lee era I’m all Maine Rd memories. Now I have many memories from BBG and PP when I had a season ticket. ?

    All thanks to @PrivateDerby for sorting, 


  5. It’s great to see all of the old memories being refreshed and shared with us all, winding the years back and blowing away the cobwebs, keep em coming, all of these accounts will make great reading in years to come ! 

  6. 16 minutes ago, GlastoEls said:

    Fabulous collection, absolutely love seeing these shirts.

    You know you really should get a short book out with photos of these and the stories behind you meeting the players!


    I’m just starting on a project with @dcfccollection and @dcfcest1884 boy from the terrace on the history of the kit and using these shirts to illustrate it ! Should be the next best seller !

  7. 3 hours ago, GlastoEls said:

    Any dream shirts that you are still looking for?

    Yes there are still a few from the 70s I know a couple of the guys on here have some but if anybody else has any from then to sell I would love to know 

    somebody on here has this fantastic shirt



    and somebody has the yellow away from 1972

    i am always interested in the 70s shirts !

    thanks for asking @GlastoEls ?

  8. 2 minutes ago, Will the Ram said:

    Yeah the Umbro stuff is disappointing. I don’t like how the Ram is just a transfer (stuck on). It’ll probably fall off eventually It would be a lot better if it was stitched.

    The collection is impressive. Are a lot of the signed player ones match worn?

    A lot of them are post 1984


    1 hour ago, Will the Ram said:

    The Rams in the material of the 97-99 shirts is pretty cool. Wish we had shirts that had more unique/made especially stuff like that.

    The 97/98 home shirt is my favourite shirt but that’s probably we had a good team and it was my first ever Derby shirt.

    Having had all these shirts out together for the first time I have got to say that the puma ones are far superior quality to all of the others in my opinion, the errea ones are second best in quality, adidas were rubbish and the last few years of Umbro are very poor ! Still none of them beat the Patrick shirts from 1981/82 for style and longevity ! I was shocked to see how many shirts there are !

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