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  1. COYR
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Day in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Let me try this again, I was forwarded your post and just online replying to say thanks, and I appreciate the concern. Posted and the topic was merged and my post lost as I submitted it. Cheers mods.
    I have an apology and what exactly has happened post which will follow the report from the meeting, I don't not can't want to go into detail now. 
    What I would say is, this is not the clubs fault, anyone using it as a stick to beat the club with are doing so without the full facts, which is unfair and not helping myself personally as I try to fix the situation and get the information out to you.
    I, David, has handled the situation poorly, been naive and been busy working my hardest to get back to you all with what you want.I would like to think that over the years we have built up some mutual respect, if you don't want to believe me that's fine, but please just stop until you have read what I put out.
    You must also all understand that the club staff are ridiculously busy right now working long hours on other important issues, whilst I feel somewhat in limbo, I'm more happy that we have an extra 2 defenders in the squad than missing out as they need to read through my emails.
    As for tomorrow, I am excited more than you will ever know, football is back, Derby are back, fans in the stadium, perfect.
    I'm just gutted I can't be there, but I'm doing the next best thing, taking a flight out of here so I can watch on RamsTV with a. few beers that are chilling in the fridge.
    Those that are going, regardless of your thoughts on the ownership, club, put all that to one side and get behind the team, we have a young team that doesn't deserve to play under a negative atmosphere. 
    Drop any protests, Mel chants, anti EFL or anti and sarcastic Rooney chants, focus on positive support for the team, this is when they need us the most, the atmosphere is all on us nobody else, if we crush those lads with booing and all that baalocks, we will have to shoulder some of the responsibility.
    I'm sorry for the lack of communication, I just didn't have anything to add and felt it would be best to stay offline. But please, regardless of what you think of me, the club, just read the above and take it from a fan that loves this club and wouldn't be saying any of this if I didn't mean it.
  2. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Ramslad1992 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Don’t blame him for taking a break… I’d stay away longer if I were him.
    take a look in the depression thread… he’s got a lot more important things on his plate than trying to appease randomers on the internet.
  3. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Premier ram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Read all the posts on here over the last few days and while i am as frustrated as everybody is with the news coming out of the club i would like to give a big shout out to Wayne Rooney and Curtis Davies , Rooney is fighting a battle like no other manager in recent years has had to , for him to come out and say hes here no matter what gives me a little hope for this season
             As for Curtis , well what can you say , after signing his waiver for the last game last season , now signing on for this season at a reduced wage shows what a whole hearted , dedicated , total professional footballer and human being this guy is , hope he has an injury free season and leads by example in a difficult looking season , all the best to Wayne , Curtis and the rest of the players and staff , COME ON YOU RAMS
  4. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to EraniosSocks in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Finally today we are going to the hospital so my partner can be induced and give birth to our Son (in the next hour) So I won't look at this till later on but hoping for some good news and that our new little ram brings us some luck! 
  5. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to gccrowdpleaser in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    'Enormous pressure' is being a neurosurgeon, a midwife delivering babies day on day out, or an ambulance driver arriving at the scene of an accident.
    Enormous pressure is not worrying about whether Derby may or may not sign anyone ahead of the first game of the season or how to tell people what was said in a meeting.
    People need to get a grip on reality. 
    Derby have been in various messes before and come through them...fortunately they were pre twitter and fan entitlement or there would have been armageddon.
  6. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Tombo in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I'm pretty sure David has quite a detailed writeup which will go through the meeting in full and disclose everything that can be disclosed.
    Rather than release their own minutes, in which obvious boardroom bias would dominate, the club is allowing him to convey to the fans his fair judgements and observations from the evening, in as much detail as he possibly can.
    I suspect for his own benefit and for the benefit of this forum, he has requested that anything from that writeup that violates the NDA is removed before it goes public. This essentially means that all of his notes and recollections are in there in full gory detail, and only the things that are legally required to be removed will be omitted.
    I shouldn't have to tell you this, but that is a good thing. Once again, there's so many valid things you can have a pop at Mel for but this isn't one of them
  7. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Boycie in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I’ve spoken to David, he’s done his report, sent it to the club to check it’s ok with them.
    The clubs not managed to get it signed off yet. One can only assume that they have other pressing matters, players contracts etc if you read what Mr Nixon has said.
    I’m assured that there is some further detail to what’s already been released by the Punjabi Rams and Jim Wheeler on Radio Derby.
    I was worried that everyone was waiting with baited breath only for the exact info to be in David’s report that was already out there anyway.
    Please try and see it from his side, he’s piggy in the middle, and wants to make sure everything is ok with what’s in his report.
    As far as I’m aware, due to David having to leave just before the end to catch the last train he missed an agreement to let Jim Wheeler do a piece to RD this morning.
    But, that’s not what we go to the charter meetings for. We go to ask questions and to report to our members, not be a face to a joint statement. 

    David never put our name to a recent open letter to the club, and will never do so.
    So please be patient, the timescale is out his hands, and he’s getting grief left right and centre on Social Media. In my opinion non of the other groups who were there are.  But that comes with us being the biggest group of Derby County supporters on the internet.
    He’s losing his hair, what he has got doesn’t want turning grey.
  8. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Tamworthram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I don’t think the EFL had any say regarding us being forced to play in the FA cup so you really can’t compare.
  9. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Ted McMinn Football Genius in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I would personally like to thank you for accepting the invitation (on our behalf) and taking the time to travel to PP today to attend this evenings meeting.
    We all look forward to reading the notes when you get round to posting them on here.
    The fact you are being subjected to abuse by keyboard warriors is astounding and sadly a sign of the times that we are living in. However, please consider that the ignorant, vile and noisy minority do not speak for me and the vast majority on here either.
    COYR ? ??????
  10. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Day in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Would appear a tweet I made blew up in a way I never expected tonight as some of you saw.
    Needless to say many have been blocked, no time for it. 
    Was never intended to be attention seeking, looking for followers or some how trying to tease fans.
    There was a conversation taking place regarding the release of the minutes, thought I was being helpful by letting them know it would write ups only as no minutes were being taken. That’s it. 
    I was on a train with patchy 3G signal and expected to respond to a poo ton of people.
    I have started the write up on my phone, well aware even more so tonight of fan frustration, just stepped off the train now, home in 20 and honestly, I’m off to bed and if that pisses more people off, so be it. 
  11. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to CocuBarmyArmy in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Some of the language I'm seeing on twitter is beyond ridiculous. Branding Mel Morris a 'disgrace' etc is really poor imo, the club has clearly been mismanaged, it's an omnishambles at the moment, but I don't think it's appropriate nor fair to use such harsh language. Fans need to understand that there is a fundamental difference between mismanagement and having malicious intent. The sort of owners I reserve that sort of language for are people like the Oystens at Blackpool or that bloke that put Wigan into admin, not Mel Morris. 
  12. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Bris Vegas in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I’m not sure whether I feel sorry for Wayne Rooney or not. On the one hand he has been strung along like the rest of us and for his first job as a manager, he couldn’t have picked a more basket-case club.
    But on the flip side, we offered the job to him on a silver platter. He had no experience, his presence undermined the former manager and we’ve rolled out the red carpet for him since day one.
    Realistically, no other Championship club would touch Rooney. Why would they? Perhaps the reason he has stuck around this long and won’t quit is because without gaining experience as a number two somewhere like John Terry, we’re the best he can currently get.
  13. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to i-Ram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    The Academy comment is very odd. Morris bought in an untried ‘name’ (Lampard) and allowed him to spunk millions on average (at best) players, and also loaned 3 youngsters from other clubs obstructing a pathway for our own, and then he sacked Cocu who had much success in Holland bringing youngsters through, and who was giving our youngsters lots of game time. Supposedly he still owes Cocu and Co. massive compensation for terminating their contracts. You couldn’t make it up really.
  14. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to G STAR RAM in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    The crowds were much lower at times during the 80s and 90s and believe me, even though the quality has been at much worse levels, it was much more enjoyable than being in the presence of some of the entitled idiots that 'support' us today.
    I actually quite look forward to crowd numbers dropping to Nigel Clough era levels when you know that the fans there actually want to get behind the team.
  15. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to angieram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Nah, just needs to get this out.
    Get rid of the self-entitled little twerps! 
    (I expect one of the other moderators will hide this soon but tonight I don't give a fig!) 
  16. Like
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Woodypecker in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Me neither re: Twitter!
    It is tedious and disheartening to read gratuitous, derogatory comments about David, or vapid assertions about the other meeting attendees being 'smug ITKs', or whatever. 
    The guys & gals that attend SCGs aren't just hooked off the street by a Pride Park bouncer; a lot of hours and miles are put in by them, voluntarily, within the fanbase. Remember they love the club, too. 
    I'm sure they are broadly representative, be they a forum rep, supporter club member, or 'minority / BAME' group, heritage, governance interest group, or so on - they do have the respect of the club, so we should accord similar respect to fellow fans. 
    They are not beholden to 'spill the beans' and pile onto social media at anyone's beck & call, in an instant; the club requires discretion and accuracy from them, having been entrusted with sensitive information. 
    The focus for us fans is surely to pull together, to be supportive  of the lads on the pitch; be defiant, in this adversity, for the players and the club? 
    Make a noise of Saturday, chant player's names, not just crude anti-EFL songs (yes - I hate them too, y'know!) Channel your energy into helping the team through what we expect to be bl 00dy tough games.
    There's a convoluted tangle around just about everything connected with the club - we wish it were sorted but it isn't.
    Blaming and trashing all connected - and your own fan groups, isn't actually helpful IMHO.
    Rant over: feel free to target me, though I'm afraid it won't solve a thing :-o
    C O Y R
  17. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Tamworthram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    FFS. Have you not seen the message from @David saying he'll type something up in the morning?
    Rather than this being typical of the poo show that is DCFC at the moment, your post is typical of those that feel the need to have a pop rather than wait to see what is shared. I suggest you be patient, go to bed and then respond appropriately when David has had a chance to share what he can.
  18. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Tombo in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Yeah, and I think they'll release their bits tonight as will others I guess.
    Unfortunately David is going to get the wrath of some of our worst fans for the crime of wanting to go home and go to bed before reporting back on what was said.
    Pure brainlessness
  19. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Ramslad1992 in Who will be our first signing?   
    I mean we aren’t just not signing players because we don’t want to are we? 
    I've learned I have far more important things to worry about than ‘are we going to sign x,y or z’ it’s completely out of our control and when (or if) we sign people we will… 
    tske the dog for a walk, read your kids a bedtime story or go down the pub for a pint. 
    que Sara, sara 
  20. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Carl Sagan in Wayne Rooney   
    I b*****y well hope so but it seemed Mel was seduced by the Lampard effect and somehow thought Rooney could replicate it. But for me Rooney had been poor and slow and an impediment to success for all his teams for a decade. Your two Rooney posts are very fair and make good points and although I dislike Rooney for it, you can't blame him for not looking a gifthorse in the mouth, but you can blame Mel. Our owner made a great decision with Cocu and then pulled the rug from under him by bringing in Rooney. And now we're completely stuck and the work Cocu was doing, as he was tasked, to raise the value of academy products as a business model for the club, has completely fallen by the wayside.
  21. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Ruud Aralliss in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Not necessarily.  Some Season ticket holders have already said that they are “ trying “ other seats, meaning the possibility of somebody not able to get the seat they paid for last season. I’m sure people trying these seats are not opting for cheaper ones. Sometimes you cannot be on line securing tickets as soon as they are released.  There seems to be a bit of “ so what, deal with it” going about, but if you sit with groups of family and friends and can’t get your seat it could be a big deal.  Some people pick seats related to the amount of stairs they can comfortably climb or an isle seat as they struggle to pass people, there are fans with OCD. Sometimes it’s not as simple as it is might seem to some.
  22. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to BriggRam in Nicest Football Shirt EVER?   
    Back of the shirt reminded ne of this classic

  23. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Bris Vegas in Starting line up for the first game of the season.   
    Surely the most logical solution is to play your best players in their correct position, rather than move them elsewhere to fit more senior players into the side.
    This was Liverpool’s undoing when they played Fabinho and Henderson at CB. Not only were they weaker at CB, but they weakened their midfield in the process.
    Derby must play Byrne and Buchanan at fullback. Shinnie in midfield etc. rather than shuffle the side around to fit 11 senior players.
    We’d stand a far better chance naming a youngster at CB alongside Forsyth than say bringing Buchanan or Byrne inside or Shinnie into the back four.
    Hopefully Davies and Jags will be here by then, but if not, Solomon would be my choice.
  24. Haha
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to Anag Ram in Who will be our first signing?   
    Our back three will do a warm up involving rolling downhill in a barrel.

  25. Clap
    FlyBritishMidland reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in EFL regulation 24   
    I know we like to think like this and there's an element of it with the efl in my opinion.
    However we are in this position because of our own actions over a long time.
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