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Reggie Greenwood

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  1. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    What does it matter? Provided they come in and do a job for the Rams who cares where they’ve played previously.
  2. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Carl Sagan in Post office scandal   
    Hope a lot of the senior staff go to jail for what they've done. Crocodile tears again at the hearing today. Of course it will never happen but I would love to see it, and for it to be a sign that we will not put up with this as a country any longer. Heads of the water boards should come next.
  3. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Foreveram in Finance   
    Too late, that’s why they bought in automatic points deduction for  administration after Leicester cheated the system.
  4. Haha
  5. Angry
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to SuffolkRam in Post Season Friendlies now!   
    They want to scrap FA Cup replays due to concern about player workload but then Spurs and Newcastle play in Australia 3 days after the season ends, crazy.  
  6. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to jimtastic56 in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    Ignore the Doubters Trav. Your ITK record is beyond reproach.
  7. Like
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from jimbo jones in Derbyshire CCC - Mickey Arthur Appointed   
    Snotts have confirmed he has left them 
  8. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Controversial non football views unchallenged - No Politics etc   
    A cob is a small horse, not a bread roll which is better known as a, er, roll.....
  9. Angry
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Controversial non football views unchallenged - No Politics etc   
    That Paula vennells should get jail time for the treatment of the postmasters on her watch and her actions to suppress the truth.
  10. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Bob The Badger in Controversial non football views unchallenged - No Politics etc   
    I'm 6 months sober today, and apart from a couple of hiccups, I have drank very little in the time since my board meltdown 18 months or so ago (I'm guessing).
    I'm sick of people in recovery circles saying alcohol is evil.
    Alcohol isn't evil, I've had some of the best times of my life in its company.
    It's just not right for some people, and too many people are uneducated about how it is/can affect them, but demonising something doesn't help. It just makes people with good intentions look evangelical and hysterical. 

    Just because I can't drink responsibly doesn't mean I'm a miserable ducker and expect the world to abstain.

  11. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to CBRammette in Nathaniel Mendez-Laing Appreciation Society, Unite!   
    Very pleased - deserved awards for Nelson, Cash and Nat (and he does smell nice 😂)
  12. Haha
    Reggie Greenwood got a reaction from goodgollymickbrolly in Louie Sibley - joined Oxford   
    Slightly more than Oldben 
  13. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to BaaLocks in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Pretty loaded comment but let's discuss.
    Causality? Correlation? Coincidence? Migrant populations naturally move to places where manual labour is going to be available. Places where factories and manual labour is prevalent tend to be less affluent but not because migrants work there. So, like so many cases where diverse communities are highlighted, it is the reasons behind that drive the correlation and they are not the cause.
    Also, I agree with @Crewton - go to Whitehaven, Hartlepool or Scunthorpe and you'll see somewhere far from diverse and pretty undesirable as a location.
  14. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Crewton in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Middlesbrough? Harlow? Rochester? 
    Plenty of dumps that aren't diverse or multi-cultural too. What they have in common is higher levels of deprivation.
  15. Like
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Stive Pesley in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Incidentally - I live in DE1 and I visit the city centre frequently. It's better now than it was before covid, feels like things are slowly turning around, but then just last week I visited Leicester for the first time in ages and met up with a friend from London who used to live in Leicester and we were both shocked at how much it has gone downhill. I'd say it's currently a worse city centre experience than Derby
  16. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Stive Pesley in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    I would disagree
    I doubt there are many cities in the UK that aren't multi-cultural since the 1970s. They aren't all dumps. So you must be making a false correlation
    And in Europe? I spent a week in Malmo last month, supposedly one of the most multi-cultural cities in Sweden and it was lovely. We stayed in Rosengard too, so it wasn't like we were shielded from the multi-cultural areas
    If a city is a dump it's far more likely because of under investment and lack of long-term planning. There is probably a much stronger correlation between somewhere being a dump and poverty levels (and also quite likely a handful of very very rich property owners laughing all the way to the bank)
  17. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Rambam in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    I hate these lists. 
    One list of the 15 most beautiful cities to visit in the UK actually includes Nottingham, but doesn’t include Chester, my home town. 
    Chester was recently voted the prettiest city in the WORLD, ahead of Venice. 
    Derby has plenty to offer, trust me. 
  18. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Tamworthram in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Firstly, this thread really shouldn’t be on the Derby County page. Can we move it please?
    Secondly, they surveyed just short of 4,000 people. Not a bad sample size but how many of those actually stayed in Derby and also stayed in a number of the other towns and cities in order to contrast and compare? I’ve been to Bruges and might score it something like 8 out of 10. Someone else might have been to Vienna (I’ve never been to Vienna and they’ve never been to Bruges) and score it 9 out of 10. That doesn’t automatically mean Vienna is nicer than Bruges. Even asking the local residents is a bit of a waste of time. I think Tamworth town centre is a bit of a dump (not that I go in very often) which it is apart from the castle but I can’t say it’s worse than anywhere else - it’s the only town I’ve lived in for the past 30 odd years.
    Finally, there doesn’t seem to be any scale for the ranking (as far as I can see). Maybe the margins are very narrow and therefore the rankings are misleading.
  19. Haha
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to dajstrawb in Louie Sibley - joined Oxford   
    Has Witcoop ever actually got anything right?
  20. Haha
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to G STAR RAM in Finance   
    This really isn't the ground breaking information that he has dressed it up as and, anyone that paid attention to our situation, knew this was the case.
    As for the 'other interested party' this guy does not really know anything that is not available in the public domain, as has been proven many times before, most recently when he was posting false information about DCFC and he skulked off this site when I pulled him up on it.
    Still, guess that is not really the jist of your post, however, I like to point out what a charlatan Maguire is at any given opportunity 😂
  21. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Crewton in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Not hard to spot the Which? members, is it?😉
    Seriously, there's some major pearl-clutching going on with some people. I couldn't argue that the city centre hasn't been badly neglected in recent years (thank you, Austerity George) or that the City Council of whatever hue are responsible for some awful planning decisions since WW2, but to describe the place as "feral" is utter hyperbole. 
    I still go out in the city centre at night both with mates and with the missus and the 'threat' is marginal compared to central London at midnight or somewhere like Canning Town any time of day.
  22. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Ram1988 in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Nonsense article. Many ex players still live in the area despite leaving the club, so it can't be too bad can it?
    Also Nottingham and Leicester aren't great places to live and they don't have a problem attracting players do they?
  23. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to Crewton in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    A survey of 4,000 Which? members, eh?
    Well THAT'S conclusive! 
    Lol, what a pile of horse crap!
  24. Angry
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to 1of4 in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    As much as I love the city I was born in and would never want to leave. I have to agree with the survey, Derby is a dump. Over the years the city elders have allowed what historic buildings we had to be destroyed. Those that remain are never shown at their best.
    It hasn't helped that there doesn't appear to be a proper vision of what the city should look like. Going right back to the sixties, any plan there may have been as never been implemented. Over the years the council have allowed a mish-mash of buildings across the city. 
    Look at the latest project that is taking place on the former site of the Pennine Hotel. Wouldn't it have been better to build this venue on a main thoroughfare. Instead of tucking it behind the ugly appartment block that as been erected on Victoria Street.
    The Market Place is a waste land, when is the Market Hall going to be completed and what and when is something going to be done with the Assembly Rooms?
  25. Clap
    Reggie Greenwood reacted to vonwright in Derbys a s**t hole I want to go home   
    Any list that ranks Portsmouth a better place for a short break than Manchester, Brighton or Leeds can be safely ignored. 
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