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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 5 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    I would think it's VERY unlikely that LR is even on their list. They need promotion ASAP and can't afford another failure, so I expect Dyche would be top of their list.

    Daniel Farke according to a chip eating acquaintance of mine . Reckon the Stoke owners have the odds ? 

  2. 3 hours ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Andre Wisdom, Martin Kelly, Cyrus Christie, Michael Hector, Nabby Sarr, Massimo Luongo, Dale Stephens, Danny Drinkwater, Izzy Brown, Scott Sinclair, Robert Snodgrass, Aaron Lennon, Adama Diakhaby, Marc McNulty, Adama Diomande, Andy Carroll, Oumar Niasse

    All still free agents, would do a decent job at this level imo.

    Niasse was released by Burton as not good enough so might remove him from that list ?

  3. 15 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    There's good and bad all over the UK, Liverpool has a history of violence a lot to do with the Docks and contraband, Watch "Narcos Liverpool" also the news this last week ?

    Only have to look at the news last week and over the last few months , plus what happened to Andre Wisdom. A certain section of that society still living in that age. 

  4. 48 minutes ago, Boss said:

    I’m hoping some grow up before the game comes and realise 50 years have passed and things change. Will be very embarrassing if chants of sign on and reference to Hillsborough come out because of people stuck in the past like you.

    Who mentioned Hillsborough ? Not me. 
    I’d like to bet you wouldn’t be so condescending if your mate had his face slashed by a coward ( needing 20 stitches ) in front of you. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    I was at that game. 1980. Keith Osgood own goal. Probably our only effort on target.

    Lad on our coach got kicked in the head on the way back past Stanley Park. I learnt later his jaw was broken.

    Was also at BBG 1991 for the 1-7.

    Don't like Liverpool. 

    I hate the bin dipping thieving barstewards razored one of my mates getting off the coach in 1978. Nasty place to go , that “great “ scouse sense of humour only counts when the jokes on you not them. 
    Plus us losing a place in Europe after their Heysel problem. 
    Apart from that ………..

  6. 11 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

    Wildsmith 8

    Knight 7

    Oduroh 7

    Forsyth 6

    Roberts 7

    Rooney 5

    Smith 6

    Thompson 6

    Dobbin 7

    McGoldrick 6

    Sibley 8


    Bird 6

    Hourihane 6

    Collins 6

    Barkhuizen 6

    Wondered why you gave Rooney a 5 when others were raving about him ? I wasn’t at the game so I don’t know how he played just interested what you didn’t like that others seem not to have seen ? 

  7. 33 minutes ago, popside ossie end popside said:

    The year before was unbelievable outside. Forest just come up thrashed us 3-0, could have been 6. Think there was approaching 150 arrested that day

    Peter Withe destroyed our defence that day. Can remember coming out of the ground shocked at how bad we were. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    This is easy for me and all accurate, 9-11 is the ex wifes birthday, I was working at RR at the time and had half a day(holiday), Got home at 10-15am TV on and fell asleep, Woke up and on the TV was 2 chimneys billowing with smoke, Sit and watch while still half asleep and it's on the news, I realised it wasn't chimneys...but the Twin Towers, The Wife is sent home early from work...UPS...all their phones were cut off as her customers were in the USA, She walks in and we sit transfixed at what we are seeing, We never did go out for her birthday meal.

    Saved a few quid then ??

  9. 2 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Did you know that the Spot the Ball competition is not based on where the actual ball is/was? A panel of people decide where to put the ball!! FFS!

    The Dad of a mate of mine won this in the mid 70’s bought a laundrette and repair garage as I recall. My mate was still running the garage a few years ago 

  10. 9 hours ago, jimbo jones said:

    I’ve delved into cricket Twitter over the last month, it's like there's a civil war going between those who love the hundred and want everything franchised and those who hate it and are a massive threat to the game as we know it.

    It is very nasty, even to the point of ex-players squabbling and calling each other names. It's a very depressing sight which can't be good for anyone. Right now the legacy of the Hundred appears to me to be causing a massive division in the cricketing community.

    The answer for next season is rumoured to be having another tournament. A red ball one in August, regionalised  into 3 team tournaments (Notts and Leicestershire for us) using all the counties. Or having regionalised teams with the “best players” AKA a red ball version of the hundred ?‍♂️

    That last bit would be the end for me. I’d stick to local cricket. Can’t see that happening with out massive court cases. Would kill the County Game stone dead 

  11. 1 hour ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Pushing toward 200 now. Comparable to our total spend, surely anything other than 180 points would be disastrous on a pound for pound basis.

    Despite that, they can't make do without their latest free signing who believes any man who wears a shirt supporting gay rights can't be a real man.   I look forward to them posting all over twitter with outrage like they did with Kirchners tweets demanding to know why he's got a contract.  Shall I hold my breath or will I, as I expect, expire in due course. 

    Well they aren’t bothered about the possible illegal source of the transfer funds so I doubt that very much 

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