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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 4 minutes ago, jameso said:

    Ah, too easy this one!

    1-0 vs Newcastle, 2007.

    Memories: a glorious season and the ecstasy of a 1-0 win... was followed by a year in the Premier League in which we were absolutely awful and this 1-0 win over Newcastle (who actually were one of two teams too bad to actually beat us at least once) provided fleeting respite from the torment!

    Cracking goal to be fair 

  2. 49 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    There isn’t really an end game. Russia is just plowing everything it has into a fight it started and thought it would win in three days. Ukraine is fighting for its existence/liberate its citizens.

    I think Zelensky has come to the thinking that Crimea is the only way to break the current situation, but he doesn’t know what that will look like long term, his aim seems to be put Crimea at threat and that changes the game, putting Putin under huge pressure hoping something breaks and the situation changes.

    But where it goes from there is anyone’s guess. This is why in my opinion, they’ve switched focus to the southern offensive. 

    Ukrainians know that the people they are being told to trust and make peace with, are the same people that broke the Minsk agreements, raided their country, murdered their people and kidnapped their children amongst other war crimes. 

    You can kind of see why they aren’t exactly open to trusting the other side in a peace agreement.

    At what stage do the Russian People or Oligarch's get fed up of the financial and human cost for Russia and Putin gets sidelined ? Or is that not possible as seen by the recent plane crash ? 

  3. 19 minutes ago, Brammie Steve said:

    Guide to the expert insulters:-

    "I'm not calling you a liar but......"

    "With respect.........."

    "Far be it from me to imply that you are stupid but......"

    "I must congratulate you on the asinine nature of your opinion!"

    "Not wishing to state the blindingly obvious but......"

    The liberal use of "But" or "However" can prove a very useful weapon in the expert insulter's toolbox. Used effectively it can leave the recipient feeling that they have been complimented. Only on reflection does the insult hit home.


    NB. Overuse of insults often destroy what could otherwise be a fruitful exchange of opinions maling many of the post too unpleasant to be taken seriously!



    Add clueless to that lot 😅

  4. 24 minutes ago, Loughborough Ram said:

    While ever we accept this kind of cheating it will never be eradicated.

    To think that some people still buy the old "oh, they run so fast these days that the slightest touch can knock them off balance". Its utter b****cks. 

    It was never a penalty, nobody would ever expect it to be given FOR their team but, it was against Forest so I can just about control my anger.

    Over the last 18 months they have been the luckiest team in world football, so it's nice when just once, something goes against them, and they have a tantrum

    Disagree I thought it was a clumsy challenge he caught Rashford and a definite pen.
    yes they are owed a few after Wembley and  numerous hand balls last season that went unpunished.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Alpha said:

    Reason 1,733 that football is s***. 

    Nobody can say the word cheat. Heard about Rashford all day and there's been so many alternative words offered up. He cheated. He dived. He's a cheat. Say it. It's ok, just say what it is.

    Stop pretending that he got knocked at full pace and that blew his balance or, my favourite, "anticipated the tackle and didn't plant his feet"


    One word. Cheat. Are they scared the whole bull poop tower will come crashing down if they start calling cheats exactly what they are. Like football might lose it's reputation as an honest and respectful sport... 

    seen it on match of the day and thought it was a clear foul. The Forest lad caught him and he went down as most players would. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Tombo said:

    Call me bitter but I did then and still do feel that Attwell is an atrocious referee and can't understand why he's had such a career at the top level when he clearly just gets things wrong, and then tries to atone with an even worse decision in the opposite direction as if that evens things up.

    I'm pretty sure in that famous East Midlands Derby he sent off Lewis McGugan quite harshly

    So it wasn't all against us. He's just crap and has been crap for 15+ years

    Just seen the game on MOTD. Both good decisions even taking account my Ram tinted specs. Can’t see what they are moaning about apart from being their usual classless selves. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Still "nil points" for Everton. I've a lot of contacts at the club, and think Dobbin starting is a pretty surefire indicator this is the season they're finally going down (after 69 consecutive seasons in the top flight). I wouldn't be starting Dobbin for Derby if he was added to our current squad.

    They should have gone down years ago when they stayed up with that dodgy game v Wimbledon 

  8. 59 minutes ago, jameso said:

    I don't know the name. Did he turn out to be more Michael Crawford?

    A quick check he made 21 appearances (8) starts and scored 5 goals. As I recall small but nippy forward. Apparently Colin Addison didn’t rate him and sold him to Blackburn R ( then in old 3rd division ) for 50K. 
    He scored 23 goals in his first season for BR and they were promoted. Apparently he then pushed for a move which was rejected so he went on strike and hardly played the following season. Moved onto Bournemouth  but his career seemed to peter out. 

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