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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. 1 hour ago, CornwallRam said:

    My understanding is that to enforce a parking charge through the courts, they have to be able to show that they have materially lost out by you parking there. That actually makes most of these things unenforceable. 

    The problem is though, unauthorised match day parking could easily prevent customers parking there and thus affect Costco's footfall. Costco could show that they have lost out quite easily, so I reckon they (Parking Eye) would win these cases.

    Your understanding is wrong, (as has already been pointed out up-thread). If you have received a 'Parking Charge' from one of these firms and believe you have been unfairly treated, your only true recourse to get it cancelled is to directly approach the landowner and put your case to them.

    The parking enforcement firms exist only to extract as much revenue from you as possible, (as well as being paid by Costco to run the enforcement). The best way to stop these cowboys, is to park in accordance with their rules.

  2. 8 hours ago, CBX1985 said:

    - would end the issue of Carling for a time not being bought by Rangers fans as they sponsored Celtic.

    Apart from being seconds from death due to thirst, does anyone need an excuse not to drink that gnats p*ss?

  3. There is also an argument that any tickets bought ONLINE should be able to be collected from the ticket office. At the moment, when you buy an AWAY ticket on line, the only delivery method is post which adds £2 to the cost, (unless I'm missing something)?

    I live 100 miles from PP, but will be close to the ground on Monday and could have picked-up my Shrewsbury ticket then. As it is, I'm waiting for the postman to deliver it!

  4. 12 hours ago, Beanie said:

    I concur about the 48 hours. I wanted to go to Shrewsbury away and would drive up but cant do the game as I live in Oxford and my priority doesnt allow for the ticket to be posted

    As on the ‘Shrewsbury tickets’ thread, I can’t go on Tuesday now, so if my ticket arrives by Monday at worst, I’m happy to sell it on and post Special Delivery (so it arrives to anyone interested by 1pm latest next day).

  5. I bought a ticket yesterday but unfortunately I now can’t make it to the game. ?

    If anyone is interested I’m happy to post Special Delivery to anyone who is interested, (subject to it arriving here before Tuesday)!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    The easiest solution would be to get the tickets on sale earlier, maybe this will be resolved by the next away game.

    I don't see why each group needs 48 hours to get their act together? And its not as if the earliest groups lose their right to buy afterwards.

  7. Only problem I can see (in my opinion), is the 48 hour windows between groups. I think it's stupid given the short notice and 24 hours would be ample time. It would also help the club as everything wouldn't be on such a knife-edge with postal delays.

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