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  1. Clap
    Gisby reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    So why didnt all this happen weeks ago if nothing has changed or progressed?
  2. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Elwood P Dowd in The Administration Thread   
    Of course we are, this agreement clearly demonstrates that all parties want to get this deal over line. The ground was always going to be an issue simply because it’s outside of the clubs control and is not part of the package on offer by the administrators. The more parties involved in a deal the greater the complexity.
    Hopefully we are now close to being able to get back to talking about football and forgetting all about leases, amortisation, transfer bans, points deductions etc. I, for one, am just looking forward to focusing on the “on the pitch” activities ????
  3. Clap
    Gisby reacted to BucksRam in The Administration Thread   
    He's been active on social media for some time and overall it's refreshing that he communicates honestly to us - it's something we've had a lack of since this debacle began.  I think he's also a great believer in free speech, so allows it.  What galls though is that a minority of our so-called fans then feel they need to show their appreciation of what he's doing for us by posting defamatory and derogatory remarks.  I get it's been a horrible time but jeez, it's embarrassing to think of myself as being part of this same fanbase when you see things like this. 
    If they are on this forum they really ought to be ashamed of themselves and go and support someone else. They're certainly not representative of what 99.9% of us stand for.  And if they're not on this forum....well, they should still be ashamed of themselves.
  4. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Why though? He's clearly determined to engage in a fashion we've literally all demanded of other parties and for most that's a breath of fresh air. Let him just block the fookin melts and engage with the reasonable Twitter audience. It needn't be all or nothing and there are far more fair and balanced posters on Twitter, than raving, self-entitled loons like Paul bloody Ratcliffe esq.
  5. Like
    Gisby reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Well my morning glory has extended into the afternoon (but that may be because I have got my pills mixed up again). 
    Some really good news in the last 12 hours but reading some posts on here you might think differently.  Whether CK has the wherewithal to achieve great things for our Club in the future is anyone’s guess, but to exchange contracts is a huge step and not to be derided or undermined. Yes, let’s not get carried away, but why so many doomsayers want to continue to pick everything apart is beyond me. CK HAS STOPPED THE DOOMSDAY CLOCK. He has shown his commitment. It is now up to Morris/MSD to finalise the stadium sale to some third party, who is supportive of CK’s proposals. Well done CK. I hope this works out for you and us. Up the Rams!
  6. Like
    Gisby reacted to Wolfie20 in The Administration Thread   
    I see the doom-mongers are still scuttling around. The first bit of confirmed progress we've had in months yet they just can't resist putting in their pessimistic comments - you do have to wonder if everything else in their lives is surrounded in negativity.
    Most fans who have endured the last couple of years will probably agree that all is not now cut and dried but let's enjoy the fact that at last there is some light at the end of this dark tunnel and it doesn't automatically mean there's a train coming full pelt towards us.
    Today is a good day, we've not had many of them recently so for pity sake enjoy it!
  7. Clap
    Gisby reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    Agree with you on the love of football, mine has mostly gone. But the whole thing has connected me with the Rams more than ever before and made me realise how important they are to me. Priority was getting promotion to the premier league, now it’s about loving and celebrating the club sharing memories with the fan base and hopefully my next family generations, win lose or draw, whatever division we are in. Couldn’t give a duck about the soulless Premier League.
  8. Clap
    Gisby reacted to ollycutts1982 in The Administration Thread   
    What great news to wake up to. Hopefully there will be no Issues and this is the start of a new beginning. 
    Without being premature, I just want to say what a great place this is. Many of us have struggled throughout this but have felt comfortable enough to talk about it to people we have never met and had nothing but support and kind words in return. Derby County is a source of escape from the world for its fans and for the last few years and more so this season that has been the cause of a lot of stress and anxiety. A massive well done to all on the forum, whether it be the Mods for running it, those who have posted constant updates from other platforms, the ones who offered words of support to those who have struggled. 
    Through this whole ? show one thing that has stood out is that we truly have the best fans in the land. 
    Let the rebuild begin. 
  9. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    As i put in my ealier post about giving football after 55  years am pleased to announce its all off now.?
  10. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Dave Mackay Ate My Hamster in The Administration Thread   
    On a separate note, whilst we're all full of bonhomie, let's just take a moment to salute Jake Daniels, a brave 17 year old young man, with a brilliant future in the game, who chose today to publically come out.
    It shouldn't even be a thing in 2022… but Sir, I salute you.
  11. Like
    Gisby reacted to Cam the Ram in The Administration Thread   
  12. Haha
    Gisby reacted to SaffyRam in The Administration Thread   
    So do we ?
  13. Haha
    Gisby reacted to Boycie in Adventures of Sloth, Jon Moss and their band of Merry men.   
    Nobody knows more that me how heart breaking losing a semi is.
  14. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Just a quick note to say 'thanks'. Without your relentless positivity I doubt many of us would have made it through these most trying of times ?
  15. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Ah, the mythical Ashley offer in January where he claimed through the media he was preparing a £50 million offer, presumably intending to scare off other bidders. It didn't work. It never happened. He then allowed CK to take PB status with an offer nearly £20 million below what his media chums claimed he was willing to pay. He's full of shyte and has yet to lodge a formal offer according to Quantuma and this despite all the BS PR 'I'm still interested' guff. He's now claiming to have made a restructured offer, despite not submitting a formal bid in the first instance and with the period of exclusivity still being in place. Had he honoured his word and offered £50 mill in January, there's a fair chance we'd still be in the Championship. Let that sink in for a moment.
    As it stands, Quantuma are adamant that there's been no contact since last year so I think it's fair to assume that in respect of Derby County, he's nothing more than a stalking horse who is quite happy to see us go the wall whilst shafting every creditor, merely to save a couple of million of his reported £2.25 billion fortune. CK may not have his experience, nor his financial wherewithwal, but he's at least put his money where his mouth his and with the club teetering on the edge, I'll take actions over words all day long.
  16. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Mucker1884 in Wayne Rooney   
    I get the impression our Wayne is made of stern enough stuff to not only survive the tough times, but to thrive.  To learn, to adapt, and to conquer!
    This WILL all make him stronger.  I truly believe that.  He is of "That ilk".
    When the time comes, he'll be sat back in his rocking chair rightfully feeling proud of what he has achieved as a person (despite his imperfections).
    He may not leave as a Saint, but he'll be a hero to many... and a very likeable old man!
  17. Haha
    Gisby reacted to JfR in Live football thread.   
    To be fair, he is 37 now.
  18. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Ghost of Clough in Live football thread.   
    The best English CB doesn't even get into the squad.
  19. Haha
    Gisby reacted to Anag Ram in Wayne Rooney   
    Jamie Vardy sat at the back

  20. Haha
    Gisby reacted to Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
    Apparently, the name on the ticket is a "Mr M Bennet".  ?‍♂️
  21. Haha
    Gisby reacted to TuffLuff in The Administration Thread   
  22. Haha
    Gisby reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    When did I say there was a problem? I am sure you could be put in solitary confinement for a week, and come out having had at least 20 arguments.
  23. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Hanny in The Administration Thread   
    A quick leaf through the pages tells me I should not engage with this…because I’m just seeing folks making wild statements. And bring a bit emotional with the follow ups. So I will regret wading in…especially since I may not respond for a bit- sorry ?
    However the thing that seems to stand out is an assumption that there are magical better offers out in the wild that are being cruelly held back from some incompetent force. Madness. 
    The truth of the matter(as I see it) is boring AF. This deal sucks. Mel has complicated the math by how he structured the loans/stadium purchase. 
    Any potential buyer looks at this as a crap deal. All parties currently at the table or hovering have the means to complete the deal. But obviously will continue to push for best terms. 
    We will find out soon enough who wants to give in and pay over what this Club is currently worth.
    The only person who has satisfied the process thus far is CK. If anyone else wants to do better- then they need to voice that.
    If Ashley wants to put a bug in the ear of Q and say he wants to put forth a better deal…he would have done that. Exclusivity does not stop him from making his intentions clear.
    In short: complex business deals that involve history, sentiment, and future value are generally long drawn out and boring minutiae. There are no conspiracies, there are no magical deals.
    At some point some one caves on a line item. Then the deal is made. We are very close to that point.  
  24. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Kernow in The Administration Thread   
    A statement where three-quarters of it is pretty much saying “please leave Mr Morris alone.”
    I’m not for one second condoning any kind of threats towards Morris or his family, but the Internet can be an awful place, and when you behave in a way whereby you’re playing with the existence of something that is a key part of literally hundreds of thousands of people’s lives, whether that’s as a fan, or connected by the wider community, then what do you expect.
    Whatever happens to Derby County now, Morris will never be highly regarded at this Club, and never welcome back. If he receives threats, report them, and I hope those that make the threats are suitably dealt with, but once again I’m echoing my thoughts on this - Mel Morris, do the right thing.
  25. Haha
    Gisby reacted to Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
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