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  1. COYR
    Gisby reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    After 2 years of being away from PP through Covid and Family issues, I'm chomping at the bit to buy a Season Ticket, I'll wait patiently until general sale, I hope they have the seat I purchased for the Bristol City game and is still available, North Stand Lower Corner...near the East Stand.
    I'm coming home baby  
  2. COYR
    Gisby reacted to BucksRam in The Administration Thread   
    Woke up this morning and had to pinch myself to check this was real. I'm not Derby born. I don't have family who have lived,  breathed and died Derby.  But reading through these comments and reflecting on how I felt last night drives home how much of a part this club plays in my life.  
    My wife sadly doesn't do sport.  She doesn't really get it. But even she was empathetic as this morning as I got emotional all over again reading your comments, recounting how Ed completely lost it on live radio, how other so-called fans had gloated over essentially the ruin of someone's life.  I'm so, so grateful to Clowes. We have a club. We live to fight another day.  Whoever you are. Wherever you are. We are ALL Derby. 
  3. COYR
    Gisby reacted to Earl of Tupton in The Administration Thread   
    I guess it wouldn’t. Couldn’t think of a witty username so decided to abbreviate one of my favourite bits of Graham Richard’s’ commentary.

    “Dig That One Out Of The Net Mark Crossley Not A Chance.”
    Hopefully it makes more sense now ?
  4. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Chester40 in The Administration Thread   
    You talk a lot of sense ...post more often!
  5. Like
    Gisby reacted to Earl of Tupton in The Administration Thread   
    This. Exactly this. I haven’t commented at all on this but have been reading this thread every day since it started. I know the trials and tribulations we’ve been through and how this has affected us.
    like NottsRam77 I thought I’d been dealing with it okay. Carrying on the day to day and all that. But hadn’t realized the extent it had actually affected me….until last night.
    As the news broke the sense of relief was unbelievable for sure, but suddenly I found my eyes welling with tears. Genuine tears. Then hearing Ed Dawes on RD also in tears - live on air - it sent me completely over the edge into floods of them. 

    Once I’d composed myself I allowed myself a quiet glass or two and raised a toast to David Clowes and our great club. 

    So the great re-set has begun and with it a recalibration of our expectations. At this point I’m just happy to still have a club. And for it to be run properly. This whole episode has been a truly humbling experience for us all and one I do not wish to live through again. And one I wouldn’t wish on any fans of other clubs, in spite of some of the disgraceful attitudes from ‘followers’ of other clubs. 
    So if we find ourselves in a situation where we are losing 3-0 at home to a team like Forest Green Rovers on a miserable rainy Tuesday night, I’m going to give my arm a pinch and remember that things could have been very different and we may not have actually been able to witness it. And then hold on to the hope that better days will return.
    Because make no mistake - those better days will come.
    UTR ????
  6. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Mihangel in The Administration Thread   
    I disagree, he's spoken of his dislike of publicity "As a private person I did not want the publicity and would prefer to remain an anonymous supporter watching from my usual seat", I honestly think we should respect that. He's said that he wants his team to learn from the incumbents, let him and they do that, it's going to take them time to understand how to run a football club. I'm sure he'll appoint a CEO or similar, be that Stephen Pearce or a replacement, let them be the mouthpiece of the club. Actually, wouldn't that be great, a quiet owner who lets the pros get on with it!
  7. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Foxy Ram in The Administration Thread   
    He wrote you an open letter yesterday. Many pointers in there - particularly the immediate recruitment on the playing side and the need for an assessment period on the general running of the football club (as it's unfamiliar territory).
  8. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Ewetube in The Administration Thread   
    As I reflect on the DC takeover I see it as the end of an era. An era that initially promised so much but ultimately only delivered one trip to Wembley Stadium.
    The cost of this day out was enormous. It cost the good name of our club. It cost our country millions in lost tax revenue. It cost our club's suppliers money. It cost the livelihood of loyal DCFC employees. It decimated the fruits of our academy's labour. It drove a wide wedge between our club and its governing body. It damned nearly killed our club.
    Was I caught up in the previous owner's bullpoo and untruths? Yes, to my great shame, I was. I believed him when he told us we were being run within our means, that we were complying with p&s or ffp. I thought he's "one of our own", he won't see any harm done to us. I was taken in by him, I was very wrong.
    Thankfully that era is now over and a new one begins. I hope, as with myself, many fans have had their reality well and truly checked and had a recalibration of their expectations.
    What is important is the survival of our club, our family heirloom, the love of which we shall proudly hand down to our children and grandchildren.
    Thank you Mr. Clowes for giving our club, our heirloom a future.
  9. Like
    Gisby reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Derby County. Saved.
    The joy, the relief.
    Mine won’t be the only story like this, but after the passing of my Dad, who was a dyed-in-the-wool Ram, former steward home and away, the love for Derby County takes on another meaning. It’s a link to family - past and present - for so many, and to lose it would be heartbreaking all over again.
    To see it saved means the world. And I’m celebrating with a Derbyshire whisky.
    I was listening to the 'emergency' Sportscene. I shed a tear when Ed Dawes came on in tears. I fully lost it when the Punjabi Rams representative (who's name escapes me, my apologies) was talking about the laying to rest of another member (again apologies) whose proceedings mirrored my Dad's. I'm in tears again, typing this.
    I really hope we as Rams never have to go through this again. I hope no fan ever has to go through this.
    We have our club back. Don't EVER take it for granted.
    Much love to one and all. My only regret is that I wasn't first to break the news ? I'd just got home from work, but seriously, this forum has been a haven - to know I'm not the only one who's life has been dominated by this one subject.
    I can't wait for that 30th July vs. Oxford. Win, lose, or draw - it's going to be one hell of a party. Let's sell this mother out.
    Peace ✌️ love ❤️ and Derby County ?
  10. Clap
    Gisby reacted to kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
    Agree with everything you say. But I think there’s a fair chance he will make money. He deserves to, though it’s sad creditors have lost out 
  11. COYR
    Gisby reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in The Administration Thread   
    Massive thank you from me to all of you lot on this forum. This club has impacted my mood, it's given me highs and lows over the last 18 months but you lot have always cheered me up.
    I've thought about binning this forum off, I've thought about binning football off entirely. 
    Two things changed my mind, taking my three year old daughter to a couple of games last season (she loved it and the thought of not being able to do that again was a killer), and this forum.
    Perversely, it's all sparked the love of it all in me again and I cant wait to see where we go from here.
    Thanks everyone. Me and my little one look forwards to attending games for years to come.
  12. Clap
    Gisby reacted to TuffLuff in The Administration Thread   
    Took a bit of time out to gather myself, have a bath, listen back to Radio Derby and get a glass of my special occasion drink (White Peak Distillery cask rum, summit local). I hope everyone is having whatever it is they want to drink.
    Can’t really add anything that hasn’t already been said. All my thanks for everyone’s efforts last season. From Rooney and Rosenior, the players and staff who kept the club going in the darkest days. You can all hold your head high for what you did.
    The fans who did everything they could, from filling the stadium to organising marches etc etc. Also the supporters groups who tried to get answers.
    The journalists who kept us informed as much as they could, this was a mess from start to finish and was impossible to report accurately on. Many lessons will be learnt but we should appreciate all their efforts from Nixon, Percy, @The Baron,Simon Stone and everyone else I’m forgetting about. Colin Murray, Dan Roan and the national journalists who gave #savederbycounty national coverage. 
    Special mention to Ed Dawes and Radio Derby, who has lived this far longer than any of us realise because Morris was in his ear with his mess 2-3 years ago. He didn’t get it right all the time, I’m sure he can admit that, but he stood up when it mattered and deserves a pat on the back from Derby fans. Also let’s not forget Chris Coles who after so much crap Derby related news deserves his little moment tonight too!
    Team Derby! Forkin, the council and the MPs who helped keep this in the spotlight and did a lot of background work. They have helped create a huge positive day for the city.
    Thanks to @David, @Boycieand all the moderators on the forum for all their work and giving us the platform. Special mention to @Animal is a Ram for giving us ‘up to the second’ updates (and all those who sought to beat him, yes you @RoyMac5). Thanks everyone for the laughs in here, at some of the most frustrating times they were some genuinely funny days in here that made everything a bit easier. 
    Finally, thankyou Mr Clowes. I hope despite inital reluctance this ends up being the best decision you ever make. I hope as fans we respect your privacy, but only after hearing your name being rang out by a sell out crowd on July 30th. 
    I’ve probably forgotten someone, despite going on worst than one of those popmaster contestants who won’t shut up and go away, but I’m tired and wanna finish my drink and read transfer rumours like a normal football fan, so apologies to anyone who is forgetten.
    Have a great night everyone, it’s much deserved 
  13. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Dave Mackay Ate My Hamster in The Administration Thread   
    What a monumental day in our club's history.
    Been out celebrating having a few.
    Looking forward to a total reset, and us getting back to the old days, where we live within our means. 
    I hope we can grow again, organically. If we spend pro rata, we can claw our way back to a club who's size of support will reflect in us, eventually, performing at a level we deserve. 
    Delighted with our new owner. No-nonsense, humble and not carried away.
    You know who I'm most happy for?....
    B4. A ducking legend. Enjoy your day mate. ???
  14. COYR
    Gisby reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Thank you to everyone who has posted, whether fearing the worst or hopeful for the future, we have gone through this together.
    And, by god, you have all helped me get through this dark time. Bless you. 
    COYR ?
  15. Clap
    Gisby reacted to England Ram in The Administration Thread   
    This needs to remain open if only to bump it every time we start getting ahead of ourselves and demanding big signings that we have no way of financing. 
    Or moaning that we didn’t want to break our self imposed wages caps, or being upset that we are giving too many youth a chance, or generally forgetting what an absolute mess a thoughtless custodian can cause to our great club.
    Things have been bleak, dark, horrid, frustrating, infuriating….leading to uniting, euphoric and amazing.
    Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.  
    Let’s never forget those dark days and the causes, that led us to uniting as a fan base and the feeling we have now of being literally ‘saved’ as a club from an almost reluctant buyer rather than ‘purchased’ as an ego boost for some investor. 
    Thanks as always David for providing such a platform. You lost out as others did but kept this going and it became a massive help for many of us through the time. 
  16. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    I don’t like too see topics locked, prefer to see them drift down the board naturally when they are no longer being discussed.
  17. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Dai Capp in The Administration Thread   
    Pleased for all of us, but especially pleased for B4...
  18. Like
    Gisby reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
  19. Like
    Gisby reacted to Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams.
    A whole better world opening up tomorrow for us al! X
  20. COYR
    Gisby reacted to DavesaRam in The Administration Thread   
    So I admit it. I am just a ranting madman after all.
    Who cares? We’ve done it! We’re a football club again. 
    So no more moaning. Until the ref blows that whistle again!
  21. Like
    Gisby reacted to ollycutts1982 in The Administration Thread   
    From the bottom of my heart thanks DC. 
    Also, thanks to each and every member of this forum. Through this whole mess the support and comradeship has been great. I don’t know how I would have got through this without coming on here whether is was for @RoyMac5’s updates, @admira’s daily games and the mods for keeping it all in order. 
    Now let’s get some players in and prepare for what will be a very tough season. Let’s remember in the hard times going forward where we’ve come from. UTR
  22. Clap
    Gisby reacted to RipleyRich in The Administration Thread   
    Great news and a great relief.
    So please for all my Derby supporting Family & Friends and of course all of you lot here.
    Yes, I will admit it now, I am a Forest fan, but contrary to popular belief, there is no law that means being a Forest fan means you have to hate Derby.
    Delighted that you are now owned by someone who genuinely loves the club. I  have to say CK struck me as another Fawaz and I think you dodged a bullet big time.
    Anyway,  enjoy celebrating this weekend,  then relax and enjoy your summer.
    And if you lot can carry the spirit and togetherness you showed last season into this one, it hopefully wont be too long before we can resume those fantastic A52 derbies......hopefully in the PL!
    Take care all,
  23. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Kernow in Derby County Daily Updates - TAKEOVER COMPLETED   
    Imagine the pride he must’ve had writing the line below his name. What a man.
  24. COYR
    Gisby reacted to TheDeadlySaul in The Administration Thread   
    So happy, my dog called Cloughy died last night and it makes me so happy to see the club get saved today. It means so much. 
  25. Clap
    Gisby reacted to Rev in The Administration Thread   
    I'd love it if we could all make a pledge to leave the new owner well alone during games.
    Let him carry on in the North Stand, and going to away games on the terraces, let him live his best life on match days.
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