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Posts posted by Alph

  1. There won't be a happy ending though @Stive Pesley

    Western leaders spoke with more enthusiasm about Israel's right to defend itself than they've spoken about the 700,000 illegal Israeli settlers in the 300(?) Settlements in West Bank. And a think, if I remember correctly that around 150 of them are illegal even to Israel (which seems absurd). Or the attacks on Palestinian refugee camps. 

    They were more enthusiastic about Israel's right to defend itself than they were eager to condemn the retaliation from what I've seen. 

    I don't think any of the talk about two state solution, and peace process have ever been more than talk. There's no attempt to stop Israel expanding. They have 300,000 troops mobilised to assault Gaza, don't they? And they'll do whatever they like there. They always do 

  2. 1 hour ago, The Last Post said:

    It's one hell of a whole sh!t show that's for sure.

    And yet history shows our British government had a hand in this mess, After the Ottoman empire was beaten after WW1 we were charged in looking after Palestine with a small minority of Jewish peoples, With the rise of antisemitism after WW1 more and more Jews wanted a homeland...Palestine fitted the bill, Now there is a mix of Muslim and Jewish people who couldn't exist so Palestine was cut in half...West Bank and Gaza.

    Conflict after conflict, War after war ending with Israel giving Lebanon, Syria and Egypt a bloody nose in the 6 day war in 1967, The West Bank and Golan Heights going to the winner, Israel with as you say the backing of the USA encroached on more land of the Palestinians.

    If you steal my land I'll fight you for it, Unfortunately...Iran/Syria are backing Hamas a recognised terrorist group, There's been bloodshed in Germany already, There's been demonstrations in the UK and there's more expected this weekend, There is no answer, Israel want to expand and drive the Palestinians out, The toothless UN can not stop this, Butchery and murder on both sides will only be condemned by the West but clandestine support will go to Israel...imo.

    2.1million Palestinians are not all Hamas fanatics...but where do they go?  

    For Palestinians in Gaza it seems hopeless. 

    Born into poverty, Israel controls their sea and sky. Israel controls their trade, their water and power. They can't leave. They have no future. Their children have no future. There's no America looking out for their freedom and democracy. Nobody to protect their human rights. Nobody is looking for a two state solution. There's no peace process. Israel settle on land illegally and expand based on ancient borders!! The UN tut and America sends another billion. 

    It's not hard to imagine why Hamas were a choice in 2006. Either Hamas or weak infighting Palestinian Authority. They never stood a chance. They're doomed and nobody wants to help them. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Or the slaughter of civilians at a music festival in the name of their god?

    A terrorist attack. But the people of Palestine will pay for it. Israel will expand again. More illegal towns and villages. 

    The way to respond to a terrorist attack is not to indiscriminately drop bombs on a population of suffering people. A population you starve of human rights. A population you treat as "human animals" 

    But we know how this goes. Israel expand, Palestinians suffer with nowhere to go and no future. Israel gets another few billion in aid. Palestinians can't even turn a tap on without Netenyahu giving permission. West Bank sees another illegal settlement. Just another day. 

    Hamas are terrorists. No doubt. They gained power in 2006 tragically can't be challenged. Not that anybody is interested in actually finding a solution for Palestinian people. 

  4. #freePalestine. 


    I knew starting a thread would be controversial and probably end with me banned so I didn't. But Hamas are not the Palestinian people. Many in Gaza are trapped in every possible way a person can be trapped. 

    Hamas deserved everything they'll get and more. Iranian funded terrorists who don't care about Palestine as much as they care about destroying Israel. They don't have the interest of Palestine in their minds. However, they have driven out the pathetic infighting Palestinian attempts at authority so you can see why recruiting angry young men is easy work for them. 

    But the wider war. Well, invasion. Occupation is by America's dog. Netenyahu probably cracked one off when he heard about that terrorist attack on innocent Israelis. 

    They don't need any excuse to build illegal settlements in West Bank. They don't need any excuses to expand their borders for 70 years. They just mutter something about biblical age and swallow more land.

    Now they have something of an excuse to starve and squeeze Gaza. To drop bombs on civilians. They're not terrorists though. Just defending themselves.

    Very reasonable to cut off the legs of the people of Gaza and then tell them to run. Where? No their problem. Just run before they come and steal more land. Or spend those American dollars by killing Palestinian children to right Hamas' wrong. 

    Tbf they did pull out the bible to explain why it's rightfully their land. And the native (lol) Americans support it with billions of dollars. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Watched the first two episodes last night. Feels wrong to say I’m enjoying it but it is a good watch.

    I don’t think the BBC should be criticised for making the drama, they’re not afraid to demonstrate that a  lot of his crimes took place under their watch or that they failed to act (having said that, I think I have read somewhere that they have omitted some investigation).  It’s the type of true crime drama that was always going to be made by someone (like the one about the Yorkshire Ripper). The BBC would have been wrong if they had shied away from making it.

    Fair enough. Me being a bit of a diva then 🤣

  6. Just browsing things to watch and stumbled across The Reckoning

    Am I being a bit of a Karen by thinking it's sickly that the BBC have made a drama series exploring Jimmy Savile's crimes? 

    The guy that got away with it in the 70's is back thanks to the BBC! Popcorn ready! 

    Blurgh 🤢

  7. 4 hours ago, alram said:

    That will tell us a lot of they sack Heckingbottom and they get no reaction it could be broken


    luton will definitely beat it, they create a lot of chances

    Yeah I won't be getting my hopes up though. 

    We managed to be bad, unlucky and unprofessional. You'd think with a change of manager that one of those would at least temporarily change. Enough to s******** over a dozen points. 

    The only luck we had was bad luck. Even those coulda/shoulda moments went against us

  8. I'm sure a new manager will takeover whichever club threatens Derby's record and at least get a bit of bounce. 

    Its hard to not get 11 points through sheer luck. You get a few points per season by some team turning up and not looking like scoring if you played em all month. Then, unlike us, you do get a stroke of luck here and there. 

    As bad as some of those sides look, 11 points seems impossible to end up with. 3 scrappy wins and a couple of draws should be achievable by the most talentless but determined team even from league 1. 

    Luton at home are surely going to s******** a couple of decent sides? 

  9. You can't call footballers cheats. 

    He had a right to go down. He evaded contact. He avoided a serious collision. It's gamesmanship. He was off balance. He went down easily. 

    At worst you can say simulation. 

    But NEVER can you call footballers cheats. Or take any action against them. Their integrity needs to be protected. The reputation of the game shall be upheld 

  10. There's nothing as funny as an 18 month old being diagnosed with cancer and then losing his battle

    Just banter innit lads. Just a wind up. It's only a kid dying to cancer. 

    I reckon now they should have a little tour around Great Ormond St hospital with a guide insisting they laugh all the way. You know, it's just banter. Why you stopped laughing, gents? C'mon, this is comedy gold. LadsLadsLads banter. Oi oi

  11. 19 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Canelo Alvarez vs Jermell Charlo anyone? Wasn't sure which Canelo would turn up to be honest, but it was pretty routine stuff and to my eye, he looked better than of late. Whether it warranted a truncated night's sleep is debatable though.

    Looking forwards, Canelo's team have asked for the proposed rematch to be for the same purse as the last one. I mean, why not just say, no? For the best anyway, as Bivol would just beat him up even worse were they to meet again.

    Fair play for staying up for that one. I didn't have it in me. I always figured Charlo a brown envelope champion. Barely fights and seems happy to coast along in Super Welter. Seems pretty protected. 

    A part of me thought what if he actually is as good and as avoided they say. I didn't gamble my night's sleep though. After Sandy Ryan got robbed I thought fook boxing bs. Even if Charlo puts on a masterclass they'll give it Canelo. 

    Canelo's punch resistance will let him down one day and if it's not against Bivol then you can guarantee he'll bring the day closer. Canelo should leave it. He tried, it's too big, stick around his own weight, get paid, sail off. He's already a legend while active. His name will live on a hundred years. He's just not a light heavy! 

  12. In boxing if the fight goes past 4 rounds then you can go to the judges scores. Which seems really open to corruption in a corrupt sport. 4 rounds! In football that would be 30minutes into the first half! 

    90 mins is taking the pee. Can't pretend it didn't exist after playing the entire allocated time!! 

  13. 18 hours ago, richinspain said:

    So the response from VAR is a ☑️! Can't they just say "offside/onside" or "goal/no goal "?

    Ah I saw you beat me to it. 

    Yeah, you're asking them to simplify their roles. I have a feeling VAR training includes a hefty dose of corporate bs. 

    Probably do all the blue sky thinking, reach for low hanging fruit, take it offline, have idea showers etc etc. 

    I imagine the guys who explain the procedure for using VAR have job titles like Response Intelligence Data Analysis Technician. Probably get 80k per year and certainly don't want common sense and logic simplifying such a technological marvel. 

    "Check complete. Data analysed. Decision pending. Resume flight path Falcon Two. Cleared to restart." 

  14. 1 hour ago, MickD said:

    shouldn’t of come off at all  OF?   Have they rewritten the English language in UK schools?

    Theirs nah kneed to worry about it. These is just a futball forum and knot an english eggsam. 

    Ewe must of had a quiet day if these kind have thing bothers you. Find moor stuff to worry about. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Alty_Ram said:

    That video seems to have been pulled. What were the juicy bits ?

    Is the link not working for you? Weird

    I think Alpine 'let' Gasly swap with Ocon (I missed that though) to see if he could catch Alonso. And then they oddly insisted that they swap back after he couldn't. 

    Which is a bit dirty because they obviously swapped because Gasly was quicker. He's also ahead in the championship. There seemed no real reason to swap back. Apparently it's a thing at Alpine but it sounds like a stupid thing. 

    Surely as a team you want the fastest car in front and the only reason you'd swap back is if one driver needs the points or the 2nd guy is being held up. That wasn't the case though? 

    Is this a thing Alpine do?

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