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Bob The Badger

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Posts posted by Bob The Badger

  1. When did 5th on the grid in Formula 1  become P5 on the grid? And 3rd place tun into P3? 

    When did footballers start to have foot races to the ball instead of the more traditional race that must have been so confusing to everybody?

    When did a new series on TV no longer come out, but drop?

    And when did presenters stop covering all the stories so they could be across them all?

    And when, or more pertinently, why, did British people start saying baby mama and baby daddy? 

    This is what 4 months without alcohol does to you. It sends you all bitter and twisted.

    Name some more that I can wind myself up with.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Always thought Francis and Tony woodcock should have got more England caps.

    Always seemed to be second fiddle to players like Bob latchford or Paul Mariner.

    Just looked up Woodcock and he played 42 times too, 7 more than Mariner. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Always thought Francis and Tony woodcock should have got more England caps.

    Always seemed to be second fiddle to players like Bob latchford or Paul Mariner.

    TF had 52 caps and Latchford 12, so not sure what you mean. 52 is a LOT!

  4. Up in Derbyshire for the weekend so we spared no expense and bought back row tickets at the Belper Ritz. 

    I even splashed out for a Greg's chicken pasty in the walk up for myself and Mrs Badger had a sausage roll. 

    Kenny Burns would have been proud. 

    Fabulous cinema that's I'd go to a lot if I was still local, but it was my first time. 

    Mission Impossible would probably have benefited from a bigger screen TBF. 

    Special effects and stunts were otherworldly and the script had some amusing moments. 

    But whereas the movie could have benefited from a larger screen, a script would have been nice too. 

    Unlike a previous poster, I think Bond and Bourne are far superior franchises because both leads (meaning Craig) are so much better.

    I really like Cruise in many (non-religious) ways, but he's just not as dynamic an actor as Craig or Damon. 

    I quite enjoyed it but I'm not sure I'll bother with part 2. Especially with my memory which barely takes 10 seconds to self destruct and I'll have forgotten what (little) happened in a years time.

    And why of why in every scene did every person speak in order for the same amount of time. It was so awkward I thought at one stage it was an in-joke.  

    Stunts and special effects 10/10

    Sir Thomas of Cruise 5/10

    Overall a rompy 7/10

    One other thing. 

    Who was shovelling the coal in?

  5. On 19/07/2023 at 16:24, Carl Sagan said:

    The bizarre error of logic of Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil and the other cultists is to imagine what we do in the UK can make any difference at all. For instance, coal power generation (the dirtiest carbon fuel) is 2% in the UK and will be fully phased out next year. By contrast, it's around 35% in Germany and projected to rise to 40% there by the end of the decade. UK emissions, because we have decarbonized so very successfully, are minuscule.

    Really, the only countries that will make a difference to the global climate are America, China and India. But with a possible second tier of nations of Russia, Germany, Japan and I think Iran.

    Anyone in Europe who wants to protest should hop on a train to Germany and chain themselves to German coal mines. Doing it here just exposes these people as professional protesters in search of a cause, who don't actually care what that cause is so long as it's antiestablishment.

    I thought Germany had ramped up exclusively because of the war in Ukraine, as they relied so heavily on gas from Russia.

    I think they are a poor example because they are increasing renewables, they're just in an impossible situation, and we're not.


  6. On 20/07/2023 at 20:33, Ghost of Clough said:

    The natural variation  is still there, and has played a big part in the change in global climate. As you can see from this graph, there's a periodic increase in CO2 on average every 100k years, so you could argue we were about due for another sharp increase. This has a clear impact on global temperature and sea level as a result.


    The general argument I see is along the lines if, since there's a natural variation, it doesn't matter what we do, it'll still happen and naturally reset.

    The scary part you can see in this graph is the CO2 levels continuing to increase, with us now reaching a variation double that of anything seen in over 400k years - a period which stretches back further than humans on earth.

    It really is a "what next scenario". CO2 levels currently match those from 3 million years ago, with only a small increase required to match levels from 15 million years ago 

    Where has the chart come from? Do you have a link?

  7. On 08/07/2023 at 12:28, Wolfie20 said:

    But.......I can buy potatoes with it ............. and onions 


    I took a bar of gold into Sainsbury's the other day.

    They said I couldn't buy groceries with it.

    I threw it away.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Red_Dawn said:

    Your former owner paid his taxes yet? 

    Thought not. 

    If you or I did what your owner got upto we'd end up in prison. 

    Two quotes for you Red_Yawn

    The biggest mistake I  ever made was leaving Derby County.

    Derby is a real football town.

    Can you guess who said them?

    I'll give you a clue; he continued to live in Derby even when he worked in Nottingham.

  9. 48 minutes ago, Red_Dawn said:

    When in doubt, break out the attendances lads 😆 

    That's a much better of measuring team success than considering the two divisions between us.. 

    Bobs Burgers Straws GIF

    Holy crap, I just noticed you have commented 4,000 times in this group!

    How many times were you told you weren't good enough growing up?

    Wouldn't therapy be easier?

    Repeat after me:

    Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better.





  10. I rarely visit this thread, but when I do @Red_Dawn always seems to be lurking about.

    It's almost like he has no friends.

    Anyway, I always love to share this with the followers of the second team in Nottingham when they get all uppity.

    Even in League One we'd be getting higher attendances then these clowns in the Championship.


    Derby:Foerst averages.jpg

  11. 19 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

    Think it’s Sky Atlantic from memory 

    It is indeed. I slogged through another episode of Hit and Run last night, about I'm done with that steaming pile of crap and will move onto this next.

  12. 3 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

    Late to the party on this one but thoroughly enjoying The Newsroom.

    Jeff Daniels is the TV news anchor who used to go out with Emily Mortimer as his producer. Verbal sparks fly between them but they make a great team.

    Sam Waterstone is the supportive boss and Dev Patel probably the best known of the news writers.

    Alison Pill also excellent as the keen young journalist paired with the wrong guy, whilst the right guy is in front of her face.

    Witty, clever and thoroughly enjoyable.

    What side is it on? I can see it on Amazon, but only if I pay.

  13. After the utterly brilliant Caliphate (9.5/10), we moved on to Hit and Run on Netflix. Mainly because the lead guy and one of the writing team in the excellent Fauda (9/10) also wrote and leads in this.


    It's no Fauda that's for sure.

    Only 2 episodes in, but it feels so predictable and hackneyed. 

    It's what I'd imagine ChatGPT would spew out if you gave it the characters and a vague plot outline.

    Anybody else seen it?

  14. 2 hours ago, Eddie said:

    We now have a watchable telly.

    Two days ago, we had a lightning strike just across the road. The first thing we noticed was that the TV (two months old) had switched itself on (massive microwave burst, I presume, fooling the set that the controller had been pressed). Well, when I say 'switched itself on', the Virgin Media 'no channels found' message was waltzing across the screen. A quick zap of the 'Netflix' button revealed that the set itself 'seemed' to be ok, so I ran the Virgin Media diagnostics. Sure enough, after cycling through the tests, it diagnosed a connectivity fault and suggested that an engineer callout was appropriate. So I booked one for the first available slot, which was the next day (yesterday).

    Virgin Media dude waltzed in with his bag of tricks, and the first thing that he diagnosed was that the Tivo box and the Virgin Media cables weren't fried - which was a surprise because we've had two boxes die in the last couple of years. However, the comms link to the telly wasn't working. A quick change of HDMI cables and swapping through the ports  brought no progress, so he popped out to his van and brought another telly in. 

    That worked fine.

    Then it became apparent that my TV would no longer switch off - in fact, the handset no longer communicated with it at all. Diagnosis - all HDMI ports were irreparably dead and that there had been some serious damage internally. I thanked the Virgin Media dude for his help and unplugged the TV. 

    Next - reporting the problem. Couldn't log on to any meaningful 'chat' facility on the Toshiba website - just getting an AI bot which went through the usual 'have you switched it off and on again?' spiel and eventually spewing out their phone number, which was permanently engaged.

    So, I logged on to the Argos (where I bought the set) website. Same AI bot nonsense, but I did find a well-hidden message that suggested that I take the goods back to the shop. So I did (TV, controller, power supply etc), together with guarantee documentation, proof of purchase and everything I could think of that might prove useful, short of the original packaging.

    First thing that was said... "Do you have a Toshiba reference number for the problem?" I explained that their website was great for downloading manuals, but bugger-all use for reporting an issue. So the Argos assistant jotted down the Toshiba help-desk phone number. I immediately played the 'Disability' card, for which I'm not proud, but I am almost completely deaf and steer clear of telephones for anything other than text messages.

    The Argos staff couldn't have been more helpful. Within 5 minutes, an engineer had my TV plugged in - and immediately unplugged again. The 'bzzzt' sound it was making did not fill him with confidence that there was anything that could be done. I suggested that I purchase the same make and model and that they reimburse me for the original once it had been verified that it was a write-off, or that the original was repaired by Toshiba and subsequently returned to me - but they wouldn't hear of it.

    Very long story mercifully shortened - watched Netflix on the laptop last night so the Memsahib could watch 'her stories' (the bloody awful 'Manifest' series); new telly was delivered to me at 8:30 this morning, and I had it up and running half an hour later.

    Come on, Derbyshire.

    Hey ChatGPT, an old guy posted this in a message board and I cannot be arsed to read it all. Can you read it for me and tell me what the hell he's talking about in a sentence or two so I can offer a response that makes me look like I read it and that I'm a caring person, please?


    "Sounds like quite the ordeal you had with the lightning strike—glad to hear Argos pulled through for you. By the way, here's to hoping technology companies improve their AI customer service to avoid such hassles in future. Cheers to Derbyshire!"


  15. On 10/07/2023 at 11:35, Wolfie said:

    We've binned The Watcher and last night started with 3 episodes of Schitt's Creek (Netflix).

    Late to the party on this one, I know, but we're loving it so far. A strong cast but in particular: Catherine O'Hara was my favourite character in one of my favourite films (Beetlejuice), and she's an absolute joy to watch in this.

    Best line so far:

    Twyla: Yeah, no, he went to prison, which is terrible, but... But he is learning Spanish, "No mas, le duele!" I think it means, "Stop, it hurts." 🤣

    I communicate with Mrs Badger on Messenger almost exclusively with Schitt's Creek gifs. So many good ones.

    My favourite comedy of the last 10 years and I wasn't that arsed about the first season. So if you like it already you're in for a right treat as the characters develop.

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