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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 20 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Just ordered my first vinyl setup. 

    I pulled Dark Side of the Moon, Rumours and Songs in the Key of Life out of my Mum's loft, but other album recommendations would be appreciated!

    Always liked Led Zep 2 and 4.  Soundgarden - Superunknown, Pearl Jam 10, Pulp- Different Class,  Charlatans - Some Friendly. Crosby, Stills and Nash first LP is basically California in the 60's on wax.  Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet and Let it Bleed are worth a listen. 

    Ziggy Stardust and Hunky Dory by Bowie are classics.  The Curtis Mayfield reissue from 2019 has the full version of Move on Up which everyone should have.  The Cure - Head on the Door.  

    I've got loads depending on what you like as a base. You might love Jazz

  2. 5 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Just ordered my first vinyl setup. 

    I pulled Dark Side of the Moon, Rumours and Songs in the Key of Life out of my Mum's loft, but other album recommendations would be appreciated!

    Has the Dark Side got a solid light blue triangle in the middle of the vinyl.  Careful if it has, could be 350-400 quid in good nick.

    Beatles Revolver and Rubber Soul.  Only 'experts' mistakenly think Sgt Pepper was their best effort 

  3. Just watched a documentary on this guy. Half hour in appears he was with us for a couple of years on 200k a year.  A- We had to be involved somewhere of course.  B-  4K a week under the American owners.  No wonder we wound up skint if that was prudent.

    We had an old thread suggesting he cost over a million.  Can't even remember him.




  4. 14 hours ago, Returning ram said:

    Not disagreeing, but based on what. Personally never seen (maybe notice) him play.

    Based on his inconsistent game time in a struggling side.  No more.  I think we need a better quality on loan or permanent to push for top 2. If he costs 50k ok.  If not we need the funds for now. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    While talking about the issues/protest at Reading Robbie mentioned that 2 bids have gone in for his son Charlie, from Stockport and Derby. 

    Odd one.  Think we need better.  He'll get more games at Stockport.

  6. Isn't January the last pay date for our Polish superstar who had a world cup to prepare that lasted a calendar year. I doubt Birmingham paid us 1.5 million and the last year of his huge wage. Anything from Knights fee for operating cost has probably gone there with a loan fee top up for John Jules. Efe Ambrose it is. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:







    I stand to be corrected, but I believe it was similar at Millwall... Initially, their mob were just known as "Yobs".

    It wasn't until that PO semi against us... and with acknowledgement to Graham Richards... that they became "officially" known as "The Brainless Maniacs".




    That documentary of theirs were their wearing the surgical masks is a cracker.  On the coach to Bristol and one of them snarls that their ready for it as they 'hate Northerners'.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Saveloy is for tourists mate. Get some pie and mash down ya, with plenty of liquor, that'll see ya right.

    Once saw a documentary with Steve Jones from the Sex Pistols being interviewed in a pie and mash shop.  Was shovelling the stuff down like Augustus Gloop whilst telling the interviewer he had a reaction to the sauce and would have a swelling in his hands the next day.  Either very good or he's very stupid.  Could be both.  

  9. 3 hours ago, Barney1991 said:

    Warne: Hello cbt it’s warne here if there’s a building on fire and you can save one item would it

    cbt: the coffee machine 

    warne: can you grow a beard and run a lot 

    cbt; of course 

    warne: great lad your in I can tell your a great human 

    I heard that he panicked and said DCFC beanie hat.  He's now been demoted to the possible list.

  10. 31 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Sad news and further indication of how time flies.

    I grew up watching football in the 90s and I became an adult mid 00s.

    The players I grew up watching are all pretty much retired now bar the odd one or two exceptions (Ronaldo and Messi are 39 and 37 this year!).

    Players I grew up watching are now managers, and managers 20-30 years ago are now elderly and in some cases unfortunately passing away.

    Different times back then when information on dieting wasn’t available and habits such as smoking was common among those in their 50s+.

    We've just substituted any vices for copious amounts of daily stress instead.  The 90's were fab which is why the football always seems a special memory.  I'd go back tomorrow.

  11. 2 hours ago, David said:

    Couple of things here, last season was our first in League 1, not only would incoming players be sold the bounce straight back up dream, Rooney was still around whilst deals were being lined up.

    18 months later, are we to believe Warne hasn’t signed any quality players, players which have us 2 points off the automatics? Nelson, Wilson, Ward, are they crap?

    To top it off and suggest Warne isn’t respected at this level, come on, his CV will earn him respect, let’s not needlessly slander the guy because we’re not signing players that we want and he may have no interest in.

    Not convinced on that one.  He fecked off on day 1 of the new ownership when he realised he wouldn't get his pudgy mitts on a percentage. Before that, we couldn't have lined up a bloke to paint the stands never mind any players.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    And the club, and the facilities, and the “project” (prospect of promotion etc), the location, the player’s family situations and so on.
    Once again quite complex situations being reduced down to simple binary terms seemingly loaded against Warne. 
    I watched an episode of “stick to football” earlier in which Gary Neville and co debate the transfer situation at a club and it made for interesting viewing. Included an amusing anecdote in which Keane tried to sign a player for Sunderland (Anelka maybe 🤔) who told Keane after meeting him for a couple of hours he needed to think about the decision, and as he got in his car and drove out the car park Keane got a text saying “I’m joining Bolton cause my wife wants to live in Manchester”.

    Yes Warne and his style of football (or lack of) will play a part, but there’s more to it for the players, their families, and the agents involved.

    It was Matt Taylor.  Don't recall the Manchester bit thougth.

  13. 54 minutes ago, BuckoBeast said:

    Strange to show him around the place if we haven’t got the cash to pay for him 

    I'd assume he'd be free to come and look if the clubs have agreed a fee.  If not, then no.  We have a fair few players who may not fit here but could fit in there who have 6 months on contracts.  A player swop wouldn't be unheard of I suppose.

  14. 27 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    Jesse Lingard’s career ending decision: 📸 https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/25075099/jesse-lingard-offers-newcastle-fulham-nottingham-forest/?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=sunfootballfacebook090124&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR2KChNPvdMcbnT2E0uNgd9-GNzA7IaFYJsV9RHd-QddvKQ2mLRg-2vJpiU_aem_ASxIhxAjdbBAiquUfrVDJa1dtLpvyerv64sWBlAb59J3ksqvpvu_risWCUCDynKF-c0#Echobox=1704730428

    to summarise, he was offered two four year contracts from Newcastle and Fulham. He chose a one year contract at Forest. Which has effectively ended his career. 

    Forest, where crap footballers go to get crapper. 

    How much did they pay the ballbag to turn that down.  Probably find out in due course if the current FFP drama has legs.

  15. 50 minutes ago, dcfcjj said:

    What happened to the supposed money available? 

    More money was made available when we missed out on Harris and was put up for another player we couldn't get through the door late on.  I assume that excess could be tied up in new deals as well for existing players, or new offers not yet taken up therein.  Could probably do with Bird s******* or getting off the pot.

  16. 12 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

    Who do you think we could sign for a couple of hundred thousand pounds that would improve the squad?

    Spend a few hundred thousand on loan fees would be an option we didn't have last year apparently.  Served Plymouth well and can lead to a permanent if promoted.

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