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Posts posted by GB SPORTS

  1. 5 minutes ago, Mihangel said:

    No. The have owned planes placed with them. They do also offer charter services but this isn't the case with CK. Have a look around at all the very wealthy and who their jets are registered with, Bill Gates as an sample...

    You do realise that these registers are in the public domain right? You have access to the 'database', so does everyone else on the planet with internet access!

    Quite a few of the open access ones are inaccurate/out of date. i am only using the FAA one in this case. One i have seen recently lists different aircraft with similar serial registration numbers as the same aircraft!! 

  2. 1 hour ago, Mihangel said:

    He does, EJM are are a jet management company (the clue's in the name), they handle licensing, registration, maintenance, flight planning etc etc because people who aren't aviation professionals don't tend to know how to do that....

    He is not the registered owner on the paperwork, believe me i have access to the database. EJM operate an exclusive lease system a little like buying a car on PCP.

    Just looked again and Knight Frank have an interest in the plane also. CK may have funded the lease though Knight Frank as well, this is not unusual and in someways good news as if he borrows any cash they 100% sure he will repay!!!.

  3. 54 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    In that case he's fibbing as reports says he paid ex amount of millions...cash?‍♀️

    Leasing ain't cheap for exclusive use you have to put down about 20 % of the net worth, and pay a holding fee for the lease every month, usually around 1-2 % of the net worth, for that you get the maintenance of the plane and hangar rent and preferential rates on crewing etc. My guess full price would be around $20m for a2009 Gulfstream G550, so $4m down and $300k per month.

  4. 4 hours ago, maxjam said:

    Alternatively, he could sell his plane in the UK and use the cash to buy Derby.  Fly back to the US with the plebs, then buy himself a new plane!


    I Don't believe he actually owns the plane, it is on lease i believe from Executive Jet management Inc.

    Still not cheap.

  5. 30 minutes ago, Mihangel said:

    He'd have to be careful, EMA from Fort Worth is at the upper end of the G550 range, £20,000,000 in £50 would weight approximately 400kg, plus the suitcases, with wings full of fuel, he might need to empty the drinks cabinet ?

    You are allowed to land and refuel. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Months ago now , 50% of us wanted to protest in front of the Sky cameras. About the EFL , Q, and the rest of the blood suckers,The other 50% said “NO , don’t kick up a fuss, everything will be lovely very shortly,my flask might get knocked over”. Thanks for that because it is now too late.

    i didn't think the march would achieve much at the time (re takeover) and unfortunately, i've been proved correct but i did it anyway with gusto anyway mainly because the majority wanted it. Do i believe the march will do any good this time. err No. Will i go on it again, yes of course for the same reasons as before.


  7. 25 minutes ago, Mckram said:

    To be fair to MA, he had no idea that they even did the searches out of their working hours and as soon as he knew he put it right.

    I’m not just saying this from things I’ve read either, I worked for him and saw it first hand. 

    I have had contracts from then SDI (now Frasers group) and i have to say i have had now problems with being paid on time. Also in my limited dealings with their management i can assure you that they all seem a happy and contented bunch and a joy to liaise with.

  8. 5 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    Was that because we never had social media then? We only had 2 sources of information and that was radio Derby and the telegraph.

    I do remember coming away from the ground, having lost to Plymouth, thinking that, that was the end of the club.

    That night was dreadful, and i didn't sleep a wink for three days.

  9. 59 minutes ago, GeneralRam said:


    US banking is very much crap compared to the UK. The only thing I know that is reasonably quick domestically is Zelle. Venmo and other ACH is next day minimum.

    Never had much of a problem with either US or UK to be honest. Transfers from one to another are usually next working day max.

    Having said that the most i have done is £400K!

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