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  1. Sad
    Parsnip reacted to Boycie in What are you eating tonight   
    I do wish them dog owners would bag it up and take it home with them!
  2. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to mozza in What are you eating tonight   
    Looks like something the surgeon removed from my body, the other day..
  3. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from EtoileSportiveDeDerby in What are you eating tonight   
    Just frying up some tomato sausages from Birds. They're looking lovely. You can't beat local quality produce.

  4. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Ramslad1992 in New parents   
    Amazing mate - hope that's the hardest week you and Clara Leisa and her mum have to face and you get some good luck now. Shes lovely, looks like a ram ? Congratulations!
  5. Like
    Parsnip reacted to Ramslad1992 in New parents   
    Hi everyone... I'm not to sure how to write this so I'll just go along with it and sorry for any waffling! 
    My absolutely amazing daughter was born last week on the 10th June in lincoln. Within minutes of her being born they realised something wasnt quite right and within 19 hours of being born she had been transferred to queens medical centre (which I've called home for the last week) and had life saving surgery. 
    She has a condition called Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula... her food pipe and windpipe were joined and without the amazing work of our great NHS she wouldn't be here. 
    Shes got a long way to go but I'm forever proud of how much shes been through in just a week and I'll forever be grateful to everyone that's helped her and our NHS in general.
    As you can see by the photo shes already in training as the rams newest supporter! 

  6. Clap
    Parsnip reacted to Mucker1884 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Back in the day, when pub "lock-ins" were a thing, I have been known to feed two dogs mouth to mouth, with those mini-cheddar nibble things they hang up behind the bar next to the pork scratchings.
    The fact that it was my first time in this pub (I was a mate of one of the regulars) didn't matter.  The fact I was a stranger to the dogs and the landlord didn't matter.  The fact that the landlord had deliberately "allowed" the dogs to roam the public areas, specifically in the hope of clearing the pub/discouraging a lock in didn't matter.  The fact that both dogs were Dobermans didn't matter.  The landlord went to bed defeated.  We had our lock in... and I fell asleep on the bench seat, being spooned by one of the Dobermans!
    It was one of my more successful evenings, when it comes to romance, it has to be said!
    As an aside, I have seen your doggy pics, and have always said "If I ever have a dog, it would be a Boxer", so I fully comprehend why you love your pooch, as I'm sure I would myself, if we were ever to meet up.
    I guess my post (to which you were responding) should have been better written, to clarify that it was irresponsible dog owners that were the "Gary Barlow" of my rant!
  7. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Mucker1884 in What are you eating tonight   
    Soz mate but in a world of Boris and Brexit and Trump... everything needs to.be fact checked. Otherwise we'll end up with... well, what we've ended up with.

  8. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Mostyn6 in What are you eating tonight   
    Soz mate but in a world of Boris and Brexit and Trump... everything needs to.be fact checked. Otherwise we'll end up with... well, what we've ended up with.

  9. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Rev in What are you eating tonight   
    Soz mate but in a world of Boris and Brexit and Trump... everything needs to.be fact checked. Otherwise we'll end up with... well, what we've ended up with.

  10. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from GboroRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I've got loads of these.
    1. People who don't understand that dogs are equals. (Betters if anything). 
    2. Gary Barlow.
    3. People who don't get down on all fours and have a little mini wrestle with any dog that decides to grace him/her with their company.
    4. Gary Frigging Barlow.
    5. People who are unwilling to give big kisses on the lips to random dogs.
    6. Oh and that Facebook thing, "I've been nominated to post 10 pieces of crap to annoy everyone"...
    7. Loads of other facebook things.
    8. Gary Barlow.
    9. Gary Barlow.
    10. Struggling for a tenth. Must be a good day.
  11. Angry
    Parsnip reacted to Mucker1884 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Dog owners, who for some inexplicable reason, assume everyone would like to fuss over their dogs!
    Just met up with big sis in her local park.  sat in our camping chairs.  Thermos cuppa each.  3 of us in total (2 of us from one household).
    First time we've seen her since early March.  Was wonderful. (She's mid 60's and lives alone). 
    All grass.  Very quiet, so very spacious, under the circumstances.  Nobody came within 20m of us (and we didn't cause anyone to divert in any way.  We saw 7 other people in 90 mins.  Dad and young son over the other side.  Bit of a kick about etc.  The other 5 were just strolling through.  3 of them were walking dogs.  Of those 3, 2 of them allowed their dogs (2 owners... 3 dogs) to approach us, and begin to sniff around etc.  Chairs/ankles/bags/shoes/thermos cups.  You name it, the dogs wanted to explore.
    Neither owner made any attempt whatsoever, to curtail their dog's approach by calling them back, and literally had to be told to do so, before they reacted in any way!  (By Muckerette... I'm too much of a coward, and just tried shooing the dogs away directly... unsuccessfully, I hasten to add)
    My sister isn't at all keen on dogs.  Muckerette is generally scared of them, or at the very least, doesn't trust them.  I can take 'em or leave 'em, and am more than comfortable around dogs... in the right setting!  But I certainly don't want 'em licking my friggin mug of coffee!
    Whether dogs could be virus carriers or whether that is unproven/old wives tale, I care not one jot. 
    Whether each particular dog is vicious or "just wants to play", I care even less!
    Keep the Bamfords away.  If they cannot be trusted, then leash the duckers!  At the very least, for the better trained and more well behaved dogs... as all three of these seemed to be, if truth be told... try calling them back yourself, before they reach us, and before we feel the need to tell you to control your dogs!
    I fully appreciate that most dogs like a fuss.  Who doesn't!
    I fully appreciate that some people approach others' dogs, against the owners wishes.  I know this works both ways.
    So... we won't approach your dog unless invited to do so (No thanks!), and you don't allow yours to approach us, unless we invite you to (Fat chance!).
  12. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Mostyn6 in The Lockdown “Bizarre Purchases” thread   
    @RamNut I was so moved by your story that i made a little hand drawing your new lodger. What do you think?

  13. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Joined the queue at a very busy KFC in Chesterfield, waited a aeon to order my mighty bucket & gravy. The faceless voice from the box said "No gravy on today duck".
    Like it was nothing.
  14. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from froggg in What are you eating tonight   
    Mrs Pastinaak's sourdough game is strong. We love a good bandwagon in our house. And to you laymen, the black one isn't burned - its supposed to be like that and it's incredible. @froggg'll know.

  15. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Boycie in What are you eating tonight   
    Love omelettes me.
  16. Clap
    Parsnip reacted to Eddie in What are you eating tonight   
    Turkey croquettes, stuffed with chilli, camembert, cranberry and port.
    I spent two hours putting these babies together - I hope the Memsahib approves.

  17. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Jourdan in Watchable telly   
    So many shows are like that. I don't know about 'You' but i remember watching 13 reasons why after a recommendation here - absolutely shocking. Im embarrassed to have watched it. 
    Just managed to finish Afterlife 2. It's crap.
    They're all crap. Everything's crap.
    I remember years ago staying up till tomorrow binge watching the first 3 seasons of 24. God that was so good. 
  18. Like
    Parsnip reacted to ariotofmyown in Watchable telly   
    I watched first 3 episodes of Killing Eve series 3 and seems better than series 2. 
    Not sure is Phoebe Fleabag is more involved in this series again? 
  19. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from therealhantsram in Watchable telly   
    Series 1 was really brilliant. Series 2 a bit disappointing. Happens dunnit.
  20. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Mostyn6 in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    That's deeply pathetic. Is he old enough to drink that beer in the photo?
  21. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    That's deeply pathetic. Is he old enough to drink that beer in the photo?
  22. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in Watchable telly   
    Yeah there were enough funny bits to make it watchable but some of the characters were annoying. The main character himself was awful, everyone loves him but for what reason? His dead wife was horrendously grating. The ridiculously nice prostitute was bizarre - as was the ridiculously nice intern at the office. Don't get me started on the annoying old bint on the bench. Even his nursing home love interest from the extras had a shocker. Hopefully none of these characters are recurring in this next season.
  23. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Chester40 in Watchable telly   
    Yeah there were enough funny bits to make it watchable but some of the characters were annoying. The main character himself was awful, everyone loves him but for what reason? His dead wife was horrendously grating. The ridiculously nice prostitute was bizarre - as was the ridiculously nice intern at the office. Don't get me started on the annoying old bint on the bench. Even his nursing home love interest from the extras had a shocker. Hopefully none of these characters are recurring in this next season.
  24. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Watchable telly   
    Yeah there were enough funny bits to make it watchable but some of the characters were annoying. The main character himself was awful, everyone loves him but for what reason? His dead wife was horrendously grating. The ridiculously nice prostitute was bizarre - as was the ridiculously nice intern at the office. Don't get me started on the annoying old bint on the bench. Even his nursing home love interest from the extras had a shocker. Hopefully none of these characters are recurring in this next season.
  25. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Rev in Watchable telly   
    Gangs of London.
    Utter garbage, poorly written, poorly acted, improbably crap cars being driven by multi millionaire gangsters.
    Yet somehow, it's the best thing I've seen in ages.
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