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  1. Like
    1967Ram reacted to ramsbottom in Gary Lineker   
    Well I for one won’t bother tuning into it tomorrow.  I think the whole thing stinks.  Especially when you think that supposed hardened journalists like Fiona Bruce & Laura Kussenberg have been giving The Tories an easy ride for years, and as for Andrew Neil… 
    I bet all these bitter & twisted gammons, clutching at their pearls, demanding he was taken off the air, were dancing in the streets when he slotted in the equaliser against Germany at Italia 90.  Hypocrites…
  2. Like
    1967Ram reacted to therealhantsram in Gary Lineker   
    Some insight and analysis from the ITV Political Editor.

  3. Like
    1967Ram reacted to ketteringram in Gary Lineker   
    I don't watch match of the day very often. I used to, years ago. 
    Generally, I'd be more likely to watch it, if there was no presenter, and no pundits. No studio. Just highlights, and if required, a voice over person, saying which match is next etc. 
  4. Clap
    1967Ram reacted to ilkleyram in Gary Lineker   
    Here's a random idea - let's just have a MOTD with just football.  No chat, no presenters, maybe no commentators either.  Just footie that we can make our own minds on what's good/bad, right or wrong.  You never know we might be able to have more actual football to fill the available time
  5. Clap
    1967Ram reacted to therealhantsram in Gary Lineker   
    The thing is the Beeb have backed themselves into a corner here. Lineker won't apologise. So the options are to sack him or back down. 
    Neither option looks great for the Beeb.
    This incident is no so big that it will have been escalated to the BBC Chairman to manage - the man who helped arrange an £800,000 loan for the PM and who personally donated 400k (yes 400k!) to the Tory party. 
  6. Clap
    1967Ram reacted to JfR in Gary Lineker   
    I don't really get it. The BBC decided it was fine to broadcast an expose of the Qatari government's violations of the human rights of migrant workers instead of broadcasting the opening ceremony of the World Cup last year, but Lineker raising concerns that our own government's policies violate the human rights of migrants on his own channels isn't fine? I can't really reconcile that.
  7. Like
    1967Ram reacted to cstand in Gary Lineker   
    Not watched MOTD regularly for years it’s too much about the presenters today and not enough about the football.
    Would be sorry to see Ian Wright go especially for the respect he shows to Mr Pigden.
    It’s one of my all time favourite YouTube videos.
  8. Clap
    1967Ram reacted to Anon in Gary Lineker   
    That's a fair point. Of course no one wants to be associated with someone who would discriminate based solely on race, but "perceived racist" is worryingly vague to me. All of this is very subjective and what pushes me towards free speech absolutism is that often the people tasked with judging these cases don't seem to make very sensible decisions. Lineker's case is a great example. As much as I dislike the guy the fact that he's been stepped down from his job because he disagreed publicly with a government position is quite frightening.
  9. Haha
    1967Ram reacted to Rev in Gary Lineker   
    I hope tomorrow's show concentrates on, and praises exclusively, the contributions of right wingers to the games. 
    That'll get the Tories back on side.
  10. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Day in Gary Lineker   
    Not that important. If anyone was to stop watching a football programme over one man's political views, wouldn't be a huge lost. Let's be honest, it would take a mass exodus to have any serious impact.
    It's all on par with the kids today that scream "you've lost my respect" soon as someone does or says something they don't like.
    The sooner companies stop pandering to the cancel culture on both sides the better. 
  11. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Anon in Gary Lineker   
    He's paid to talk about football. I don't see why anything he says outside of MOTD should matter when it comes to presenting a football highlights show. It was the same with the awful treatment Le Tissier got from Sky. It baffles me that companies now seem to believe they can and should dictate what their employees say and think away from work.
  12. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Day in Gary Lineker   
    Without turning this into another left v right borefest, Gary Lineker is stepping back from his presenting duties on MOTD following the Nazi tweet.
    I'm not entirely sure why there is so much controversy, comes down to this for me, if it's within his contract to abide by impartiality rules and refrain from taking sides on politic issues, that is a breach of contract, sack him.
    If there is nothing in the contract preventing him, let the bloke crack on.
    Many people face certain rules when it comes to social media, I know of two women that work within child services for North East Lincolnshire Council, they are not allowed to have profiles with their full names so have opted for first and middle names only. It's in the employment terms they agreed to.
  13. Like
    1967Ram reacted to angieram in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    I wouldn't overcomplicate things. I'd have just brought on an extra midfielder for a winger as soon as I saw what was happening on the pitch. Probably Tommo, we just needed an extra ratter in there to intercept their pretty passes and keep the ball by passing to the next man.  Rooney would have done  too, push Smith back up into midfield. 
    As many have said, Mendez-Laing did nothing second half - he hardly ever saw the ball.
    We play better when we're short passing and retaining possession.  Everyone criticises Bird for this but it's what keeps us starting new attacks. 
    The Hollywood passes are great when they come off but they get less and less likely as the game progresses.
  14. Like
    1967Ram reacted to kevinhectoring in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    Strongly agree about Smith. But whilst he looks very good in possession I’m not sure Rooney yet has the defensive skills to face up to a top team. Against the Shrews there were occasions where his positional radar was naively faulty and surprisingly Fozzie is faster than he is in a straight line. I think the best for this squad is to add Davies or Chester at the back, play Knight and Smith as defensive midfielders, sit deeper, try to win more games 1-0 and accept we’ll win fewer 4-0.  Against the top teams at least. We break well with NML, Barks and Dobbin and as we saw yesterday Didzie for one will find the magic ball that slices a defence apart. 
  15. Clap
    1967Ram reacted to i-Ram in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    Can't agree with this. Both against Shrewsbury and Plymouth we played really well first half. We went off after 45 in both games having played really very well. What we have failed to do in both matches is properly adjust to the opposition's change of tactic and tempo early in the second half. That might be partly a player fall-off issue, perhaps some tiredness in the legs, but I think we are being too slow in re-grouping, refreshing, changing our team up to negate the opposition's revised tactics.  We can get top 6. Still think we will. But the coaches need to start earning their bucks. Handing out coffee mugs and instructing them to run faster/harder is not sufficient.
  16. Haha
    1967Ram reacted to BaaLocks in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Last time I went I wouldn't say the doctor was enthusiastic but when the report came back it said I needed two fillings and a crown.
  17. Haha
    1967Ram reacted to i-Ram in Prostrate Cancer.   
    It is definitely serious stuff. Go get yourself checked!!!!
    At my last prostate examination I asked where I should put my trousers and pants. "Next to mine" was not the answer I had been expecting.
  18. Haha
    1967Ram reacted to Hans Datdo-Dishes in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Great news, DGB.
    I went for an examination once with my GP and I told him that I wasn't looking forward to it. He assured me that if I was, he wouldn't have been doing it!
  19. Like
    1967Ram reacted to rsmini in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Just had the pleasure of a colonoscopy.. it’s very interesting watching your insides on a big screen for an hour whilst a camera is moved around your insides. It’s all worth it though and hopefully gives peace of mind 
    if you see anything that gives you concerns about your body please go and see your GP 
  20. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Old Spalding Ram in Prostrate Cancer.   
    I had no symptoms, had a blood test for something else, visit to hospital, had a marvellous dedicated nurse, “ we can beat this Mr R”, biopsy, brachytherapy which are radioactive beads the size of a grain of rice injected into ……………..anyway, was treated on a Monday morning out Tuesday morning, loads of hospital support, six monthly blood tests and Nurse Rached reckons I’ve beat the bugger!
    Good luck DGB………………..to everyone else, get tested, when diagnosed early completely treatable.
  21. Like
    1967Ram reacted to David Graham Brown in Prostrate Cancer.   
    Last September I was playing football with my grandson,and hurt my knee. I didn’t bother the doctors because the knee gradually returned to near normal, but still quite painful at times. It was such a time I winced, and my wife “advised “ me to see the doctor,which I duly attended, knee examination, all OK, I asked for a PSA (having seen the information at Pride Park) check which he duly gave me the paperwork. The test came back 7.1, I’m over 70 so 6.5 is regarded as normal. I was dispatched to the Derby Royal, had the anal examination, ( for the first time) small lump found. In five weeks I’ve had a MRI scan,my prostrate biopsy done, and a QT scan,and I’m now on a hormone treatment plan. It appears they’ve caught the tumour early, and the prognosis is good, they say it will be eliminated. You do lose your dignity at times, but not going through that door and having the exam you could lose a lot more.
    A shout out to the doctors and nurses at the Derby Royal, they have been absolutely terrific, informative, and very understanding, and caring.
  22. Like
    1967Ram reacted to Tyler Durden in Thanks a lot ref   
    Haha no just timing my post must have followed yours by milliseconds so wouldn't have known what you were writing.
    I agree that the refs in this league are poor. Incompetent yes, corrupt that's a step too far. 
  23. Haha
    1967Ram reacted to Kernow in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    I’ve got a nosebleed coming this far north. Already seen somebody eating a Ginsters ‘pasty’ and another with a scone with the cream on first. I feel sick.
  24. Haha
    1967Ram reacted to Caerphilly Ram in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    They’ve heard rumours perpetuated by our fan base about the size of certain player’s….erm….courage
  25. Clap
    1967Ram reacted to Amberram in V Plymouth (a) 7th March 20.00   
    Captain Jaspers before the game is a must
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