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  1. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Ellafella in Derby vs Port Vale   
    Oh duck me he’s on 

  2. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from cstand in Derby vs Port Vale   
    Oh duck me he’s on 

  3. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Derby vs Port Vale   
    There’s always Sonny Bradley on the bench…
    Oh yeah, as you were 
  4. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Ramslad1992 in Derby vs Port Vale   
    Oh duck me he’s on 

  5. Haha
    Millenniumram reacted to Walkley Ram in Derby vs Port Vale   
  6. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Derby vs Port Vale   
    Oh duck me he’s on 

  7. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Walkley Ram in Derby vs Port Vale   
    There’s always Sonny Bradley on the bench…
    Oh yeah, as you were 
  8. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from DiggerB in Derby vs Port Vale   
  9. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Caerphilly Ram in Derby vs Port Vale   
  10. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from BOB BIGGS in Derby vs Port Vale   
    Yeah that’s it Paul, get back to 3-5-2. I know you’ve been itching to do it 
  11. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Gee SCREAMER !! in Derby vs Port Vale   
    Guarantee Port Vale get a pen in this game 
  12. Sad
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Walkley Ram in Derby vs Port Vale   
    Guarantee Port Vale get a pen in this game 
  13. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from REDCAR in Phil Jagielka   
    That’s Warne’s Cashin replacement scuppered!
  14. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Crewton in Cruz Allen   
    Yeah I don’t mean from an FFP perspective, I mean the amount Clowes is willing to spend.
  15. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Crewton in Cruz Allen   
    No, but I imagine he will do with the big boys interested. The promise of higher pay normally swings most young players, and I can’t blame them.
  16. Clap
    Millenniumram reacted to QuitYourJibbaJivin in Cruz Allen   
    the compensation rules are a joke to be honest. Cat1 academies shouldn’t be able to steal talent from other cat1 academies so easily. Since brexit and the rules for signing overseas youngsters it’s only  exasperated the problem over here. Now the big prem clubs just hoover up all the local talent in the hope of 1 day of selling for a fee or they may turn into a star. Amazing really how Birmingham were able to get so much for Jude Bellingham, his families affection for Blues was probably they’re only saving grace. 
  17. Clap
    Millenniumram reacted to TomG in Cruz Allen   
    Indeed, especially when we have a manager who appears to be very reluctant to use young players!
  18. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Hector was the best in Bristol Rovers - 25 November   
    Think that first half was one of the worst 45 minutes of football I’ve ever seen, contributed to by both sides. Luckily their players put about as much effort in as ours did.
    Better second half, and just about deserved the win. Unconvincing, but top 6 is progress at least. Putting Sonny Bradley on to go 3 at the back almost killed us AGAIN though. When will he learn…
  19. Haha
    Millenniumram reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Cruz Allen   
    Well there's more chance of him making the first team for Chelsea and Man U, than there is here so good luck to the lad.
  20. Like
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Kernow in Bristol Rovers - 25 November   
    Think that first half was one of the worst 45 minutes of football I’ve ever seen, contributed to by both sides. Luckily their players put about as much effort in as ours did.
    Better second half, and just about deserved the win. Unconvincing, but top 6 is progress at least. Putting Sonny Bradley on to go 3 at the back almost killed us AGAIN though. When will he learn…
  21. Haha
    Millenniumram got a reaction from TomTom92 in Style vs results?   
    Style absolutely is possible in league one. Results are more important.
    Right now, we have neither.
  22. Clap
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Style vs results?   
    Season is longer than 10 matches. 5th isn’t good enough irrespective.
  23. Clap
    Millenniumram got a reaction from Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Style vs results?   
    Style absolutely is possible in league one. Results are more important.
    Right now, we have neither.
  24. Angry
    Millenniumram got a reaction from MickD in Glass half full!   
    Ah the classic, “that’s your opinion” argument that’s always rolled out when someone doesn’t have anything proper to say back. I could make exactly the same point about your opinion that Warne is doing a good job, but I won’t because it’s stupid and defeats the object of a forum.
    And it’s not a veiled criticism at all. I’m happy to say, outright, that I do not believe David Clowes is doing a very good job at running Derby County at present. That’s not a criticism of the man, who will always be a hero for saving the club, but a criticism of his decision making. Im not calling for his head, of course not, but he’s not immune from debate. 
    Replacing a young, likeable, tactically astute coach in Rosenior with a footballing dinosaur in Paul Warne, who it is now clear is not capable of managing a big club and is personally disliked by a growing portion of the fanbase, appears now to be an absolute disasterclass of a decision, almost out the Mel Morris book. That sounds harsh, and it is, because we can only see this now with the benefit of hindsight - at the time it looked a good move based on Warne’s track record, so I do feel for Clowes, I really do. But he HAS to bite the bullet and correct his mistake. Another two years of this and we’ll still be in the godforsaken league, with dwindling crowds and an ever weakening squad. Warne has it way too comfortable at the moment, which his performance does not deserve.
    The lack of clear vision is also concerning. We’ve brought in aging old players, and have shown no desire at all to give academy prospects a chance. Our recruitment does not appear to have improved since Morris either, with players like Bradley and Washington taking a significant portion of the budget and contributing precious little. 
    All in all, a sub par performance as chairman so far I’m afraid.
  25. Angry
    Millenniumram got a reaction from MickD in Glass half full!   
    Missing the point entirely as usual. Nothing is decided at this point, but it’s a pretty decent sample size for how the team is performing compared with expectations.
    We were favourites for the league title. We currently find ourselves 7th, 9 points off the top. That isn’t good enough, and shows Paul Warne is doing a poor job as manager. 16 games is enough to judge that this job is too big for him and sack him. In not doing so, Clowes is making almost as big a mistake as appointing him in the first place.
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