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  1. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from europia in David Squires on...   
    Rooney's tenure is finally successful! Well done Mel x
  2. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ellafella in David Squires on...   
    …apart from me; and thousands of others. ?
  3. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ellafella in David Squires on...   
    Only become the main focus of humour in a David Squires cartoon! ?
  4. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to cosmic in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Morris said he'd sell for a quid. Bloody hell, are we not even worth that...?!
  5. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Archied in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I don’t equate what you blanket call anti vaxers with previous generations either but I do with your statement that you accept their right to not have the vaccine ( for whatever reasons) that’s the kind of thinking past generations stood up for ,I’m at a loss to understand people who have banged on for years about protecting people’s rights who are different to the majority now finding it acceptable and even easy to trash people now and drive them out of society,
    there was a time when that was everything the people of this country stood against and despised, I personally don’t want anyone who s not wearing a mask to be automatically looked down on , judged and labelled as some sort of scum and we have people on here very happy to do that ,perhaps I’m just as guilty when I see people out in the fresh air wearing them and will take stock of that??‍♂️,
    vaccine passports might be easier to swallow if the survival percentage from this virus was not massive and the vaccine stopped people catching and spreading it but that’s not the case , they are something else altogether for what in truth is a new virus that has caught os on the hop for knowing how to treat it and exposed our pitiful stretching to the bare bones of the NHS, the money used to bring them in and run them along with the multi millions wasted on fear campaign s ,ping apps and the like would serve us better spent on the NHS being built to proper levels going forward , that kind of thinking would make a better world for our children than the road we seem desperate to go down now??‍♂️.
    I personally don’t want my children’s futures destroyed on the slim chance I may die of covid because at 60 years old I’m going to die of something in the not too distant future , we don’t live forever
  6. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Professor Ferguson went on to predict that 500,000 people would die as a result of sinking ships.
    The Government banned all cruise liners, except for the ones taking rich people on holiday or ferrying illegal immigrants across from France. 
    Wearing armbands when near water becomes mandatory, with some people choosing to wear them even in the shower and the bath. 
    Young people are offered a rubber duck to wear their armbands.
    Eddie tells anyone choosing not to wear full scuba diving gear that they are dividiots and selfish.
    Labour contine to back all measures and then in the next breath say how ridiculous the measures are.
  7. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to Derbados in Pride Park Entrance Makeover   
    I demand to see Efe Ambrose on there
  8. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in Who will be our first signing?   
    An option to have in the squad? Yes. Starting every week. No.
    I didn't see enough from him last season that is making me excited about getting him back.
    Not at the minute.
    I just think we need to try and get off to a solid start. We haven't got much in the way of attacking talent.
    I mean we have exactly the same attacking players as last season, minus Waghorn.
    And last season our attacking threat was an embarrassment.
    So clean sheets are going to be vital.
    I'm not saying I wouldn't blood Cashin if possible. But not to start with. I'd be going with experience if possible.
    Just my opinion.
  9. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in Who will be our first signing?   
    I agree mate. 
    I think another striker is an absolute must. 
  10. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to RoyMac5 in Who will be our first signing?   
    Still prefer Davies, Jags and Stearman plus Cashin. Maybe Man U have a goal scorer they'd lend us instead?!
  11. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ellafella in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    I sat close by and got a great view of his work today. Very assured, authoritative, calm. He is very solid and physically mature, with powerful quads that give him good balance and spring. He has a maturity that belies his age. 
  12. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from archram in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Interesting view, Im inclined to agree as I still think you need 1 beast at CB in this div. However, maybe he has a fantastic leap and doesn't miss many headers? Great towering header for the goal.
  13. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Archied in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Yes I’m certain they will , we accepted and made a decision recently that we are going to have to change our lives ( forced ) for the worse, we will not go anywhere that forces masks , vaccine passports, track and trace details and all the other guff that goes with this ,sad state of affairs at our stage of life having worked our backsides off for years ,,,,, BUT we have children and hopefully will have grandchildren and will stand up for them to have freedoms and a life WORTH living ,, after all the generation before me did that for us at far far greater cost ??‍♂️
  14. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to QuitYourJibbaJivin in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   

    “Ministers are no longer considering making it compulsory for university students to be fully vaccinated against Covid to attend lectures in England, the BBC has been told.”
    Vaccine passports are crumbling. Also heard on the news yesterday as well that companies won’t be able to enforce a “no jab no job” policy because it would be classed as an “intrusion of the body”.
  15. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Its getting pathetic now.
    If they want everyone to be vaccinated make it mandatory. 
    If not, stop playing these ridiculous games.

  16. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to DCFC1388 in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Yes its a non league team but we have now won 2 games in a row including vs a La Liga team who finished 6th, plus 2 clean sheets.
    However, what I do want to say is im sure during this weeks build-up alot of media will be reporting about our 1 win in 15 at the back end of last season & make out that negativity continues into this season, well these 2 wins are very important as it can dismiss any of that negativity as they are just as relevant as last seasons form.
  17. Haha
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Ramarena in Curtis Davies - signed 1-year deal   
    We are in a Kafkaesque nightmare.
  18. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Curtis Davies - signed 1-year deal   
    We are in a Kafkaesque nightmare.
  19. Haha
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in Curtis Davies - signed 1-year deal   
    We are in a Kafkaesque nightmare.
  20. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Woodypecker in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Been listening to Nottingham Hospitals Radio commentary!
    Rams doing well, some good Rams youngsters getting praise from the Notts radio staff.
    Adversity sometimes reveals new stars in the making....
    [crosses fingers]
  21. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to RamsFan10 in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    He is all those things, but his composure on the ball and technical ability is more impressive imo. 
  22. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Derbados in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    He’s a unit, quick, strong and lighting fast 
  23. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Day in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Great to hear the vocal support for Rooney in the ground and now getting a wave back from him.
    We need that so much right now.
  24. Cheers
    Andrew3000 reacted to DCFC1388 in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Looks like 3a considering what Rooney said on Weds...

  25. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Taribo in Derby County Vs Notts County pre season friendly Meadow Lane 1st August 1 pm k.o.   
    Makes sense. These (including bench) are currently the best we have on the books. Why not start with strongest team tho at this point and go from there? 
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