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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. 2 hours ago, GenBr said:

    Yeh I think our most talented youngsters all went for magic beans when the academy got gutted. The likes of Bird, Knight and Sibley are ok players with Bird and knight putting in a lot of good performances in particular, but I don't think we'll have many teams biting our hands off to take them. Maybe a lower end Prem team might take a punt on Knight, but Championship at best for the other two. 

    If we got £2 mill for any of them I'd be delighted at this stage.

    I believe we turned down a bid of £4 million for Bird from Burnley in January - we couldn’t spend any of it even if we had sold him 

  2. Been very busy today - I have just seen that decision to give a penalty  what a disgrace by their player and a terrible decision by the referee again against us. To make it worse I have just seen the highlights from the Barnsley game who should have had two stonewall penalties against Peterborough. 
    positives - it now saves me a lot of money in May ! 
    over the season we have had the most dreadful decisions go against us repeatedly whilst we have simply not put the ball in the net often enough and we easily could have had an extra 20-25 points but we are where we are so let’s see who wants to stay and who we can get to improve the team.

  3. 7 hours ago, Ramchop said:

    Sky subscription probably costs more than a season ticket so arguably they are the paying customer. Let's face it, the fans who go to games don't pay the players wages, the armchair experts do

    Hopefully that swings more towards them and we get cheaper tickets as a result of this...

    Apparently in the new stand built at Fulham the season tickets are going to be £3000 per season

  4. 2 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    138 live games for £120m per season increased to approx 1000 games for £190m. Still feels undervalued.

    Considering SKY basically only has the EFL to give to its viewers for the high cost of a TV package - the premiership offerings is well divided domestically between BT and Amazon and SKY has zero European cup football to offer. Yes it’s a very poor offer to the EFL 

  5. 1 hour ago, littleover ram said:

    im not sure how much the affect of parachute payments is overstated. Looking at the Champo this season, Burnley have gone straight back up and in the play off positions Luton, Millwall & Coventry don’t have them. Middlesbrough had a boost from the Mel Morris money but I doubt it was the £45m they were claiming.

    it’s only really Sheff Utd who are benefiting, getting them for a second year in the Championship 


    edit: forgot Coventry in the playoffs and Sunderland just outside them too 

    They have all those points because Derby Leeds and Red dogs are not there to stop them having any 

  6. 54 minutes ago, Terry Hennessy said:

    It was reported when Will returned back to Sheff. U that it was because he wasn't getting enough game time with us. I just checked the stats and he's played exactly 20 mins [as sub] for their 1st team since leaving us...

    More to do with them being in a transfer embargo I would suggest 

  7. 1 hour ago, jimtastic56 said:

    I hope Paul Warne has a plan for Barry Bannan on Sunday. How he would love to have a Eustace type player to stick on him.We don’t want to be talking post match about how Bannan ran the show. I’m sure they have something waiting for McGoldrick.

    Are you talking about the same player they have had for many years and the only successful thing he has managed to do is hep get them relegated to the third division?

  8. 11 hours ago, Raich Carter said:

    Sorry but CM was not on the same planet as Eranio. Totally, completely, massively different class for me. Eranio was, as they say, a Rolls Royce (or a Pagani if we want an Italian link) of a player. CM was a higher end Vauxhall Vectra - perhaps a CDTi with leather seats and heated front screen. Obviously we're talking different times, different game, etc so I appreciate relatively speaking CM was a decent signing but let's not put him in the same sentence eh! 😉

    When I first saw Eranio play, my jaw dropped. He just had that touch and vision that very, very few players have. TBE made many great signings but Eranio has to be his best all round signing. Whilst Ace and Stimac are up there, they were flawed (a bit mad, etc) so understandable why we we able to take a risk on them where others daren't but Eranio was zero risk - solid personality, great player, great pedigree, etc - just an amazing coup for us.

    It wasn’t based just on ability more like about length of service season after season - one of them played in the premiership and one didn’t 🤷‍♂️

  9. Both him and McGoldrick are the most likely we have to create a goal so he has to play usually - his confidence is down a bit after missing a couple of sitters in the last few home games - I also want him nowhere near our penalty box because he will lose his man and that’s why we have him here in the third division 

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