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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. 3 hours ago, Red_Dawn said:

    To be fair that is one we got drastically wrong this season. I was defending him earlier in the year but he has been a glorified (and heavily paid) cheerleader for 2/3s of the season. 

    We warned you about him - when we took him on we went from winning every week 2-0 3-0 with ward and Russell playing to drawing 3-3 and 4-4 with Ince and that overpaid limited can’t be bothered type playing for us which cost us promotion probably.

    Anyway and in fairness to your manager he very quickly noticed that he does very little and contributes even less apart from embarrassment so well done to him for that - we were forced to select him due to the loan restrictions.

  2. 1 hour ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Just watching Luton on Sky . If their brand of football is the one we will be playing next season , I don’t suppose McGoldrick fancies it much . All players have to run themselves into the ground.

    We need to get out of league one - then progress in the championship - then the premiership where hopefully we can play football in an attractive way as well as being good enough to be there - it’s a long process again 

  3. 12 hours ago, jono said:

    So are those 4 clubs the lowest payers ? I wonder what average wages are across the league ? There will be headline big bucks in places but I would be surprised if the average was much more than 4K a week ? 

    I would suggest Sheffield Wednesday and Ipswich blow the rest away in terms wages 

  4. 5 hours ago, Srg said:

    Ah yeah, they'd loan out a £20m striker to League One. Seems legit.

    On paper your absolutely correct but he’s been a total flop at Sheffield United and they probably want him out the door and scoring goals somewhere so they can get him sold off - their lack of payments to Liverpool were why they were in embargo land ( Liverpool extended the payment dates to make sure they get their money) - hint never buy Liverpool reserves for lots of money 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Had Sky Sports on in the background with the live Saturday roundup, and was surprised to hear the reporter say "a billiant save by Kelle Roos". Apparently playing for Aberdeen, third in the Scottish Premiership (a long way back) and on the fringes of European football. 

    Yep he’s been their number one all season 

  6. 1 hour ago, IlsonDerby said:

    They achieved 96 points in the same league . I’d suggest that if there isn’t a single player we’d have from their squad then we probably haven’t watched or don’t know enough about their players… 20 points more than us would point to a significantly better squad than ours. 

    they’ll be favourites for the title next season no doubt. 

    They didn’t get the refs behaviour we did 👍

  7. 1 hour ago, S6 boy said:

    As a Derby fan living in Owl territory this gives me mixed feelings.  Firstly that result is very funny and karma for last week - I was watching the game in a Sheffield pub and literally everyone said they would rather play Peterborough than Derby.   🤣

    From a selfish Derby point of view I think our chances of promotion are higher without Wednesday in the division, however by the start of the season with some decent signings we could well be in a better position than them, despite the large points difference this year. 

    I was over the Wednesday result in half an hour - it'll take them weeks to get over this and hopefully there will be a hangover next season especially if they don't start strongly.  Of course if Wednesday win 5-0 next match all that will be moot...

    MK dons were very unlucky not to be promoted and then followed it by being relegated - football stands still for no one 

  8. 1 hour ago, The Key Club King said:

    Not a great result for Derby as they were 20 points ahead of us. That's a gap that we need to make up and they need to maintain. It looks like a collapse, but 96 points will win the league most years and we were a country mile off that. 

    I think they benefited enormously from Derby county playing most of their opponents the previous game and knackering them out - how you can have that kind of fixture repeatedly was beyond my understanding last season and I am sure it contributed to their overall total in a disguised way - maybe we knackered Sheffield Wednesday out before they played Peterborough 😂😂😂

  9. 33 minutes ago, rammieib said:

    You need better players than the opposition combined with a manager and coaching staff that gets the most out of them.

    Plymouth recruited really well - hardly spent anything - showed what can be done. Granted Ipswich spent money we don’t have but then Barnsley and Peterborough also showed what can be done.

    The chance of Three players instead of one - I’d take that risk.

    Barnsley re I forced really well in January but with loans 

  10. 45 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I’ve been having the occasional nose through other clubs retained lists when announced. Exeter announced theirs earlier with some on social media not keen on the fact they’ve released Jevani Brown, not knowing much about him I had a look and he scored 12 goals and provided 9 assists in 27 league games. Those are very good numbers at face value, anyone seen him play much? 28 years old so in the right age bracket too. 

    Isn’t he due some jail time or a decent court case 

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