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  1. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to Carnero in The Sibley Enigma   
    As well as the change of position giving him more responsibility to the team as a whole, he's finally got a manager who trusts him and is prepared to give him a run of starts. Pleased for him.
  2. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to InstaRam in The Sibley Enigma   
    Think it was really smart by PW to move Sibley to LB since the lad only needs a bit more time to get the ball under control and then are able to create, dribble and do everything he is good at. That way this plays to his strength since he also been suprisingly great at the defensive aspects of the role. Impressive and great to finally see Sibley in the starting lineup for an extended period of time! 
  3. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Woodypecker in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    I hope that Parry is worried that we are going to take legal action against him and/or the EFL for restriction of practice. Once they had pulled the trigger about our accountancy practices, they took months and months before taking the next step, so we were effectively on hold as a club for ages. They broke their own rules and processes, got Gibson to make a spurious claim against us so that he didn't take the EFL to court, then refused to have the claim heard in a proper court of law. The court wouldn't have even entertained the case, then the EFL sat on the fence about whether his claim was a football or non-football claim until the transfer window was over, which meant we lost two key players, effectively consigning us to relegation. And ironically the rule which we were supposed to have broken with the amortisation method we used didn't actually exist in the EFL rule book until February 2022 - years after the "offence" was supposed to have happened.
    The whole case could have been dealt with in a matter of months, instead of the years it dragged on for, during which time we were heavily restricted in how we could operate. There are probably reasons why we can't pursue the claim, but boy wouldn't it blow the EFL into smithereens? 
  4. Haha
  5. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to S8TY in Mr William Osula   
    I personally think you're making him sound like he was better than he actually was Dave.
    When you get oppurtunuties you have to take them, there are plenty of young players who grab the oppurtunities given to them but I'm afraid for me young Osula didn't.
    He did well against lesser opposition but his first touch was not the best and he didn't hold the ball up when sometimes it was required.
    hes a young lad and we will see what he achieves and where he ends up but in truth i think letting him go back was a good move for all
  6. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to uttoxram75 in Mr William Osula   
    I agree Dave (tbf, I nearly always do agree with you), young William should have had a lot more minutes imo. No criticism to Warney, he's doing fine, I just think Osula was a major threat and 20 minutes every match would have really tested most teams in this league, especially if Collins had spent 70 minutes giving them grief.
  7. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to S8TY in Mr William Osula   
    I agree with a lot of your posts Dave but have to disagree with this one, I don't think Osula has been badly treated I just don't think he's done enough ( and  don't forget we don't see them in training ) to get a regular starting place in front of Collins
    My own view is that this loan was a bit early and had he gone to a Forest Green or Accrington he would've got more time in his preferred role.
    When I heard he had gone back I wasn't dissapointed to be honest as I think there are better options than young Osula but i wish him well for the future .....guaranteed to score against us at some time in the future though lol , that seems to be the trend 
  8. Like
    DavesaRam got a reaction from jono in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    Was that push by Fozzy on their number 7 near the South East corner? If so, there was virtually no contact at all, although Fozzy would have felt a movement of air as the diver whooshed past his body"! And, As I said in my match report, it would have needed at least to more Derby players to be sent off to get things anything like even! 
    There has also been no mention of the fracas involving David McGoldrick earlier in the match. Diddzy had turned his man while shielding the ball, at which point to Accy player simply dropped to the floor. And, as per the rules of EFL football the ref gave a free kick against us. Diddzy protested and was immediately surrounded by Accrington men all pushing, pointing, cajoling. Mxcoldrick pushed away a couple of pairs of hands from right in front of his face, and I  was sure he would get a red card for that. The ref didn't do that ( so he'll be in trouble come Monday morning, I m sure), but it was a very nasty, provocative moment.
  9. COYR
    DavesaRam got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    So how come he “failed” to see Osula being dragged to the ground, and then prevented from getting back up again? It is more likely the delay was caused by a phone call from Steve Gibson telling the ref to ignore the fouls and just get on with waving the red card!
  10. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from ck- in Mr William Osula   
    The word is that Sheffield United are arranging a loan with another club. In other words they were not happy that he was getting virtually no game time. 
    Me too. His best role is as the Number 9, but that role is almost permanently occupied by Warne’s love child. Collins works tremendously hard, and does well linking play together, but doesn’t really do much of the target man job, and is often not in the middle when crosses come in. All Isula has been given is a few minutes here and there stuck out on the wing to prove his worth as a number 9.
    At least Derby don’t do that with any of our other players, is it? …………. Oh wait …….
    I wish him well, and will not be surprised if he progresses well at a club who play to his strengths.
    Here’s hoping we are lining up another striker because there’s a place on the bench that needs filling.
  11. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Mr William Osula   
    Yes. But as with Sibley and other players over our recent history Osula has been consistently played out of position, virtually always in 10 minute cameos where he has barely had time to get up the speed of the game. Yes it would be great if he could come on and be a game changer, like Jason Knight was the other day, but usually people who do a “super-sub” appearance are playing in their best position. Osula has hardly been given a chance. Even so, several times he has made an impact with his strong running and decisive play. It must be that his work in training is lacking somewhat such that he has limits put on him on match day.
    And as regards Collins: sorry if I was a but disparaging - he does a lot of very valuable work, and my comments were more on his last few appearances where he has been far less effective. 
    I suppose I could have complained that Collins being injured was the ideal opportunity to give Osula a run out where he plays best, but then we wouldn’t have had McGoldrick and Knight running the show against the Accers. But that is what you get when you use players to their strengths, which is kind of my point about Osula.
  12. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Tamworthram in Mr William Osula   
    If only Warne listened to us experts on this forum rather than rely on his own experience,  knowledge what sort of player he wants and what makes a good player?
  13. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to RoyMac5 in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    What would be the point in selling this season as we won't be allowed to spend the money? Better to keep all the players and aim for promotion.
  14. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    Was that push by Fozzy on their number 7 near the South East corner? If so, there was virtually no contact at all, although Fozzy would have felt a movement of air as the diver whooshed past his body"! And, As I said in my match report, it would have needed at least to more Derby players to be sent off to get things anything like even! 
    There has also been no mention of the fracas involving David McGoldrick earlier in the match. Diddzy had turned his man while shielding the ball, at which point to Accy player simply dropped to the floor. And, as per the rules of EFL football the ref gave a free kick against us. Diddzy protested and was immediately surrounded by Accrington men all pushing, pointing, cajoling. Mxcoldrick pushed away a couple of pairs of hands from right in front of his face, and I  was sure he would get a red card for that. The ref didn't do that ( so he'll be in trouble come Monday morning, I m sure), but it was a very nasty, provocative moment.
  15. Haha
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Mimester in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    So how come he “failed” to see Osula being dragged to the ground, and then prevented from getting back up again? It is more likely the delay was caused by a phone call from Steve Gibson telling the ref to ignore the fouls and just get on with waving the red card!
  16. Like
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Premier ram in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    I have also noticed that Smith is popping up in all sort of places in the last few matches. He was criticised in the Cambridge match for missing a good opportunity in the area. But at least the was getting into the area. Whether he has scored in the last 5 years or not, someone getting into the area when in the past we have left it largely deserted is bound to put pressure on the defence, and maybe force more errors. Long may it continue. And if no-one else is getting in there, why not Smith? 
    I suspect that it is yet another stage in Paul Warne getting the t4am playing how he wants - Smith was involved in a number of our tasty moves, including his assist, so it is a great development. He is "creating" a new Louie Sibley, he has transformed Fozzy into a decent centre half (he used to have us worried when he covered there in the past!), and it seems that Smith is coming out of his shell, although there was precious little from Accrington Stanley to keep him in there! I like what I am seeing!
  17. Haha
    DavesaRam reacted to RoyMac5 in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    True. But annoying when the Police turn a blind eye to the guy that you are road-racing!
  18. Haha
    DavesaRam reacted to Comrade 86 in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    We'd have had so much more fun with it if he had. He was irritatingly reasonable on this occasion, just when I was hoping for a massive hissy fit ?
  19. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to Ramarena in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    So he did see Osula get hauled to the floor from behind and gave absolutely nothing?
    I have no problem with the red, but it was a blatent peno.
  20. Cheers
    DavesaRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Marketing Opportunities/Commercial Revenue   
    The club has also missed a trick with the Paul Warne Bobble Hat! There may have been a few available just after he arrived, but they have been unavailable for ages. I asked at the club shop re a Christmas present, only to be told that they would be in stock by February. So we have missed an incredible opportunity to cash in on Warne mania, we have missed the Christmas bonanza and will have them available just as the weather starts to warm up and we don't need bobble hats.
    After all, it is only a bobble hat, which are not difficult to manufacture. Given that there are potentially over 30,000 customers, surely a manufacturer could have produced these in a matter of days. So not only could we have had a load of funds raised, we could have had a great "unifying" of the fans, and a great marketing message, because a crowd covered in snow-storm bobble hats would have got loads of media coverage.
    At least i can scratch my head about this one, because there isn't a bobble hat in the way!
  21. Like
    DavesaRam got a reaction from SKRam in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    I have also noticed that Smith is popping up in all sort of places in the last few matches. He was criticised in the Cambridge match for missing a good opportunity in the area. But at least the was getting into the area. Whether he has scored in the last 5 years or not, someone getting into the area when in the past we have left it largely deserted is bound to put pressure on the defence, and maybe force more errors. Long may it continue. And if no-one else is getting in there, why not Smith? 
    I suspect that it is yet another stage in Paul Warne getting the t4am playing how he wants - Smith was involved in a number of our tasty moves, including his assist, so it is a great development. He is "creating" a new Louie Sibley, he has transformed Fozzy into a decent centre half (he used to have us worried when he covered there in the past!), and it seems that Smith is coming out of his shell, although there was precious little from Accrington Stanley to keep him in there! I like what I am seeing!
  22. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to norwichram in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    Totally agree Knight not only played really well he set the tempo for others, who thankfully followed suit, and he also created space for others which has been denied us on many occasions by hard working teams.
    please god keep him fit, in the team and at derby county 
  23. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Zag zig in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    Well that couldn't have happened to a nicer John Coleman!!!I have been watching Deby County since the Derby County 5 Tottenham Hotspurs 0 in the Brian Clough years, and have never seen such a poor team. Absolutely the worst by several country miles, whose sole game plan was to gently drop to a sitting/recumbent position in order to claim a free-kick, and then push, cajole and finger point the Derby players and yell and whinge at the ref to get Derby players booked.
    Our play was "exceedingly good" to part-quote a well known baker. Much as I wanted Osula to start in place of Collins, putting McGoldrick at the front paid huge dividends. He was able to have more influence on the match than he has done all season, simply from him playing just that little bit further forwards. His ability to hold the ball off his opponents, or take the ball off them, and to see passes that don't exist till he plays them is brilliant - there are times when it is as if he is just out there on his own, just him and the ball, showing what tricks he can do. We are incredibly blessed to have him. But the biggest impact was having Jason Knight doing his stuff where he should be doing his stuff! A number of people on here have said that he has taken pressure off Bird and Hourihane, who had one of his best games for us. I am also baffled how Cashin can give several inches away in height to virtually everyone he plays against, yet always wins his headers! And his passing ability is really good. And Fozzy - Wow! At one point late on in the first half the Accers actually managed to play a through ball into the area which almost put them through, until Fozzy decided that he ought to do something about it, and simply strolled across like a Rolls Royce cruising down Mayfair! Magnificent!
    Performances were all high, with everyone scoring over 7, although how could anyone play badly against that lot? Even after the sending off Accrington Stanley struggled to make an impact, and probably needed a couple more Derby players sending off to even things out a bit. Indeed with a bit more luck we could have had a couple of goals after going down to 10 men!
    Accrington's poor performance was accompanied by a ref who wanted to be worse than them, selfishly going for the "Worst Ref for a Derby County game 2022/23" award, and he won that badge comfortably. His decisions were poor virtually all the way through, and it became clear that he was easily influenced. As ever there were loads and loads of incidents, but the major ones were the unawarded penalties, one at each end, plus the Osula incident. The young lad was stupid to kick out - with a ref this bad, the last thing you do is give him bullets to shoot you with. BUT: the ref should have already blown for a penalty, because firstly Osula was hauled down backwards to the ground, and then held down and deliberately prevented from getting back up again - effectively two fouls. Ironically I had decided to quieten down my yelling at the ref on the basis that he could be the worst ref ever seen and it wouldn't matter! But it did, because we will now be missing Osula for 3 matches, presuming the red was for violent conduct. Who are we going to get to sit on the bench now?
    Results elsewhere were OK, and ridiculously only a short time ago the top two were miles and miles out of sight, but now it is perfectly ok to start thinking that automatic promotion is possible! Who'd have thought it only 2 months ago?
  24. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from nick_d in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    Was that push by Fozzy on their number 7 near the South East corner? If so, there was virtually no contact at all, although Fozzy would have felt a movement of air as the diver whooshed past his body"! And, As I said in my match report, it would have needed at least to more Derby players to be sent off to get things anything like even! 
    There has also been no mention of the fracas involving David McGoldrick earlier in the match. Diddzy had turned his man while shielding the ball, at which point to Accy player simply dropped to the floor. And, as per the rules of EFL football the ref gave a free kick against us. Diddzy protested and was immediately surrounded by Accrington men all pushing, pointing, cajoling. Mxcoldrick pushed away a couple of pairs of hands from right in front of his face, and I  was sure he would get a red card for that. The ref didn't do that ( so he'll be in trouble come Monday morning, I m sure), but it was a very nasty, provocative moment.
  25. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to jono in Accrington Stanley (H) Mon 2nd Jan, 3pm KO   
    I felt the same, almost as if he’d been told, “it’s ok to get involved, you aren’t chained to tram lines” .. All interesting stuff. Better picture when we face tougher teams. It’s going to be a great watch over the next few games. I love this game ?
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