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  1. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from angieram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I get the "need to start getting used to living with this" stance, and it's one I agree with.  The problem with COVID, as opposed to flu is that it's a) more contagious and b) more virulent, so living with it is definitely dependent on vaccinations.  In my opinion of course. 
    As mentioned here, I've had flu - twice. It was awful.  Since I started having the flu vaccine, because I knew how ill I felt with it, despite being relatively young and fit at the time, I've never had it again - touch wood.  I therefore readily accepted the COVID jabs.  Having had COVID this past week, still recovering, one thing I, and my wife have been surprised by is how effing bad we've been, despite the vaccinations. It's bordered on how I felt with flu all those years ago. Not near as bad to be fair, but it's not been good. My wife's still really breathless after a week. Vaccinations, including boosters are key to eventually "living with this" like we do with flu. Over time, again like with flu, we'll build immunity, or at least the ability to live with it.   I'm getting on with life...temporarily on hold of course whilst I isolate. 
    If you've not had COVID yet, awesome. Go you!  If you've had it but were OK and barely affected, awesome too. I'm genuinely grateful.  But it's not so awesome for a huge amount of others, as I can personally attest. Luckily for me, it looks as though I'll be able to get back on with life once I've fully recovered.
  2. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from therealhantsram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I get the "need to start getting used to living with this" stance, and it's one I agree with.  The problem with COVID, as opposed to flu is that it's a) more contagious and b) more virulent, so living with it is definitely dependent on vaccinations.  In my opinion of course. 
    As mentioned here, I've had flu - twice. It was awful.  Since I started having the flu vaccine, because I knew how ill I felt with it, despite being relatively young and fit at the time, I've never had it again - touch wood.  I therefore readily accepted the COVID jabs.  Having had COVID this past week, still recovering, one thing I, and my wife have been surprised by is how effing bad we've been, despite the vaccinations. It's bordered on how I felt with flu all those years ago. Not near as bad to be fair, but it's not been good. My wife's still really breathless after a week. Vaccinations, including boosters are key to eventually "living with this" like we do with flu. Over time, again like with flu, we'll build immunity, or at least the ability to live with it.   I'm getting on with life...temporarily on hold of course whilst I isolate. 
    If you've not had COVID yet, awesome. Go you!  If you've had it but were OK and barely affected, awesome too. I'm genuinely grateful.  But it's not so awesome for a huge amount of others, as I can personally attest. Luckily for me, it looks as though I'll be able to get back on with life once I've fully recovered.
  3. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Eddie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Something I now have to do every 2 years, because I'm on anticoagulants for life (long history of blood clots). In the past, I was on Warfarin and had to have blood tests every 2 weeks. I would be given the all-clear, taken off Warfarin and 6 months later, hey presto, my blood would become black pudding and I would be rushed into hospital, Heparin injections, back on Warfarin, back to bi-weekly blood tests. That was pretty tedious (and bloody expensive), especially working away from home or abroad. 8 years ago, I was mover over to Rivaroxaban, a 'new generation' anticoagulant. From that day on, no more blood clots. When I reach two years since the last test, my automatic prescription is embargoed until I've had a new blood test - 'just in case'. In these silly times, it's an absolute pain to get my prescription renewed even if there are extenuating circumstances. In short, without it, I would die - and then who would take the 'totally and consistently wrong people' in the Coronavirus thread to task?
  4. Like
    BucksRam reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    And increasing civil unrest.
  5. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    It could indeed. It's perhaps no wonder, nor a coincidence that to balance their low incidence of COVID related deaths they have a huge spike in mental health issues.  
  6. Sad
    BucksRam reacted to Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    and meanwhile, my sister a nurse who administers vaccinations in schools has had death threats posted to her. What a world
  7. Sad
    BucksRam got a reaction from sage in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    COVID update....not so much my health but my experience of the process.
    PCR Test- Booking and having a drive through PCR test was straight forward. Thumbs up.
    Track & Trace - OMFG. Bearing in mind all 4 of us have covid it's a mess. 
    Despite getting a positive PCR test email for my eldest, nothing from T&T.
    I had a 20 minute call for my youngest which ended with me agreeing my legal responsibility to inform all family members to isolate. 
    I logged my T&T online. My wife did the same. Between her and I we have had about 9 phone calls and several emails. I took another call yesterday morning where, on challenging I'd done all this online, was told it wasn't showing, possibly a glitch. So I went through it all again. She asked how I was, not great I replied. Have a wonderful day she ended.  Talk about following a script. 
    Final call was yesterday afternoon, I think prompted from my youngest's report to tell me as I had been double jabbed I didn't need to self isolate, but if I got any symptoms I should get a test! What? I already have covid. You know this.  I refrained from pointing this out as I cba, just to get her off the phone. 
    And as I write this my wife has just had another T&T call.
    System is massively and hugely broken. 
  8. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Ghost of Clough in Wayne Rooney   
  9. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Archied in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Yep posted months back that my wife’s experience with them when she had it was not good ,,, first two calls she gave all details needed over to someone with noisy children in the background there end , third call went over it all again and eventually told them she really didn’t feel well and had given them all details , fourth call she went so far into it then just hung up and blocked the number??‍♂️,
    interesting that Scotland has more cases per capita than England despite masks??‍♂️
  10. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from ramsbottom in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Not just me then.  Yeah both my wife and I were struggling to be honest and having to fend off constant emails texts and phone calls was the last thing I felt like doing, especially with 2 kids to worry about too.  I get it's important but it's not being handled well in my opinion.  It's no wonder some people are keeping quiet (which I don't agree with by the way). 
  11. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    COVID update....not so much my health but my experience of the process.
    PCR Test- Booking and having a drive through PCR test was straight forward. Thumbs up.
    Track & Trace - OMFG. Bearing in mind all 4 of us have covid it's a mess. 
    Despite getting a positive PCR test email for my eldest, nothing from T&T.
    I had a 20 minute call for my youngest which ended with me agreeing my legal responsibility to inform all family members to isolate. 
    I logged my T&T online. My wife did the same. Between her and I we have had about 9 phone calls and several emails. I took another call yesterday morning where, on challenging I'd done all this online, was told it wasn't showing, possibly a glitch. So I went through it all again. She asked how I was, not great I replied. Have a wonderful day she ended.  Talk about following a script. 
    Final call was yesterday afternoon, I think prompted from my youngest's report to tell me as I had been double jabbed I didn't need to self isolate, but if I got any symptoms I should get a test! What? I already have covid. You know this.  I refrained from pointing this out as I cba, just to get her off the phone. 
    And as I write this my wife has just had another T&T call.
    System is massively and hugely broken. 
  12. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Miggins in Signs you know you're getting too old too quickly   
    Getting my COVID jabs before most of my mates. 
    Wondering if I should get a 2nd pair of slippers now as my others are starting to wear out
    Groaning as I get up, sighing as I sit down. 
  13. Cheers
    BucksRam reacted to Comrade 86 in Superman   
    Feel better soon bud
  14. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Superman   
    For someone feeling rough with poxy covid, that made me laugh. Thanks for cheering me up @86 Hair Islands
  15. Sad
    BucksRam got a reaction from GboroRam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Ok scratch that.  Still have a cough. Test done this morning and it's now positive ?  As is my wife and other daughter, so we are officially a plague house.  Just been and had a drive-in PCR test.  Fortunately my wife and I have both been double jabbed so fingers crossed the symptoms we have, which are essentially cough (for me only), a stuffy head, stiff necks and some breathlessness (for my asthmatic wife) are manageable.  If this is the worst we get having been jabbed, then I'll take that (remembering how ill we both were in Jan '20 before COVID was a thing, with my wife ending up in hospital).  Saddest thing is my wife had a booster jab booked in for Saturday which she'll now need to cancel. 
  16. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from GboroRam in Superman   
    Another one of those sex, race, religion threads that most probably read, and not comment on for fear of backlash or saying something that'll be taken out of context.  
    I have zero issue with progression and openness.  I have gay friends, my sister-in-law is gay, and in fact the first wedding my girls went to was a Mrs & Mrs wedding, one of whose daughters is now called Jack.  
    Probably down to my age but I struggle a bit with seeing "Superman" as gay but that's because to me Superman was the super-hero I grew up reading about, fighting Lex Luthor, and who fell in love with Lois Lane.  The fact they are now referring to his son as Superman is what's muddying the waters for me as to me, he's not The Superman, but A Superman.  Kids of today however won't think like that as they have no link to the Superman of old.
    Lesbian and homosexual superheroes have existed for decades now - think Northstar of the late 80s/early 90s.  If you watch The Boys on Prime, lesbian and homosexual relationships are part of the show.  Similarly in the latest Star Trek Discovery series, on Netflix, there's a multi-character personality who's asked to be referred to as "they" not her/she.  It fits with the context of the character as they have the memories of several people (Trill symbionts for the Trekkies reading this), but in real life the actress is non-binary and goes by "they".  It's cleverly built into the show (or they were cleverly cast). 
    Take Sense8 too (Netflix if you've not seen it).  8 people, all different backgrounds, European, American, Indian, African and Asian, including heterosexual, homosexual and transgender relationships.  It's an acknowledgment that this is the world we now live in. 
    I've heard people make comments about She-Hulk, along the lines of they've only made a film of a female equivalent to Hulk be politically correct, but She-Hulk has existed in the Marvel Universe for over 40 years.  I guess some of those raising eyebrows thinking it's ticking a sexism box probably aren't aware of the history. 
  17. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from taffyram in To Roony never give up   
    Do you know what - I wonder if he maybe actually less frustrated.  He no longer has what must have been a huge frustration trying to get answers from Mel, for months, with no response.  I know how I'd feel if that had been me.  Imagine having an issue at work, and you constantly try to talk to your boss about it, but he ignores you completely. Won't answer the door, pick up the phone, respond to emails. That's what Rooney was working with.  I suspect he'll be far more informed now with Administrators in charge.  
  18. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from TigerTedd in Superman   
    Another one of those sex, race, religion threads that most probably read, and not comment on for fear of backlash or saying something that'll be taken out of context.  
    I have zero issue with progression and openness.  I have gay friends, my sister-in-law is gay, and in fact the first wedding my girls went to was a Mrs & Mrs wedding, one of whose daughters is now called Jack.  
    Probably down to my age but I struggle a bit with seeing "Superman" as gay but that's because to me Superman was the super-hero I grew up reading about, fighting Lex Luthor, and who fell in love with Lois Lane.  The fact they are now referring to his son as Superman is what's muddying the waters for me as to me, he's not The Superman, but A Superman.  Kids of today however won't think like that as they have no link to the Superman of old.
    Lesbian and homosexual superheroes have existed for decades now - think Northstar of the late 80s/early 90s.  If you watch The Boys on Prime, lesbian and homosexual relationships are part of the show.  Similarly in the latest Star Trek Discovery series, on Netflix, there's a multi-character personality who's asked to be referred to as "they" not her/she.  It fits with the context of the character as they have the memories of several people (Trill symbionts for the Trekkies reading this), but in real life the actress is non-binary and goes by "they".  It's cleverly built into the show (or they were cleverly cast). 
    Take Sense8 too (Netflix if you've not seen it).  8 people, all different backgrounds, European, American, Indian, African and Asian, including heterosexual, homosexual and transgender relationships.  It's an acknowledgment that this is the world we now live in. 
    I've heard people make comments about She-Hulk, along the lines of they've only made a film of a female equivalent to Hulk be politically correct, but She-Hulk has existed in the Marvel Universe for over 40 years.  I guess some of those raising eyebrows thinking it's ticking a sexism box probably aren't aware of the history. 
  19. Sad
    BucksRam got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Ok scratch that.  Still have a cough. Test done this morning and it's now positive ?  As is my wife and other daughter, so we are officially a plague house.  Just been and had a drive-in PCR test.  Fortunately my wife and I have both been double jabbed so fingers crossed the symptoms we have, which are essentially cough (for me only), a stuffy head, stiff necks and some breathlessness (for my asthmatic wife) are manageable.  If this is the worst we get having been jabbed, then I'll take that (remembering how ill we both were in Jan '20 before COVID was a thing, with my wife ending up in hospital).  Saddest thing is my wife had a booster jab booked in for Saturday which she'll now need to cancel. 
  20. Cheers
    BucksRam got a reaction from i-Ram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Cheers @i-Ram Appreciated ?
  21. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Superman   
    Another one of those sex, race, religion threads that most probably read, and not comment on for fear of backlash or saying something that'll be taken out of context.  
    I have zero issue with progression and openness.  I have gay friends, my sister-in-law is gay, and in fact the first wedding my girls went to was a Mrs & Mrs wedding, one of whose daughters is now called Jack.  
    Probably down to my age but I struggle a bit with seeing "Superman" as gay but that's because to me Superman was the super-hero I grew up reading about, fighting Lex Luthor, and who fell in love with Lois Lane.  The fact they are now referring to his son as Superman is what's muddying the waters for me as to me, he's not The Superman, but A Superman.  Kids of today however won't think like that as they have no link to the Superman of old.
    Lesbian and homosexual superheroes have existed for decades now - think Northstar of the late 80s/early 90s.  If you watch The Boys on Prime, lesbian and homosexual relationships are part of the show.  Similarly in the latest Star Trek Discovery series, on Netflix, there's a multi-character personality who's asked to be referred to as "they" not her/she.  It fits with the context of the character as they have the memories of several people (Trill symbionts for the Trekkies reading this), but in real life the actress is non-binary and goes by "they".  It's cleverly built into the show (or they were cleverly cast). 
    Take Sense8 too (Netflix if you've not seen it).  8 people, all different backgrounds, European, American, Indian, African and Asian, including heterosexual, homosexual and transgender relationships.  It's an acknowledgment that this is the world we now live in. 
    I've heard people make comments about She-Hulk, along the lines of they've only made a film of a female equivalent to Hulk be politically correct, but She-Hulk has existed in the Marvel Universe for over 40 years.  I guess some of those raising eyebrows thinking it's ticking a sexism box probably aren't aware of the history. 
  22. Sad
    BucksRam got a reaction from Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Ok scratch that.  Still have a cough. Test done this morning and it's now positive ?  As is my wife and other daughter, so we are officially a plague house.  Just been and had a drive-in PCR test.  Fortunately my wife and I have both been double jabbed so fingers crossed the symptoms we have, which are essentially cough (for me only), a stuffy head, stiff necks and some breathlessness (for my asthmatic wife) are manageable.  If this is the worst we get having been jabbed, then I'll take that (remembering how ill we both were in Jan '20 before COVID was a thing, with my wife ending up in hospital).  Saddest thing is my wife had a booster jab booked in for Saturday which she'll now need to cancel. 
  23. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to hydraulic ram in To Roony never give up   
    I have to say my respect for Rooney has steadily risen this season.  I just love the never say die he has instilled.
    If he stays, and we achieve the miracle of getting the deduction to a manageable level, he has the attitude to keep us up even with a thread bare squad. 
    Think of it, we beat the odds, p*** off Gibson, irritate the nay-sayers in the press and he becomes a legend, all in one fell swoop. ?
  24. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from therealhantsram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    This.  I've had flu twice in my lifetime, the last time probably 20 years ago now.  Both times I was laid up for nearly 2 weeks, with the first week being bed-ridden, horrible fevers, vomiting if I tried to eat, absolutely zero energy.  I get really peed off if someone alludes to having the flu but "I'll probably be in tomorrow...".  You've got a cold to dozy berk.  I now have the flu jab annually as, being over 50 and knowing how ill I've been with flu, I know how serious it can be.  And for this reason too, I had zero hesitation getting the jabs for COVID 19.
  25. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from hydraulic ram in To Roony never give up   
    Do you know what - I wonder if he maybe actually less frustrated.  He no longer has what must have been a huge frustration trying to get answers from Mel, for months, with no response.  I know how I'd feel if that had been me.  Imagine having an issue at work, and you constantly try to talk to your boss about it, but he ignores you completely. Won't answer the door, pick up the phone, respond to emails. That's what Rooney was working with.  I suspect he'll be far more informed now with Administrators in charge.  
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