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Signs you know you're getting too old too quickly

Bob The Badger

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Not being able to put my socks on without the support of a chair or bed.

Moaning about the 'music of today'.

Thinking a porridge shortage is a major food crisis.

Staring for too long at young women.

Enjoying a short doze after a lunch even though I have loads of work to do.

All of these things have happened to me today. If I kept a week's diary David would need to increase his server storage space.

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2 hours ago, i-Ram said:

Not being able to put my socks on without the support of a chair or bed.

Moaning about the 'music of today'.

Thinking a porridge shortage is a major food crisis.

Staring for too long at young women.

Enjoying a short doze after a lunch even though I have loads of work to do.

All of these things have happened to me today. If I kept a week's diary David would need to increase his server storage space.

It's not the staring at the younger women that shows I'm aging. 

It's the realisation that the upper age range of the women I now stare at is getting older

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10 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

Having to constantly Google abbreviations and acronyms on an almost daily basis.

For instance, just a few seconds ago, I had to Google "FML".

I just read it, and thought WTF!   ?‍♂️




Having a well earned drink after a particularly poor late shift I have now had to google FML myself.

My life.......?

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Time has been kind to me, considering how i have lived my life, but of course there are some things i notice.

Hair hair here there and everywhere except the top of my head, greatly reduced stamina and not much of a runner anymore, i used to fly and i still expect my body to obey, but it won't.  Man boobs, big ones, i need a sports bra or something, they bounce when i jog, so that's my excuse for not jogging.

Now some of my favorite music is the stuff my mother loves and i used to sneer at


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