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    maxjam reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Warne Out Out   
    I appreciate you clarifying your stance on it, I was just asking the original poster to do the same. 
    My own view is that Clowes is far from being a “bad owner” at this point, and I don’t get why people are “disappointed” in him, as though he’s a naughty child. He’s the owner of the football club, who has invested millions into the club and the local community, without him there potentially wouldn’t be a club. The growing “hate” for Warne by SOME fans, as I’ve yet to see a quantitative study proving its most Derby fans as you and others keep stating, might be warranted but this season isn’t beyond saving and if Clowes has chosen to back his man there’s a couple of options available to fans. One is to accept it and make your choice as to whether you want to carry on following/supporting the club in spite of Warne’s presence. Another is to spend your time doing something else for the moment until such inevitable point as Warne moves on either through his choice or the owners. Another is to become more active in protesting Warne’s management, I’ve yet to see any marches against Warne or mass protests at the grounds by this “most” fans, or banners in the stands demanding “Warne out” or that we “play the McClaren way or else”. 

    Clowes tenure as owner should not and, for me, will not be defined by one managerial appointment good or bad. It’s about how he acts as overall custodian for the football club and for now he’s getting most of the other stuff more right than wrong, with time and opportunity to correct what’s happening on the pitch provided I remember my patience. 
  2. Clap
    maxjam reacted to G STAR RAM in Warne Out Out   
    I am really disappointed in some of our 'supporters' right now.
  3. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Rammy03 in Warne Out Out   
    Said arsenal fans about arteta. I'm not saying Warne is going to be the second coming of pep but I think he needs more time. We've not been bad enough to sack him yet.
  4. Like
    maxjam reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Warne Out Out   
    So, just to clarify, the man who saved this 139 year institution at the heart of a city and surrounding areas from extinction with his money, re-hired colleagues who’s livelihoods had been taken away, worked to rebuild the reputation of the club off the pitch by doing things like donating “sponsorship” to a national charity, is looking to run the club as sustainably as possible to secure its long term future, invested in the upkeep of the stadium after years of neglect (after buying that back too), worked collaboratively with the EFL to rebuild relationships long soured, continued to invest in the academy, realigned the football side to include the women’s team, and probably a few more things I can’t recall that others might ….has failed to match your personal opinion and expectations that Warne isn’t the right man for us right now and therefore should be sacked, so you’re disappointed in him? 
  5. Like
    maxjam reacted to G STAR RAM in Warne Out Out   
    Some of the language being used about both our manager and chairman, from supposed 'supporters' beggars belief.
  6. Like
    maxjam reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Warne Out Out   
    There’s only one man who can fully clarify that for you Roy.
    Speculating on what’s been said in various interviews so far my own interpretation of his rationale links to Warne’s experience of promotions from this league. Also perhaps Clowes felt it was “safer” to back experience during the early recovery of the club from near death trauma. I also recall comments about changing the culture of the club, so perhaps felt a reset was needed and as much as Rosenior was committed and well thought of, he was present and part of everything that had gone on previously so I can see rationale there for wanting a “fresh start” (backed up by the refresh of academy staff also). That links to the inevitable question of why Pearce is still here, it makes sense for there to have been some continuity in the business side of the club to help recover from the chaos, even though he was complicit in it all. 

    Hindsight is both a wonderful and terrible thing, currently I can see a clear argument that keeping Rosenior and backing him MAY have been a better course of action, but that’s not what happened and going on the, admittedly, assumptions I’ve made about Clowes rationale I can’t argue with his thinking in that moment. 
    EDIT - forgot I’d highlighted a bit of your post in bold, I feel you (and others) are misrepresenting that particular comment from Warne. It was made in context of how the club’s storied history has no immediate bearing on the present performance, which is accurate in my opinion. He did not say flat out that he doesn’t care for our history. 
  7. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Inverurie Ram in Pro Warne   
    I would like to add in a positive way, it always cracks me up when some fan says “it’s the worse game I’ve ever seen them play” etc……🤣
    Really?…how many games have they seen?…1 game perhaps?
    I thought we played alright at Stevenage and if the players had been on the same page as PW about not conceding cheap free kicks, as he stated that they were strong at set pieces in his pre match interview etc, he made substitutes to try and compensate from players mistakes, and we would have taken a good away point, against a team that are currently doing well in the league, if we hadn’t given them 2 cheap goals away, which I would have taken as a positive result.
    And I know the negative posters are going to state that we shouldn’t be giving away them cheap goals, but they are the fine margins between positive and negative results that PW, staff and players are trying to eradicate.
    Some folk are not prepared to be patient in a quick, I want, I need instant success now world we live in, we can’t all play like Man City at a cheap price, which in reality isn’t going to happen. Drip fed on too much Sky Sports and over indulging in drink and the like before games. I stood next to a young bloke absolutely bladdered at Carlisle, kept falling and stumbling down the steps to the exit and watched none of the game, even when he tried, he wouldn’t remember any of it, after the game.
    We’ve all seen how long Ipswich, Wolves, Leeds, Sunderland, Portsmouth and many others etc have struggled in the lower leagues and it does take time to rebuild before gaining promotion, especially without the “big” money to spend or waste on football players.
    Option 1

    Option 2

    and a jolly tune to help you along the way.
  8. Like
    maxjam reacted to Ambitious in Warne Out Out   
    Warne... IN. 
  9. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Inverurie Ram in Pro Warne   
    This is a Pro Warne thread, and I’m in.
    If you don’t like him or his football or whatever he wears then get out of this thread and choose one of the many negative threads about him to discuss your views or carry on regardless.
    So I can hang out with @Jourdan who used to be such a negative poster in the past but is a ray of sunshine these days and he wears it very well and realises a season of football is like the Grand National and our beloved team are still positioned well in the league to have a successful season and I’m right behind all the staff and players at Derby County.
    Up The Rams.
    ps look at Birmingham City fans already attacking Rooney, football funny old game!…..
  10. Like
    maxjam reacted to i-Ram in Cool the anti-Clowes rhetoric   
    I understand that when the football isn’t pretty, and the league position is dire, football fans will inevitably lash out. However, I am amazed that there are a good number on here tonight slating our owner. This is a staggering state of affairs even for our club, only some 15 months since he saved us.  Cool it down lads. 
  11. Haha
    maxjam reacted to G STAR RAM in Dear Richie Barker   
    A perfect example of someone moving the goalposts.
    Did you not cheer the victory @RoyMac5
  12. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Miggins in Derby County vs Stevenage (A) Match Thread   
    I think he has given this club the very best shot he could.
    If it's not enough, then fair play. He has done his best.
    But he is not a 'clown'. He certainly is not.
    I really hate seeing this term leveled at him.
    Whatever your opinions of him, please think before you post unkind comments.
    Yours, Prissy Miggins
  13. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from EtoileSportiveDeDerby in Wayne Rooney   
    My Brother-in-Law is a Birmingham City fan.
    I personally think Rooney's doing a great job 😛
  14. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from MaltRam in Wayne Rooney   
    My Brother-in-Law is a Birmingham City fan.
    I personally think Rooney's doing a great job 😛
  15. Clap
    maxjam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Wayne Rooney   
    My Brother-in-Law is a Birmingham City fan.
    I personally think Rooney's doing a great job 😛
  16. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from darren22 in Wayne Rooney   
    My Brother-in-Law is a Birmingham City fan.
    I personally think Rooney's doing a great job 😛
  17. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from hintonsboots in Wayne Rooney   
    My Brother-in-Law is a Birmingham City fan.
    I personally think Rooney's doing a great job 😛
  18. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Archied in Wayne Rooney   
    My Brother-in-Law is a Birmingham City fan.
    I personally think Rooney's doing a great job 😛
  19. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Wayne Rooney   
    My Brother-in-Law is a Birmingham City fan.
    I personally think Rooney's doing a great job 😛
  20. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Derby4Me in Wayne Rooney   
    My Brother-in-Law is a Birmingham City fan.
    I personally think Rooney's doing a great job 😛
  21. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from cstand in Wayne Rooney   
    My Brother-in-Law is a Birmingham City fan.
    I personally think Rooney's doing a great job 😛
  22. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Meanwhile elsewhere...
  23. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Comrade 86 in Will Clowes patience soon run out?   
    Nowhere near as bizarre as those who having pleaded with Clowes to save the club at a price of around £10-15 million over the odds, are now demanding that he stump up an additional £2 to £3 million in compo for Warne and his team. I've yet to hear a single suggestion as to how this will be financed and that's before we even consider the cost of fresh contracts for the new gaffer and his people.
    And even if Clowes had it to spare and even if he was of a mind to spare it, how TF is he going to achieve all this under the current EFL business plan, or had folk forgotten that small matter in their haste to get Warne out of the door?
    This kind of expectation with zero accountability, nor commercial rationale, is the very definition of 'entitled' as far as I'm concerned and more than a few of us are guilty as charged.
  24. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from cstand in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Meanwhile elsewhere...
  25. Clap
    maxjam reacted to On the Ram Page in Warne Out Out   
    So we play badly and it’s Wayne’s fault - we play well and it’s the players who have taken over, nothing to do with the coaching team and manager!
    you really have a one track mind - WARNE OUT!
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