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    maxjam got a reaction from Will the Ram in Pets   
    WTF?!?  Gimme my dog back!
    This pic is about 18 months old now when he was still a puppy after we'd taken him for his first haircut. I'd post a more recent one but we never remember to take them and he's a month overdue a cut now due to the lockdown and starting to look very scruffy lol.  He's pretty much identical to yours with the white paws, beard and eyebrows etc - and the white is more pronounced now-a-days compared to when the pic was taken.

  2. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from rynny in Pets   
    WTF?!?  Gimme my dog back!
    This pic is about 18 months old now when he was still a puppy after we'd taken him for his first haircut. I'd post a more recent one but we never remember to take them and he's a month overdue a cut now due to the lockdown and starting to look very scruffy lol.  He's pretty much identical to yours with the white paws, beard and eyebrows etc - and the white is more pronounced now-a-days compared to when the pic was taken.

  3. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Mucker1884 in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    That was actually funnier than the joke!  ?
  4. Haha
  5. Haha
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  14. Haha
  15. Sad
    maxjam reacted to cannable in Pets   
    Had my dog put down today. 
    ducking gutted.
    Not looking for sympathy or anything. Just helps if I keep on saying it. 
  16. Clap
    maxjam reacted to Carl Sagan in Watchable telly   
    Have never been a massive Trekkie and always felt The Next Generation was the dullest of its incarnations, but Picard has a good first episode (Amazon Prime). Set up some interesting ideas. They're doing one episode at a time, so no binging. 
  17. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Pearl Ram in Pets   
    I think you’re supposed to have said to your 12 year old that in many ways you would much rather it was you, thus sparing both your pet and your son a miserable illness maxjam. ?
  18. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from mozza in Pets   
    He's a lot happier this morning, still not eating as he should but we've just got back from doing half of his normal walk this morning - the first time we've been out (other than to the vets) since Monday and he seemed back to his normal self ?
    I've had several dogs over the past 20-25 years and fortunately this is the first time I've had one thats been poorly (other than old age related) and it was horrible to see, I said to my 12yo that in many ways I would have much rather it had been him! 
    You can explain whats wrong to a human and how to keep yourself hydrated etc, Schnapps (my dog) just lay there looking very sorry for himself and took a turn for the worse in the space of a couple of hours before we took him to the vets and was put on a drip.
    Ah well, alls well that ends well. 
  19. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Coneheadjohn in Pets   
    He's a lot happier this morning, still not eating as he should but we've just got back from doing half of his normal walk this morning - the first time we've been out (other than to the vets) since Monday and he seemed back to his normal self ?
    I've had several dogs over the past 20-25 years and fortunately this is the first time I've had one thats been poorly (other than old age related) and it was horrible to see, I said to my 12yo that in many ways I would have much rather it had been him! 
    You can explain whats wrong to a human and how to keep yourself hydrated etc, Schnapps (my dog) just lay there looking very sorry for himself and took a turn for the worse in the space of a couple of hours before we took him to the vets and was put on a drip.
    Ah well, alls well that ends well. 
  20. Sad
    maxjam got a reaction from Coneheadjohn in Pets   
    Saw this a few weeks on the Derby Telegraph website a few weeks ago;
    Didn't think much of it until this week when my dog went down with it ?
    We've been back and forth to the Vets over the past 5 days for various injections and pills and the poor soul spent a day there on a drip as he was getting really dehydrated - seems to be a lot perkier today though and the sickness and diarrhea have finally stopped.
    Would have cost over £500, fortunately we have insurance and 'only' need to pay the £85 excess.
  21. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from rynny in Pets   
    He's a lot happier this morning, still not eating as he should but we've just got back from doing half of his normal walk this morning - the first time we've been out (other than to the vets) since Monday and he seemed back to his normal self ?
    I've had several dogs over the past 20-25 years and fortunately this is the first time I've had one thats been poorly (other than old age related) and it was horrible to see, I said to my 12yo that in many ways I would have much rather it had been him! 
    You can explain whats wrong to a human and how to keep yourself hydrated etc, Schnapps (my dog) just lay there looking very sorry for himself and took a turn for the worse in the space of a couple of hours before we took him to the vets and was put on a drip.
    Ah well, alls well that ends well. 
  22. Sad
    maxjam got a reaction from Will the Ram in Pets   
    Saw this a few weeks on the Derby Telegraph website a few weeks ago;
    Didn't think much of it until this week when my dog went down with it ?
    We've been back and forth to the Vets over the past 5 days for various injections and pills and the poor soul spent a day there on a drip as he was getting really dehydrated - seems to be a lot perkier today though and the sickness and diarrhea have finally stopped.
    Would have cost over £500, fortunately we have insurance and 'only' need to pay the £85 excess.
  23. Sad
    maxjam got a reaction from mozza in Pets   
    Saw this a few weeks on the Derby Telegraph website a few weeks ago;
    Didn't think much of it until this week when my dog went down with it ?
    We've been back and forth to the Vets over the past 5 days for various injections and pills and the poor soul spent a day there on a drip as he was getting really dehydrated - seems to be a lot perkier today though and the sickness and diarrhea have finally stopped.
    Would have cost over £500, fortunately we have insurance and 'only' need to pay the £85 excess.
  24. Like
    maxjam reacted to Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    People fall out of love, parents fall out with their sons and daughters and siblings can end up enemies.
    But it seems no matter what you say or do to a dog it forgives you and you're it's whole world. 
    Losing a dog is heartbreaking. There's many many people I'd miss less than mine. 
    Sorry about your dog @Ramslad1992. 
    Mine went blind over one weekend and then when she went to the vets they said she was so ill that trying to fix her would be cruel and expensive. Although I'd have paid it. But they said she isn't coping well with being blind because her senses should be guiding her around the house and she just lay in her corner. No food or drink unless brought to her. Had to drag her out to the toilet and she was 50+Kg. 
    Slept on her bed with her the night before they put her down. My missus still cries about her now and this was also 4 years ago
    But that dog was there for our first house, first baby, first argument... everything. She got off before this ride stopped!! Cried like a baby in the vets.
    We bought another Bullmastiff soon after and I think I was a bit of an arse to him. He was supposed to replace my old one but he was nothing like her. She was timid and cuddly and he was playful and always on the move. 
    Now he's my best friend. I don't tell him that though. I tell him he's fat and useless. But he's alright for a dog. 
    And I reckon if my 5 year old cried from a mile away he'd hear it. He loves her and she only ever criticises his personal hygiene.
  25. Cheers
    maxjam got a reaction from Angry Ram in What are you eating tonight   
    I've just started my post Christmas diet... The potato diet - nothing but potatoes for 2 weeks ?
    Anyway, check out this link, if you cook potatoes then allow them to cool down a lot of the sugar turns to resistant starch.  You can then reheat them and eat them like normal;
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