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Posts posted by RamLad1884

  1. 32 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    I think i'll be hearing over the next few days exactly who we're in for with a lot of details. Already know some.  As per, I won't put any particular details on here though unless it becomes more public and confusion needs clearing, as I can't be arsed with 24 hrs of people screaming that i'm talking out my rear and demanding sources.  I don't why people bother.  Take it or leave it without the grief handed out in spades.  No need really. 

    The forum equivalent of ‘I have a girlfriend but she doesn’t go to this school and you won’t know her’.

  2. 3 minutes ago, dcfcjj said:

    Fuchs the guy who can’t get a game for peterborough, sure.

    Played 61 games since 2022, got two serious injuries this season. 

    I’ve learned not to read into that too much after Ebou was pretty much in the same spot before signing 

  3. 1 hour ago, dajstrawb said:

    Was told in January from a source previously reliable, Jack Thompson was going to be our number 1 next season no matter which league we were in. Make of it what you will. But may explain the Wildsmith thing 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I think we probably have the same source but you likely misheard-think it would be ‘Third’ choice and not ‘First’ choice 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. Midtable is the aim, midtable is likely, people will still expect more however. 

    I’d be happy to see us find some gems and turn them into real players this year however, find a decent young player with potential and a sale will fund your club for a realistic promotion push. 

    Signings like Wilson/Ebou etc are exactly the kind of signings I’m excited for this summer and hopefully our recruitment behind the scenes has been spotting these.

  5. 4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    That may well be true but we currently have nowhere near a mid table Championship squad, once those who are leaving have left, IMO.

    We're playing catch-up and so we'll need investment that other teams don't require. Which is why I would say expectations of anything above half way are some way too high.

    Not saying I agree or disagree, but who out of our current crop of players wouldn’t you say should be mid-table standard? 

    Back 4/5 seem to be at least mid-table, no reason Cash and Nelson won’t be as good again this season. Vickers is a competent keeper, if not spectacular. 

    Midfield agree needs a complete rebuild, our options next season are currently Fornah and that’s it, although hard to see the majority of those players leaving-Tommo, Sibs, Ebou (and maybe Smith?) all could cut it mid table if not higher. Likely need 1-2 key midfielders who would be expected to start most/all games. 

    Up front-NML, CBT, Brown and Washington could be excellent if they realise potential, think add 3 attackers into that mix, although for what it’s worth Barks and Collins should be kept, replace Wash and add 2 new attackers. 

    That’s 6 ‘new’ players we need if we are retaining some of what we have. Some smart frees in there and there’s no reason we couldn’t be spending reasonable fees on players too

  6. 30 minutes ago, jimbobram said:

    For Cashin to go, it would take a significant offer for it to happen. He signed a new contract in feb and we accepted £4m last year. If he has a good season in the champ his value would raise in further. Makes no sense to sell this summer IMO. By selling, we would be making our team significantly weaker with him and Bird leaving. For the championship, that's suicidal 

    8-10 mill seems the right kind of figure for a player who has consistently been one of top defenders in league one, now a championship player and a decent amount of time left on his contract. 

    IF (and a big if) we sold him for that kind of sum then that’s a complete team rebuild kind of fee

  7. Starting RB when we play 4 at the back, Wilson would play higher up the pitch. 

    Fighting for the third CB spot in a 5. Got away with defensive injuries this year but you need at least 5 top CBs if we are going to be competitive in the championship. 

  8. Looking likely he will be relegated with Birmingham next weekend. 

    Maybe an unpopular opinion but I’d have him back here-would suit the 3rd CB role well

  9. Suspect we might have seen a few farewells today-Barks/Hourihane maybe even Sibs/Collins/Wildsmith 

    going to be a long and exciting summer, and time to see if the recruitment fella can really spot some players with the freedom of a higher budget and no pressure of promotion

  10. Absolute joke of a decision from the EFL and to make the decision at this stage of the season. 

    Has far wider implications as will have a knock on effect to the money from ticket sales for not just Gateshead. 

  11. Most away wins in a season, most points in a season, a promotion (we hope) and getting the best defender in the league to sign a new long term contract in his first full season. All of this with very little spend and spotting some gems in the rough (Adams and Wilson). 

    When we talk about the success under Jim Smith or Clough, we rarely talk about style but the results they had. If we go up this year I think Warne will be remembered in 10-20 years for the results he achieved. 

  12. 1 hour ago, rammieib said:

    I don’t like the fact it automatically defaults to Wildsmith first on the drop down. If you accidentally go vote before realising it was a drop down menu then Wildsmith will get a larger proportion of votes than expected.

    Would also be nice if there was a link to the YPOF after you’ve done the senior one.

    Just looks like a Work Placement Kid has set these screens up.

    #WorkPlacementKidOut 👀

  13. 2 hours ago, r4derby said:

    With the injuries currently throughout the squad, we’ve stumbled onto a formation that surprisingly works quite well. Collo getting another weeks training helps. Joe Ward is a wing wizard with an eye for goal. CBT looks like an actual player too. NML looks the odd one out though, not quite working through the middle (not that I’m suggesting he’s dropped, he’s still good, just maybe a bit injured?)

    Defence has survived 2 matches without anymore injuries. 1 to go until Sonny the headless is back.

    Oddly thought Ward looked his best slotting into the ‘10’ role last night, he seemed to interchange with NML on that right hand side and both goals came from him floating in the middle. 

    Might be the three attackers behind the striker swap and change in the game depending on what the opposition defends with.

  14. Have we had a youth player in recent memory who scored as many in their loan as he has? Looks to have all the core attributes to kick on next season and an ideal replacement for Washington/Gayle

  15. Gayle is a top level player starting to wind down his career, Collins is a lower league specialist who on form is one of the best in the league. 

    It just happens that they are both about the same level now, and benefiting us

  16. Player pull is huge, if he has the choice between going back to Cardiff who never really gave him a chance, or playing for us where the fans already love him and will continually play whenever given the chance then we know where he will go. 

    The same reason the likes of Warne, NML, Cashin, Bradley etc all signed/stayed with us when they probably could have commanded better money and higher leagues.

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