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Woodley Ram

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  1. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to kevinhectoring in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Don’t claim to be a proper lawyer but I think the claim is totally bogus. Problem is, as someone has pointed out, the EFl rules require it to go to arbitration not the courts. Courts give black and white judgements, arbitration is more likely to result in a compromise. 
    The Nixon article looks like confused gibberish. It did make me wonder whether someone on Appleby’s team has shared a glass of egg nog with Gibson and Couhig in an attempt to compromise 
    I don’t think insurance will solve this. And whatever the strength of the claim it takes some cahones to buy a company for 50£m ignoring a claim of £50m against that company. One solution would be for MM to take control of the litigation, pay the cost of it, and to indemnify the buyer for any loss. But even that would not be simple and doesn’t sound like a runner
    i think we’ll ultimately hear that our buyer has compromised the claims pre- sale. Problem is it allows the litigants to stick the boot in one last time, by holding out and spoiling  our transfer window
  2. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to TigerTedd in Reading game live on Sky Sports   
    My dad is from reading, and my nanna lived in Woodley. In a different universe, where my Dad cares at all about football, he might’ve raised me as a reading fan. 
    Could be worse though, my Mum was from Hull. 
    honestly, given those choices, I’m very glad to be a Derby fan. Even in these circumstances. 
  3. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from I know nothing in Reading game live on Sky Sports   
    Reading is like a morgue, I lived just outside (Woodley ) and everyone supported London clubs. Good night out in the centre, good places to eat. The stadium is miles from the train station so get a bus. 
    i would say Reading are a lucky club. 6 points is a joke given the amount they were overspent. They got class players for nothing (drinkwater etc) and they average a crowd of about 10k yet have a huge wage bill.
    I hope we stuff them 
  4. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Rammy03 in Reading game live on Sky Sports   
    Reading is like a morgue, I lived just outside (Woodley ) and everyone supported London clubs. Good night out in the centre, good places to eat. The stadium is miles from the train station so get a bus. 
    i would say Reading are a lucky club. 6 points is a joke given the amount they were overspent. They got class players for nothing (drinkwater etc) and they average a crowd of about 10k yet have a huge wage bill.
    I hope we stuff them 
  5. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Reading game live on Sky Sports   
    Reading is like a morgue, I lived just outside (Woodley ) and everyone supported London clubs. Good night out in the centre, good places to eat. The stadium is miles from the train station so get a bus. 
    i would say Reading are a lucky club. 6 points is a joke given the amount they were overspent. They got class players for nothing (drinkwater etc) and they average a crowd of about 10k yet have a huge wage bill.
    I hope we stuff them 
  6. COYR
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from SKRam in Reading game live on Sky Sports   
    Reading is like a morgue, I lived just outside (Woodley ) and everyone supported London clubs. Good night out in the centre, good places to eat. The stadium is miles from the train station so get a bus. 
    i would say Reading are a lucky club. 6 points is a joke given the amount they were overspent. They got class players for nothing (drinkwater etc) and they average a crowd of about 10k yet have a huge wage bill.
    I hope we stuff them 
  7. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to atherstoneram in The Administration Thread   
    Have you seen the price of it now,besides we are in a smokeless zone.
  8. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    Coal is for life not just for Christmas
  9. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Ken Tram in Back behind closed doors   
    Never a problem for Santa he always uses a chimney, I have just asked for a quote on getting one erected at PP so we can all go. A sort of great escape in reverse lol
  10. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from DesertRam in Merry Chrimbo   
    Merry Ramsday everyone, I wish all a festive and warm wish for the future, that you are all safe and well. For the club, I hope Santa left them a new owner under the ? 
  11. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from derbydaz22 in Merry Chrimbo   
    Merry Ramsday everyone, I wish all a festive and warm wish for the future, that you are all safe and well. For the club, I hope Santa left them a new owner under the ? 
  12. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from IslandExile in Merry Chrimbo   
    Merry Ramsday everyone, I wish all a festive and warm wish for the future, that you are all safe and well. For the club, I hope Santa left them a new owner under the ? 
  13. Like
    Woodley Ram reacted to Sussex Ram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Lots of differing opinions on here, most of them fairly well balanced, which makes for a great read. One thing we can all agree on is that this process is tiresome, frustrating and (as @angieramsaid) pretty much blind to the fans.
    I always try to come back to the facts, which admittedly are few. Quantuma publicly stated there were 3 bidders in the running. Now there are 2. In my mind, CK’s withdrawal is only a massive problem if he was “first in the queue” to be preferred bidder.
    But if he was first in the queue, why would he pull out now? If he was first in the queue, why did he (allegedly) increase his bid twice? If he was first in the queue, why haven’t Quantuma (allegedly) spoken to him in a long time?
    On balance, those questions make me believe that CK was unlikely to be named the preferred bidder- in which case we have lost very little. I say “very little” in the context of avoiding liquidation, which to me is the main (only?) goal at this stage. Long term we all obviously want a committed, savvy and rich (!) owner who brings the club success- and CK MIGHT have been that owner. But it is impossible to say right now who will be the best owner for DCFC in 3 years’ time.
    Final note on my use of the word “allegedly”. Those who are desperate to know something are likely to believe anything. For those reading this thread and feeling despondent, remind yourself of the difference between opinion and fact, and keep the faith. COYR.
  14. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Van der MoodHoover in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Not submitting accounts is not the reason, that in its self would not give you a sporting advantage. It’s the fact that within those accounts we had used an unauthorised amortisation method that masked our failure to comply with FFP.  It’s still down to the overpayment causing a sporting advantage. If correcting the amortisation didn’t affect FFP then they would not be after money. 
    I don’t think anything nefarious has taken place or we would have known about it my now. I think it’s a case of financial ineptitude nothing else. I’m not sure what else will come out. MM has certainly not done anything other than chase a dream and not run Derby as he would one of his businesses. He needed to concentrate of balancing the books and not try to find ways to circumnavigate the rules. 
    that said we need to remember that he has injected significant funds into the club it’s just a pity he wasn’t more prudent with them. That lack of financial care and brought us to where we are.  My main issue with him is that he lied to use for years about being within FFP, even misleading re the £4m on his last interview 
  15. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Eatonram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Not submitting accounts is not the reason, that in its self would not give you a sporting advantage. It’s the fact that within those accounts we had used an unauthorised amortisation method that masked our failure to comply with FFP.  It’s still down to the overpayment causing a sporting advantage. If correcting the amortisation didn’t affect FFP then they would not be after money. 
    I don’t think anything nefarious has taken place or we would have known about it my now. I think it’s a case of financial ineptitude nothing else. I’m not sure what else will come out. MM has certainly not done anything other than chase a dream and not run Derby as he would one of his businesses. He needed to concentrate of balancing the books and not try to find ways to circumnavigate the rules. 
    that said we need to remember that he has injected significant funds into the club it’s just a pity he wasn’t more prudent with them. That lack of financial care and brought us to where we are.  My main issue with him is that he lied to use for years about being within FFP, even misleading re the £4m on his last interview 
  16. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I think its about the season as a whole and that our overspending meant we were given an unfair advantage. The flaw is that could be argued for Reading and a load of others. If what they mean is that we should have received a points deduction last year then that is the remit of the EFL and their appeal format. 
    it would be difficult to prove Gibson's or theirs but that's not the point. We cannot sell the club until its out of the way and the wait only damages us. So in essence what they are saying is give us some money and we will not take this further and you will survive if not you might go to the wall. They are opportunists and people should look at them as they are, two clubs scavenging off the bones of another to get a few quid. If not why didn't Wycombe go after Wednesday or Reading. Why didn't Gibson go after Villa, its because neither is in administration.
  17. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I think its about the season as a whole and that our overspending meant we were given an unfair advantage. The flaw is that could be argued for Reading and a load of others. If what they mean is that we should have received a points deduction last year then that is the remit of the EFL and their appeal format. 
    it would be difficult to prove Gibson's or theirs but that's not the point. We cannot sell the club until its out of the way and the wait only damages us. So in essence what they are saying is give us some money and we will not take this further and you will survive if not you might go to the wall. They are opportunists and people should look at them as they are, two clubs scavenging off the bones of another to get a few quid. If not why didn't Wycombe go after Wednesday or Reading. Why didn't Gibson go after Villa, its because neither is in administration.
  18. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from San Fran Van Rams in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I think its about the season as a whole and that our overspending meant we were given an unfair advantage. The flaw is that could be argued for Reading and a load of others. If what they mean is that we should have received a points deduction last year then that is the remit of the EFL and their appeal format. 
    it would be difficult to prove Gibson's or theirs but that's not the point. We cannot sell the club until its out of the way and the wait only damages us. So in essence what they are saying is give us some money and we will not take this further and you will survive if not you might go to the wall. They are opportunists and people should look at them as they are, two clubs scavenging off the bones of another to get a few quid. If not why didn't Wycombe go after Wednesday or Reading. Why didn't Gibson go after Villa, its because neither is in administration.
  19. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I think its about the season as a whole and that our overspending meant we were given an unfair advantage. The flaw is that could be argued for Reading and a load of others. If what they mean is that we should have received a points deduction last year then that is the remit of the EFL and their appeal format. 
    it would be difficult to prove Gibson's or theirs but that's not the point. We cannot sell the club until its out of the way and the wait only damages us. So in essence what they are saying is give us some money and we will not take this further and you will survive if not you might go to the wall. They are opportunists and people should look at them as they are, two clubs scavenging off the bones of another to get a few quid. If not why didn't Wycombe go after Wednesday or Reading. Why didn't Gibson go after Villa, its because neither is in administration.
  20. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from strawhillram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I think its about the season as a whole and that our overspending meant we were given an unfair advantage. The flaw is that could be argued for Reading and a load of others. If what they mean is that we should have received a points deduction last year then that is the remit of the EFL and their appeal format. 
    it would be difficult to prove Gibson's or theirs but that's not the point. We cannot sell the club until its out of the way and the wait only damages us. So in essence what they are saying is give us some money and we will not take this further and you will survive if not you might go to the wall. They are opportunists and people should look at them as they are, two clubs scavenging off the bones of another to get a few quid. If not why didn't Wycombe go after Wednesday or Reading. Why didn't Gibson go after Villa, its because neither is in administration.
  21. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from RAM1966 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    The two things I take from the minutes 
    - sale not to February
    - we are being held to ransom by two clubs who are using the administration as a way of obtaining funds. It looks like we are entertaining paying them as otherwise it will seriously hold up the takeover.
    re the first we need this completed in January . 
    re the second, I can see why they are going for this. I don’t think either claims have legs if it wasn’t for the fact it will affect the buying of the club. This wouldn’t work if we sued QPR or Villa ( or Gibson to go for Villa) because they are not in administration 
    people like this are known as opportunists and that is the politest word I can use for them.
    I do wonder if we could take insurance out to indemnify the new owners etc and tell them to go for one
  22. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to Mick Brolly in Back behind closed doors   
    He got no choice because of the Claus in his contract .
  23. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to Steve How Hard? in Back behind closed doors   
    An erection at Xmas sounds like a winner to me. ?
  24. COYR
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from jono in Back behind closed doors   
    Never a problem for Santa he always uses a chimney, I have just asked for a quote on getting one erected at PP so we can all go. A sort of great escape in reverse lol
  25. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    The two things I take from the minutes 
    - sale not to February
    - we are being held to ransom by two clubs who are using the administration as a way of obtaining funds. It looks like we are entertaining paying them as otherwise it will seriously hold up the takeover.
    re the first we need this completed in January . 
    re the second, I can see why they are going for this. I don’t think either claims have legs if it wasn’t for the fact it will affect the buying of the club. This wouldn’t work if we sued QPR or Villa ( or Gibson to go for Villa) because they are not in administration 
    people like this are known as opportunists and that is the politest word I can use for them.
    I do wonder if we could take insurance out to indemnify the new owners etc and tell them to go for one
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