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  1. Haha
    jono got a reaction from ariotofmyown in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    Thank you for that. My wife will now complain endlessly about the wine that is splattered down my shirt. Please give me your address so I can send you the stain removal costs 🤪
  2. Clap
    jono got a reaction from Premier ram in Retained List   
    Thing is with Fozzy is he has a football brain, is flexible enough to be LB, WB, CB and will perform whether it’s raining, a heat wave, Covid, He is boots on the ground that don’t leak. Oh yeah ..  he’s been there before and  if anyone is a RAM it’s Fozzy. I reckon he would be delighted to have another year and without an ego he’ll sit on a bench standing guard for the mighty Rams
  3. Haha
    jono got a reaction from Comrade 86 in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    Thank you for that. My wife will now complain endlessly about the wine that is splattered down my shirt. Please give me your address so I can send you the stain removal costs 🤪
  4. Haha
    jono got a reaction from England Ram in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    Thank you for that. My wife will now complain endlessly about the wine that is splattered down my shirt. Please give me your address so I can send you the stain removal costs 🤪
  5. Clap
    jono got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Retained List   
    Thing is with Fozzy is he has a football brain, is flexible enough to be LB, WB, CB and will perform whether it’s raining, a heat wave, Covid, He is boots on the ground that don’t leak. Oh yeah ..  he’s been there before and  if anyone is a RAM it’s Fozzy. I reckon he would be delighted to have another year and without an ego he’ll sit on a bench standing guard for the mighty Rams
  6. Haha
    jono reacted to Reggie Greenwood in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    Good job Colin Bell wasn’t one of our iconic players ! 
  7. Clap
    jono reacted to Maverick in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    As Derby are re born...surely it's time we named the South Stand and the rest of them for that matter.  Not a fan of a sponsored stand as they come and go...apart from the Toyota West stand.  We could go back to an old stand name from the BBG, a Legend or something completely new and fresh?
    I'll start the ball rolling.....
    South Stand - 1884
    North Stand - Railway End
    East Stand - Popside
    West Stand - Toyota (Steve Bloomer Upper & Lower) Stand
  8. Clap
    jono reacted to Day in Paul Warne   
    I'm also guilty of questioning the timing of certain posts/topics, including one of Sage's, the summer transfer suggestion thread, which in my opinion was absurd to be thinking about in February when we had no idea what league we would be in.
    The topic remains open, into page 39, doesn't change my opinion that it should have been a conversation to be starting this week.
    Same with Paul Warne's future and worrying about the style of football in the Championship. We're there now, makes sense if those want to voice their concerns. 
    There is a huge difference though between being told you cannot talk about something, quiet, sssh, lock it and voicing an opinion which questions the timing. 
    I also think most regular members should be able to read the room at this stage, you know roughly where people stand and if you're going to throw out a controversial take 10 minutes after the final whistle after gaining promotion, kinda got to accept the criticism you would get for that.
    Also, theres been some goading from the other side if you like following promotion, forcing humble pie down someone's throat will only be spat back in your face. If you actually read what those critical of Warne are saying, promotion wouldn't change the concern they have going forward, so yeah, lose the first 2 or 3 I'm sure we'll be back to the same debate.
    Although for me, if you give the manager the summer, got to give them until Christmas then barring any complete and utter disaster situation which we saw under Pearson.
    All in my opinion of course. 
  9. Like
    jono reacted to Kathcairns in Paul Warne   
    Lets forget all the old arguments and start afresh for the CHAMPIONSHIP after all we are all RAMS.
  10. Clap
    jono got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Paul Warne   
    I don’t recall posters being told whether they could post or not, or indeed when they could post. ( apart from the odd do one to the trolls you have already referred to.) I am sure there were a few “get losts” but that is that any different to the “angry words” you refer to. ?   It seemed to me like healthy debate with many posters objecting to comments directed at PW, calling him a clown or whatever else. A response in kind that I would describe as anything from: normal debate, a frank exchange of views, a spat or handbags. Bullying ? Really ? 
    You can’t really chant on a text based forum. There were a number of comments such as get him out of our club though.
    I still don’t see where your bullying allegation comes from ? I think the most vociferous of “anti PW” kept banging the same drum to the point that there were reactions that ranged from derision to logical counter argument. I don’t see that as bullying. It’s just not agreeing with someone. The derision was only a counterpoint to the caustic comments posters were making against the manager. If you say something controversial or don’t address the counter argument then you’re going to get push back. 
    I really don’t understand this attitude that is becoming all too evident these days. It seems to be … I don’t like your stance but I am not going to argue it out with you, instead I am going to stop you arguing with me by attributing some dire character trait to your personality … You’re a bully, Your a lefty / righty or a sexist, a racist or a “phobe” of one sort or another. 
    Would you like to name the bullies and provide evidence of their bullying ? . If you’re going to post examples I’d like to see the context and what both parties said at the time. 
  11. Haha
    jono got a reaction from Kathcairns in Now we're promoted, what are your thoughts on League One ?   
    Nothing wrong with the football, plenty of teams played the game the right way. Moments of real skill many times throughout the season from most teams that we played. The consistency isn’t there though is it. ? The bad touches, poor control and clumsy defending, just too much of it. The worst bit for me was officialdom. Wrong calls, strutting myopic refs who either get flustered or are so self important it makes you wince. 

    The missing element for me was the “spice” of bigger games .. Leeds, Wendies,Birmingham.
    . It gets wearing when you know you are the big scalp that smaller clubs really want so they end up playing out of their skins and making you feel terrible if the result goes the wrong way. 
    I have enjoyed it but a bit like a chip butty, nice at the time, tasty and filling but it isn’t really a balanced diet. 
  12. Like
    jono got a reaction from Crewton in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    And Fornah ? I think he’s got something; but injuries and team balance haven’t seen him given much chance to show it. 
    There are troops we haven’t seen the best of. That fleeting glimpse of CBT powering through the middle away from home ? There’s a championship player there. Just making it come out often enough.  That’s the trick 
  13. Like
    jono got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    And Fornah ? I think he’s got something; but injuries and team balance haven’t seen him given much chance to show it. 
    There are troops we haven’t seen the best of. That fleeting glimpse of CBT powering through the middle away from home ? There’s a championship player there. Just making it come out often enough.  That’s the trick 
  14. Haha
    jono got a reaction from Walkley Ram in Now we're promoted, what are your thoughts on League One ?   
    Nothing wrong with the football, plenty of teams played the game the right way. Moments of real skill many times throughout the season from most teams that we played. The consistency isn’t there though is it. ? The bad touches, poor control and clumsy defending, just too much of it. The worst bit for me was officialdom. Wrong calls, strutting myopic refs who either get flustered or are so self important it makes you wince. 

    The missing element for me was the “spice” of bigger games .. Leeds, Wendies,Birmingham.
    . It gets wearing when you know you are the big scalp that smaller clubs really want so they end up playing out of their skins and making you feel terrible if the result goes the wrong way. 
    I have enjoyed it but a bit like a chip butty, nice at the time, tasty and filling but it isn’t really a balanced diet. 
  15. Like
    jono got a reaction from Gladys_was_the_Greatest in Now we're promoted, what are your thoughts on League One ?   
    Nothing wrong with the football, plenty of teams played the game the right way. Moments of real skill many times throughout the season from most teams that we played. The consistency isn’t there though is it. ? The bad touches, poor control and clumsy defending, just too much of it. The worst bit for me was officialdom. Wrong calls, strutting myopic refs who either get flustered or are so self important it makes you wince. 

    The missing element for me was the “spice” of bigger games .. Leeds, Wendies,Birmingham.
    . It gets wearing when you know you are the big scalp that smaller clubs really want so they end up playing out of their skins and making you feel terrible if the result goes the wrong way. 
    I have enjoyed it but a bit like a chip butty, nice at the time, tasty and filling but it isn’t really a balanced diet. 
  16. Clap
    jono got a reaction from Zag zig in Retained List   
    Thing is with Fozzy is he has a football brain, is flexible enough to be LB, WB, CB and will perform whether it’s raining, a heat wave, Covid, He is boots on the ground that don’t leak. Oh yeah ..  he’s been there before and  if anyone is a RAM it’s Fozzy. I reckon he would be delighted to have another year and without an ego he’ll sit on a bench standing guard for the mighty Rams
  17. Haha
    jono reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Now we're promoted, what are your thoughts on League One ?   
    Ok to visit but I wouldn't want to live there....
  18. Like
    jono reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Paul Warne   
    Genuinely thought the emotion from yesterday had waned a little, then you mention Birds and I well up again. As part of his pre match routine my Grandpa would pop to Park Farm to run his errands and always went into Birds to buy my Nana a cream bun, clearly to stay in her good books while he was at the match and a couple of jars deep afterwards, the daft old sod.
    What a bloody good feeling it is to have that promotion secured for those of us still around and those watching from…somewhere else 🐏
  19. Like
    jono reacted to Walkley Ram in Paul Warne   
    That's lovely that. Football just isn't the same without being able to go over the game with my grandad. I took his scarf yesterday, for some reason he bought a blue and yellow one instead of black and white. So if anyone here got hit in the face with a blue and yellow scarf when we scored yesterday, blame my grandad.
  20. Clap
    jono reacted to Tamworthram in Paul Warne   
    He said “one of the greatest” not “the greatest”.
    Of course the achievement in itself doesn’t compare to our league wins, glorious victories in Europe or even winning the old second division but, as other have said, the context is all important here. Less than two years ago we were on the brink of extinction. Even after DC saved the club we could easily have found ourselves floundering in league one for too many seasons.
  21. Clap
    jono reacted to On the Ram Page in Paul Warne   
    This is a bit Over the Top. I have always been pro Warne but people are entitled to an opinion and people are entitled to get things wrong. That how lessons are learnt and knowledge gathered. Be a bit more tolerant.
  22. Haha
    jono got a reaction from angieram in Now we're promoted, what are your thoughts on League One ?   
    Nothing wrong with the football, plenty of teams played the game the right way. Moments of real skill many times throughout the season from most teams that we played. The consistency isn’t there though is it. ? The bad touches, poor control and clumsy defending, just too much of it. The worst bit for me was officialdom. Wrong calls, strutting myopic refs who either get flustered or are so self important it makes you wince. 

    The missing element for me was the “spice” of bigger games .. Leeds, Wendies,Birmingham.
    . It gets wearing when you know you are the big scalp that smaller clubs really want so they end up playing out of their skins and making you feel terrible if the result goes the wrong way. 
    I have enjoyed it but a bit like a chip butty, nice at the time, tasty and filling but it isn’t really a balanced diet. 
  23. Clap
    jono reacted to Ewe Ram in Paul Warne   
    I really like him and always have. I love a man manager, because lack of ability can often be overcome by a desire to perform. I’d certainly play my heart out for him. Decent, honest man. Thanks Paul 👏
  24. Clap
    jono reacted to G STAR RAM in Paul Warne   
    Well done to everyone who stuck by Paul Warne.
    Especially, well done and thank you to David Clowes who held his nerve when it probably could have been easy to give in to the noisy minority.
    The records we have broken this season will remain for a long time and days like yesterday don't come around too often.
    Warne has more than earned his shot at Championship football next season.
  25. Haha
    jono reacted to NottsRam77 in Paul Warne   
    Some noticeable absentees from this thread in the last 24 hours 👀
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