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    Carnero reacted to richinspain in RamsTV Feedback   
    I use safari on my phone and iPad, and it's the same. Two clicks as you say. Here on this forum however I stay signed in until I decide to sign out. I can pop in as many times as I like, whenever I like, and I'm always logged in. On the DCFC website however 10 or 15 minutes without looking at it and I'm logged out.
  2. Like
    Carnero reacted to angieram in RamsTV Feedback   
    Yes, I have to log in on every visit to the site, whether on phone, tablet or PC.  I hope they introduce a stay logged in option as it's a bit of a drag. 
  3. Like
    Carnero reacted to RoyMac5 in RamsTV Feedback   
    Have you logged in, it does log you out quite often? Plus try some of the other links to get to the same place, sometimes one link doesn't seem to work.
  4. Haha
    Carnero reacted to Rev in RamsTV Feedback   
    Honestly no need to be jealous, a flight to Reykjavik, which I won't get to explore, then a smaller flight to another unpronoucable airport, then a further flight in an even smaller plane until I land at Vopnafjörður ( international airport code VPN), and settle down to business!
    Luckily I've been able to schedule visits around away games, so won't miss too much.
  5. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Chester40 in Litter around derby/derbyshire + Utch's "Sofa watch"   
    Unemployed and can't afford carpet for her son's bedroom.
    Yet she can afford to smoke?
    Feckin filth.
  6. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from bigbadbob in Litter around derby/derbyshire + Utch's "Sofa watch"   
    Unemployed and can't afford carpet for her son's bedroom.
    Yet she can afford to smoke?
    Feckin filth.
  7. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Angry Ram in Litter around derby/derbyshire + Utch's "Sofa watch"   
    Unemployed and can't afford carpet for her son's bedroom.
    Yet she can afford to smoke?
    Feckin filth.
  8. Like
    Carnero reacted to Rev in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Having been to the same place and seen the layout, I wouldn't have left my kids there in a million years, and I'm an awful parent.
    I don't see how prosecuting them for neglect would have solved anything either, other than making two further kids parentless for a period of time.
    No punishment could match the one they've been handed.
    Probably too dark a subject for this thread anyhow, it's for general moaning, not real stuff.
  9. Like
    Carnero reacted to i-Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    These are all very good points Lester, none of which l would disagree with. I am not an apologist for the McCanns. I think l have made that clear enough.  I have not tracked this case at all over the years, and some of the conspiracy theories on here perhaps do raise questions. But, it is 10 years on now and not one police force has produced sufficient evidence to charge the McCanns, and l don't think they have been suspects for some 8 years. If they come on telly or appear in a newspaper l turn over, or don't read it, but l remain as matters stand feeling pity for them because they have paid a heavy, heavy price for their neglect. 
    P.s. I will not post any further on this subject.
  10. Like
    Carnero reacted to i-Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Blimey, the Met have been all over this matter for the last 5 years, and still have 4 full timers working on the case. And all the time the answer is available on YouTube. Very annoying.
    Other things that annoy me:
    The McCann's putting their children at risk. A very poor decision.
    People still sniping at them 10 years on. I hope they find their child. They have paid their dues for a very poor decision.
  11. Like
    Carnero reacted to KBB in January Transfer Suggestion Thread   
    Spot on.
    smac "we are desperate for a midfielder"
    any club in the championship "that's 10mill please"
  12. Like
    Carnero reacted to Premier ram in January Transfer Suggestion Thread   
    if only i had gone down the jb route and said i was itk , i could of made some money out of some of you
  13. Like
    Carnero reacted to KBB in January Transfer Suggestion Thread   
    I'm pretty confident in saying none of those  players would come to us.
  14. Like
    Carnero reacted to Leicester Ram in January Transfer Suggestion Thread   
    I feel like an idiot to go on about players we haven't been linked to at all, but I'll be really gutted if we're not even considering Hourihane.
    He seems like the sort of player who'd relish the freedom of playing in a 4-3-3, he's young, he's already one of the best CM's in the league, he scores goals and his contract is up in 6 months.
    I'm struggling to see why he isn't a player we should be going to the lengths of the earth to get, we've got the recruitment team that went all out to get Raul Albentosa two years ago and really let us know they did so. I hope they show that same commitment again...for the players I want, that is.
  15. Like
    Carnero reacted to jono in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I am a bit like SillyBilly although not as extreme I suspect. .. Do all the sums .. Look at the end of the road .. You can see with perfect clarity where it's all going even with a fair wind. What's the point, hell in a hand cart 
    Then I remember that Dalai Lama quote .. The purpose of our lives is to be happy, and the one from I can't remember which Rock Star .. Our purpose in life is to mess about and have fun, don't listen to anyone that tells you any different. 
    I am getting towards the back end of my working life, still a bit to go. Relatively stable but going to do something a bit out of left field ( for me ) .. I used to be worried about change, status, what might be, what I "should" be doing or what I could have done. Now I am looking forward to it and gunning at the prospect .. Not a lot of money but a contribution 
    i am in awe of you guys that have shared your tribulations .. Keep doing it .. It's healthy. None of us is immune. Mates, even cyber mates are a huge help and want to help. I feel humble moaning about my occasional black dog days and grim pragmatic fatalism. 
    Pete you are right .. The delightful daftness of excessive footy passion is a perfect example of what we should be doing. Worrying too much about Trump, Putin, pension deficits the knackered boiler and Brexit won't make us happy or enrich the one way journey that is our life. Ball, back of the net, jumping for joy most certainly does. The guy who founded Honda said "The value of your life can be determined by how many times your soul has been strired." .. So for me I want to try ( and I fail often ) to find things that stir my soul. 
  16. Like
    Carnero reacted to Tony Le Mesmer in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Must have taken some balls to write that and put it down for all to see. Very poignant in places Ronnie.
    There was only one but that stood out though for me amongst all
    'Im a good lad......'
    Your words not mine nor anybody else's. Use this simple phrase and build on it because there is a strong possibility that it's true. You just have to believe it more. Believe in yourself.
  17. Like
    Carnero reacted to LesterRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    good post, working online is notorious for depression and I have now been online my entire adult life and mostly on my own, if I can give advice on what I have found out with trial and error...
    never use any device, laptop or anything that radiates light an hour before going to sleep, something about the blue light removes melatonin which enables you to sleep.
    buy a sad lamp, they do work.
    regular exercise, just go and take a brisk walk.
    talk to colleagues and try and keep it upbeat.
    never take work home with you, leave it in the office.
    I can talk but if I have a lot of work on I will break all these rules and my mood deepens, probably hence my negative posts
    hope your ok Mostyn and please try my ideas mate because this is 20+ years research that works for me.
  18. Like
    Carnero reacted to maydrakin in January Transfer Suggestion Thread   
    I'm sorry, but Martin Kuhl cannot be on that list.  To be a defensive midfielder, you had to be effective defensively.
    Kuhl may have been the final piece of the jigsaw, however it was certainly not the jigsaw we had at the time!
  19. Like
    Carnero reacted to Coneheadjohn in January Transfer Suggestion Thread   
    Chris Martin from Fulham on a free transfer.
  20. Like
    Carnero reacted to North East Ram in Derby County Flags   
    One nil. Cheers.
  21. Like
    Carnero reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
    Bexley Rams with the one handed catch with a beer in his other hand at the cricket last month in South Africa.
    The Derby Way.

  22. Like
    Carnero reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
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