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    Tamworthram reacted to Mihangel in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    That's what I'm thinking, otherwise why would you even start the topic? Fundamentally, the fewer people that buy season tickets, the less attractive the club is, the more money it is losing, the lower the standard of player we can acquire. It's some sort of doom mongering self fulfilling prophecy.
    It's also the sign of the modern football 'fan', I do yearn for simply times - I started watching as a kid in the 80s, it was part of my life, my routine, that carried on even when I lived in Brighton (there's a club with modern fans!). It connected me with my home town, with my family, with my friends, that's what having a season ticket is all about.
    All talk of investment, money, debt, that's a sideshow, for those 90 mins that's what matters, whatever crap is wearing the shirt.
  2. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Premier ram in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    It seems to me @Sheikh n Bake that you have almost moved away from a fair and reasonable opening question to a stage whereby you are challenging people when they declare their intention to continue to renew regardless (apart from for personal reasons). I don’t know if you’re a bit of a WUM, on some kind of evangelical mission or are simply trying to convince yourself. 
    You may find it incredulous that some of us will always renew without much, if any, hesitation (and don’t really care much how the price of pies at PP compare with other grounds) but that’s just the way it is.
  3. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    So, to be clear, if we were relegated (which I don't think will happen) you'd allow Rotherham to stay in the championship rather than Wycombe simply because a) they had a chance of surviving on the last day of the season (let's just ignore the rest of the season) and b) because they had to play a lot more games over a short period of time than the rest of us, and you don't think that's madness?
    I agree, rewarding failure isn't sensible but, isn't that what you'd be doing if you allowed Rotherham to stay up ahead of Wycombe even though Rotherham collected fewer points?
    I already know what happened in league 1 thanks and, whilst not ideal, if was a far less crazy thing than what you're proposing. So, yes, the maddest thing.
  4. Clap
    Tamworthram reacted to Eatonram in EFL Verdict   
    Meanwhile Manchester United pay £73m for a single player and the football authorities cannot see what the problem is. 
  5. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to uttoxram75 in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    You obviously wasn't around in the early 1980's when the gumps were fluking cup wins and we were bankrupt and very nearly went out of business.
    The only time I never had a ST was when my kids were toddlers and I couldn't afford one. Still went to as many games as my biscuit factory wage would allow though.
    Do I detect a tiny bit of wumminess in your posts?
  6. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    Exactly,I've missed the routine and spending time with my son (who is now at uni) and just the whole experience of it.
    If i wanted to be a sheep and not a ram,i could have had an easy life following Man city or Liverpool bit i never wanted that,i wanted to follow my county's team,my team,for better or worse!
  7. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to B4ev6is in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    I shall never never ever ever ever cancel like also buy mine.
  8. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to ImARam2 in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    Football is a Saturday afternoon with your brother or mates.
    Football is about arguing about the team, the tactics, the players, the manager and the oppostion.
    Football is the banter, the sounds, the smells(!!), the andrenaline of walking to the ground - it's an emotion of highs and lows within just 90 minutes, and the next week, whatever the previous result may be, you go again.
    Once you have committed to a club, it's yours for life, whatever division the team plays in.
    I'm 69 years of age, and next Easter Monday 2022, will be the 60th anniversary of the first time I watched Derby County, when my dear father and uncle took me and my brother to the Baseball Ground.
    I've stood on terraces, in all weathers, sat on hard seats, been treated to the hospitality suite, and even played on Pride Park in a charity game and football have given me despair at time, but also much enjoyment over the years.
    I even bought a season ticket when I was working overseas and only saw 4 home games a season for 3 years, but I still supported Derby County from afar.
    Whatever division The Rams find themselves in next season, I will shout at them, criticise them, moan until I'm blue in the face, but I'll support them because they are my club from my home town.
  9. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    You can’t just judge it on their chances going into the last game of the season. OK, Rotherham had it tough having to play so many games over such a short period of time but, there wasn’t much else the EFL could do. Whether you like it or not, Wycombe did finish above Rotherham but you seem to be suggesting it would be fairer, and demonstrate greater integrity, to hand Rotherham a few bonus points in order to put them ahead. That would be the maddest thing ever.
  10. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to 24Charlie in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    Football is more than watching a game. You can do that on TV. But it’s the match day experience for me. Many a time the game is incidental but sometimes it’s all consuming. Meet your mates or go with family it’s where memories are made and if you don’t by a ticket what have you got?
     What else are you going to do on a cold Tuesday night in February?
  11. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    Well,I've already bought this year's by virtue of buying it last season but i spent thirty years on shifts not being able to buy one so to be honest,I'll keep on subscribing,whichever division we are in,whilst i can.
    I enjoy the whole experience not just the football served up.
    And if we go into league 1,at least they will be cheaper.
  12. Cheers
    Tamworthram got a reaction from DCFC1388 in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    I would say you have even greater right to complain (or should I say moan) if you’re a paying supporter.
    Same as @DCFC1388, I would only cancel due to personal circumstances.
  13. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to duncanjwitham in Martyn Waghorn - gone to Coventry City   
    I'm the wrong side of 40, but I'm up for it if you want? What's the weekly wage?
  14. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Ramos in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    Tbh if I was going to base my season tickets purchases on the quality of our squad - out of the 17 I’ve had Id probably only ever have gotten one ?.
  15. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to DCFC1388 in At What Point Do You Cancel Your Season Ticket?   
    If i cancelled my ticket it wouldnt be because of the club it would be down to personal circumstances
  16. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from rammieib in EFL Verdict   
    Why? If they don’t appeal (I don’t think they will) then the punishment will be a £100k fine plus the need to resubmit our accounts. We have until 18th August to submit (after the season has started) so, any points deduction would come next season.
  17. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Ghost of Clough in EFL Verdict   
    To summarise: Lawyers think they understand accounting regs better than accountants.
  18. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to CBRammette in EFL Verdict   
    Yes exactly and this is so ridiculous. So someone is saying the whole audit team threw all their professional standards and training out of the window also and the partner signing off high profile accounts did the same as well as reputation because they were a Derby fan. Now if they had said  being auditors they just did the same as last year that I would get
  19. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from CBRammette in EFL Verdict   
    I think “independent” only means the auditors are not part of Derby County or any of it’s associated companies. Provided they fulfil their role professionally it shouldn’t matter which team they support. 
  20. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Van der MoodHoover in EFL Verdict   
    You posted the definition of an active market earlier, which had 3 subclauses. 
    I've seen elsewhere markets defined in an economic sense as a place where buyers and sellers can exchange goods at agreed prices.
    For many such markets, the "price" will simply be that achieved by negotiation. But that doesn't mean that there aren't indicative market values available for eg commercial properties, that are readily accepted by accounting bodies.
    I don't see why the same couldn't be true for professional footballers. To simply dismiss it out of hand is overly simplistic.
    I simply don't understand why the EFL are so desperate to try to unpick accounting rules to justify their desire. They coul  simply say "this is the rule for football clubs".
  21. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from DCFC1388 in EFL Verdict   
    That’s my point. All the EFL can appeal is the severity of the punishment already communicated (ie fine and resubmit accounts). So, if they don’t appeal then there is no chance (as I understand it) of any retrospective points deduction. 
  22. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in EFL Verdict   
    I think “independent” only means the auditors are not part of Derby County or any of it’s associated companies. Provided they fulfil their role professionally it shouldn’t matter which team they support. 
  23. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in EFL Verdict   
    That’s my point. All the EFL can appeal is the severity of the punishment already communicated (ie fine and resubmit accounts). So, if they don’t appeal then there is no chance (as I understand it) of any retrospective points deduction. 
  24. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to Jimbo Ram in EFL Verdict   
    Just a fine would be a great result, best one we have had in months ?
  25. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from DCFC1388 in EFL Verdict   
    Why? If they don’t appeal (I don’t think they will) then the punishment will be a £100k fine plus the need to resubmit our accounts. We have until 18th August to submit (after the season has started) so, any points deduction would come next season.
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