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  1. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to angieram in Come on Derby get our season tickets out   
    Because that would be 8,000 emails per game. Whereas for each season ticket holder, it is 1 thing to do each game.
  2. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to RoyMac5 in Come on Derby get our season tickets out   
    You might not want to go? ?
  3. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Come on Derby get our season tickets out   
    I'm personally ok with the way the season tickets are being handled and not allowing the sale of new season tickets initially just seems to be a sensible precaution.
    As I'm a 20/21 holder I can't see that it's going to be a massive issue booking each game as it comes given the circumstances.
  4. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to RoyMac5 in 2021 / 2022 New kit   
  5. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in 2021 / 2022 New kit   
    Stop it. My sides are hurting from laughing so much.
    (sarcasm alert)
  6. Haha
    Tamworthram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in 2021 / 2022 New kit   
    Stop it. My sides are hurting from laughing so much.
    (sarcasm alert)
  7. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Come on Derby get our season tickets out   
    Well he's got this friend who posts onto Derby forums for him who could maybe assist?
  8. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Betty Swollocks in Come on Derby get our season tickets out   
    Of course but the post I was replying to was misleading implied you’d still have to buy a ticket which, isn’t really correct unless you want to be really pedantic.
  9. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Indeed. Maybe Bald Eagle lives in a retirement home in Florida where Mike Pence went to speak?
  10. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from angieram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    In your experience. Not in mine.
  11. Haha
    Tamworthram got a reaction from ramsbottom in 2021 / 2022 New kit   
    Steady on. What lack of updates from the club would we have to complain about then?
  12. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to QuitYourJibbaJivin in Come on Derby get our season tickets out   
    Would you get a credit if you missed a game during a regular season? No, so why should you get one now?
  13. Cheers
    Tamworthram reacted to kevinhectoring in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Was interested to read this. Yes maybe we will have a group of leaders who will take us forward. Stranger things have happened (to us in the last 12 months)
  14. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to sage in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Personally I don't think 73,000 dying a year is an acceptable price to pay for not having to wear masks on trains and having to have table service in pubs, but each to their own.  
  15. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to Rev in Training Photos   
    The final successful training session will involve climbing quietly out of the windows, before embarking on a 5 mile moonlight run through the woods to meet the team coach in a lay by.
  16. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to SunnyRam in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    Unlike a card that is linked to your banks app that tells you how much money you have left. 
  17. Sad
    Tamworthram reacted to uttoxram75 in Pets   
    Just a couple of weeks after this pic was taken the poor dog was taken poorly. After several vet visits and investigations, biopsies etc, they told us he had an incurable, genetic immune problem causing him severe pain. 
    After getting another opinion from a different vet the same diagnoses was given.
    He went to sleep on Monday morning, grandkids inconsolable, parents and grandparents not far behind. He was not quite three years old.
  18. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to angieram in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    Bristol City played Celtic at their training ground last night, so no fans or atmosphere. TV Match pass £10. 
    This moaning about absolutely everything Derby does by certain posters is beyond tedious.
  19. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to SunnyRam in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    Then that's their choice. No one is being forced to pay it. 
  20. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Carnero in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    All savings interest is tax free up to a certain amount. I think it’s £1000 per year for a standard rate tax payer meaning at 0.5% you’d have to have savings (excluding ISA’s) of £200,000 before you started to pay tax on it.
  21. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Andrew3000 in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    I think it will be a long time before most of us need to worry too much about paying tax on savings.
  22. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to I8Forest78 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Makes me wonder if Rooney is going the Villa route,when Grealish was going off the rails(Face down smashed),they made him captain and have never looked back???
  23. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from I know nothing in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    I agree CKR would have a decent choice but I don’t really see that his admirable views and comments about racism should be a factor. We need a leader out there on the pitch. It remains to be seen if Tom proves to be that person but I’m prepared to give him a chance.
  24. Cheers
    Tamworthram reacted to VulcanRam in Man Utd Preseason, the return of the fan   
    c8500 renewed and capacity for Sunday is c8000, so if everyone who had a ST last year got in free they would be running it at a loss. 
  25. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to ollycutts1982 in Training Photos   
    Debt recovery agents not turning up and taking all the equipment off us. 
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