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  2. Clap
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the ex-Ram from his playing career   
    Steve Haywood? 
  3. Clap
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Asanovic70 in The Administration Thread   
    Q never learn do they, I wish they would just deliver on something.
  4. Clap
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Carl Sagan in The Administration Thread   
    Q never learn do they, I wish they would just deliver on something.
  5. Clap
    ollycutts1982 reacted to WestLondonRam in The Administration Thread   
    Bored of hearing end of the week now, Bored of the Admin, Bored of Losing, Bored of losing players.. If i'm honest I'm bored of refreshing this thread as well. 
  6. Like
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Derby4Me in Derby Season Ticket or Sky Subscription   
    Season ticket and flashed fire stick for £40.00/yr. win win. ?
  7. Like
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Simon Bradley in Derby Season Ticket or Sky Subscription   
    Season ticket and flashed fire stick for £40.00/yr. win win. ?
  8. Clap
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the ex-Ram from his playing career   
    Noel Whelan. 
  9. Like
    ollycutts1982 reacted to davenportram in The Administration Thread   
    We’ll that didn’t take long - a few defeats, no statements from EFL or Q to discectomy so frustrations got taken out on the one person who has kept this forum going under difficult circumstances. 
    haters got to hate something - even if it’s the people giving them the opportunity to hate
  10. Like
    ollycutts1982 reacted to BucksRam in The Administration Thread   
    Although you did speak for yourself.....I suspect the majority on here, myself included agree with everything you've said.  This is a great forum....yeah there's some very strong views at times, some perhaps crossing lines, but this is policed really well by the mods and of course @David.  It's been a lifeline and escape for me these last couple of years in particular. I've nosed around in many other forums and, not being biased at all, very few compare. Some are utter tripe. 
  11. Clap
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the ex-Ram from his playing career   
    Or Paul Ritchie.
  12. Like
    ollycutts1982 reacted to Dimmu in A new daily game. Name the ex-Ram from his playing career   
    Bit too early for Vidal? Wasn't he Clough's signing? I have forgotten Paul Ritchie, good shout
  13. Haha
    ollycutts1982 reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    That's definitely them!
  14. Clap
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Abu Derby in The Administration Thread   
    I must admit I am pleasantly surprised how quick things are moving now the parasite claims are done. 
  15. Clap
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
    I must admit I am pleasantly surprised how quick things are moving now the parasite claims are done. 
  16. Clap
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from CornwallRam in The Administration Thread   
    I must admit I am pleasantly surprised how quick things are moving now the parasite claims are done. 
  17. Haha
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    I must admit I am pleasantly surprised how quick things are moving now the parasite claims are done. 
  18. Haha
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from ck- in The Administration Thread   
    I must admit I am pleasantly surprised how quick things are moving now the parasite claims are done. 
  19. COYR
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Inverurie Ram in Steve Gibson "Sporting Integrity"   
    I listened to this on Talksport. Jordan had spoken to pube headed wobble gob and he’d said ‘Chelsea and sporting integrity don’t go in the same sentence’ ??
    Then Boro fans ringing in saying it isn’t fair on the fans ??
    TBH it isn’t fair on the fans of either club, all club have their share of idiotic fans but the also have plenty of purists, proper football fans, who do deserve better. 
    One clubs actions directly affecting another’s ??? Karma me thinks. 
  20. Haha
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    When you’ve not logged on for a while does anyone else just quickly scroll through for Tw@tter updates? ??
  21. Haha
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Pikeyram in The Administration Thread   
    I must admit I am pleasantly surprised how quick things are moving now the parasite claims are done. 
  22. Like
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    I must admit I am pleasantly surprised how quick things are moving now the parasite claims are done. 
  23. Haha
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
    When you’ve not logged on for a while does anyone else just quickly scroll through for Tw@tter updates? ??
  24. Clap
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    I must admit I am pleasantly surprised how quick things are moving now the parasite claims are done. 
  25. Clap
    ollycutts1982 got a reaction from Loslobos in The Administration Thread   
    I must admit I am pleasantly surprised how quick things are moving now the parasite claims are done. 
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