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  1. Clap
    richinspain reacted to sage in The Administration Thread   
    Is anyone else logging thinking 'i'll just check the updates thread and not bother with this thread' then as soon as their their is no update start combing through this one for clues.
    I'm a hopeless case.
  2. Haha
    richinspain reacted to Van der MoodHoover in The Administration Thread   
    Surely if this is a deal involving Derby it will be mi ducks that are being lined up.... ?
  3. Like
    richinspain reacted to Ramplestiltskin in DCFC Forum Player Ratings 2021/22 - SEASON REVIEW   
    Man of the Match Awards (half an award given when a tie occurred)
    Jagielka         4
    Ebiowei          4
    Bird                3.5
    Allsop             3.5
    Cashin           3.5
    Knight              3
    Lawrence         3
    Byrne               3
    Thompson        3
    Forsyth             2
    Shinnie             2
    Ebosele            2
    Morrison           2
    Roos                 2
    Davies             1.5
    Sibley                1
    Stearman           1
    Plange               1
    Kazim                1
    So Phil Jagielka and Malcom Ebiowei share the crown with four MotM awards each, a feat made all the more impressive when you consider Jags left in January and Ebiowei didn't make his first appearance until late in the season.
    That Big Curt was toward the bottom of the list perhaps emphasises his steady contributions throughout, as backed up by the Podium stats.
    The Academy graduates collected between them 21 of the 46 awards (45.65%), which increases to 23 awards (50% quickmath) if we include Roos.
    Podium Awards (for making the top three in a match rating, half an award as above)
    Davies                   14.5
    Bird                        13
    Byrne                     13
    Allsop                     12
    Cashin                     9.5
    Jagielka                   9
    Knight                      9
    Ebosele                    8
    Shinnie                     6
    Lawrence                 6
    Thompson                6
    Ebiowei                    6
    Forsyth                     5
    Morrison                   4
    Roos                          4
    Kazim                        3
    Plange                       3
    Buchanan                  2
    Stearman                   2
    Sibley                         2
    Bielik                          1
    No surprise perhaps to see CD33 at the head of that list. He played every minute of every match and despite the odd dip in form - which you can forgive any centre back at his age - he was magnificent.
    Fantastic to see the Academy young guns pick up 58.5 of the total award (42.39%). If we include Roos that increases to 62.5 awards (45.29%).
    There may be some mileage in breaking it down further into awards by position etc but I've had my fill of digits for a while so I'll pass it over to one of you lovely souls. I'd be interested in reading further breakdowns if anybody does use the figures to pass an hour or fifty.
    The most high profile and/or oft-rated of those who didn't manage to make it onto either list is, of course, Kamil JOZWIAK, which rather sums up his time at Derby. I rather suspect that 'a resigned shrug of ones shoulders' was known in Old English as 'a jozwiak'. 
    Top 10 Individual Performances (in reverse order for added tittilation)
    10.   Ravel MORRISON          8.58     H   Barnsley
    9.     Eiran CASHIN                8.60     H   Peterborough
    7=.   Curtis DAVIES                 8.63    A   Reading
    7=.   Tom LAWRENCE            8.63    H   Bournemouth
    6.      Liam THOMPSON         8.69     A    Stoke
    4=.    Max BIRD                      8.78     H    Stoke      
    4=.   Curtis DAVIES                8.78     H   Stoke
    3.     Festy EBOSELE              8.85     H   Hull
    2.     Kelle ROOS                     9.07     A   West Brom
    1.      Tom LAWRENCE            9.50     H   Sheffield Utd
    Every Players' Individual Rating for the Season
    I'll use a minimum of 150 ratings provided for a player for them to be included on the main list. Before we get to the main list, these are the ratings for the players who were rated on fewer than 150 occasions (figures given as number of times rated/average rating)
    Dylan WILLIAMS                   56               6.96
    ? ? ? ? RICHARDS                   1                6.00
    Darren ROBINSON                  1                6.00
    Illienastase AGHATISE            1               6.00     
    Louie WATSON                     59               5.64       
    Bart CYBULSKI                     21                5.21
    Main List
    Phil JAGIELKA                       399              7.12
    Eiran CASHIN                        234              7.11
    Curtis DAVIES                       875               6.95
    Jason KNIGHT                       603             6.88
    Malcolm EBIOWEI                 181               6.88
    Ryan ALLSOP                        516               6.83
    Max BIRD                               793              6.81
    Liam THOMPSON                 348              6.71
    Graeme SHINNIE                  445              6.68
    Krystian BIELIK                     259              6.67
    Richard STEARMAN             236              6.64
    Nathan BYRNE                     799               6.54
    Festy EBOSELE                     533              6.50
    Tom LAWRENCE                   693              6.49
    Lee BUCHANAN                   471               6.49
    Kelle ROOS                            370              6.40
    Luke PLANGE                        398              6.27 
    Craig FORSYTH                     520             6.23
    Jack STRETTON                    178              6.14
    Ravel MORRISON                   607             6.13
    Louis SIBLEY                          374             6.10
    Kamil JOZWIAK                      304             6.01
    Colin KAZIM-RICHARDS        326             5.88
    Sam BALDOCK                       266             5.77
    I was going to pick a few nuggets out of there but I'll read your thoughts, if indeed you have any, on our collective End of Season Stats Review. I'm tired and emotional though and it'll all end in tears.
    Once again, thanks for staying awake if you've made it this far and here's to a club making its way back, starting with a takeover announcement tomorrow hopefully.
  4. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from RAM1966 in The Administration Thread   
    Probably try to forget the previous 5 minutes spent with George Roper ?
  5. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    Probably try to forget the previous 5 minutes spent with George Roper ?
  6. Haha
    richinspain reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    I always have a sinking feeling when I see you have quoted me in notifications knowing the tone is about to be lowered and unlike the rest of this admin process you never let me down ??
  7. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from sage in The Administration Thread   
    Probably try to forget the previous 5 minutes spent with George Roper ?
  8. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    Probably try to forget the previous 5 minutes spent with George Roper ?
  9. Haha
    richinspain reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I pay £40 per hour for my student. Not sure what she does with the 55 minutes after she has left me. 
  10. Clap
    richinspain got a reaction from strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    See the post above. I do now believe that Morris has either put the asking price up or refused to drop lower so that he can pay off Gibson. So who's money is it really?
  11. Like
    richinspain reacted to loweman2 in Derby County Shirt Collection   
    A few of them together.

  12. Clap
    richinspain got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    See the post above. I do now believe that Morris has either put the asking price up or refused to drop lower so that he can pay off Gibson. So who's money is it really?
  13. Clap
    richinspain reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Ah, the mythical Ashley offer in January where he claimed through the media he was preparing a £50 million offer, presumably intending to scare off other bidders. It didn't work. It never happened. He then allowed CK to take PB status with an offer nearly £20 million below what his media chums claimed he was willing to pay. He's full of shyte and has yet to lodge a formal offer according to Quantuma and this despite all the BS PR 'I'm still interested' guff. He's now claiming to have made a restructured offer, despite not submitting a formal bid in the first instance and with the period of exclusivity still being in place. Had he honoured his word and offered £50 mill in January, there's a fair chance we'd still be in the Championship. Let that sink in for a moment.
    As it stands, Quantuma are adamant that there's been no contact since last year so I think it's fair to assume that in respect of Derby County, he's nothing more than a stalking horse who is quite happy to see us go the wall whilst shafting every creditor, merely to save a couple of million of his reported £2.25 billion fortune. CK may not have his experience, nor his financial wherewithwal, but he's at least put his money where his mouth his and with the club teetering on the edge, I'll take actions over words all day long.
  14. Clap
    richinspain reacted to IncredibleKoosh in The Administration Thread   
    If he is 'very interested' in buying the club, why hasn't he made an offer that would be more suitable to the creditors?
  15. Cheers
    richinspain got a reaction from kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
  16. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Mel, he’s got his knocker’s, and this is a big but..   
    Is that bread from the bakery he "allegedly" blew up?
  17. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from Boycie in Mel, he’s got his knocker’s, and this is a big but..   
    Is that bread from the bakery he "allegedly" blew up?
  18. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from uttoxram75 in Mel, he’s got his knocker’s, and this is a big but..   
    Is that bread from the bakery he "allegedly" blew up?
  19. Cheers
    richinspain got a reaction from i-Ram in Mel, he’s got his knocker’s, and this is a big but..   
    Is that bread from the bakery he "allegedly" blew up?
  20. Clap
    richinspain reacted to Comrade 86 in The Kirchner-Morris Summit Meeting   
    None of our business how Chris spends his free time. His life, his time, his money, his responsibility. Beggars belief that some on here have felt the need to pass judgement on him having a beer or two of an evening, both in terms of the event and the location. 
  21. Like
    richinspain got a reaction from Malty in DCFC Players' Holiday Watch   
    My daughter is over there at the moment too. I'll be watching out for them, VERY CLOSELY!
  22. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from MackworthRamIsGod in DCFC Players' Holiday Watch   
    My daughter is over there at the moment too. I'll be watching out for them, VERY CLOSELY!
  23. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from Anna in DCFC Players' Holiday Watch   
    My daughter is over there at the moment too. I'll be watching out for them, VERY CLOSELY!
  24. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from SaffyRam in DCFC Players' Holiday Watch   
    My daughter is over there at the moment too. I'll be watching out for them, VERY CLOSELY!
  25. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in DCFC Players' Holiday Watch   
    My daughter is over there at the moment too. I'll be watching out for them, VERY CLOSELY!
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