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  1. Cheers
    richinspain got a reaction from ThePrisoner in Festival and Gig Tickets   
    Thanks. The thought did cross my mind late last night 
  2. Cheers
    richinspain reacted to ThePrisoner in Festival and Gig Tickets   
    Just cropped your picture @richinspain and hid the entry barcodes in case anyone untoward stumbles upon this from the greater internet and steals your seat!
  3. Clap
    richinspain reacted to Crewton in Exploiting loopholes is sometimes OK…   
    Well, they could always try : "That's a matter of opinion, just like Player Amortisation Rules", but they won't.
  4. Haha
    richinspain reacted to Bob The Badger in Festival and Gig Tickets   
    The sister-in-law and husband went to Wembley last weekend and said it was ducking brilliant.
    So when they announced dates for June in Manchester next year the wife was online for an eternity but got 4 tickets.
    I think she thinks I'll be going, but quite honestly I'd rather sandpaper my ears down to bloody stumps.
  5. Cheers
    richinspain got a reaction from i-Ram in Festival and Gig Tickets   
    June the 6th, so actually a couple of weeks after the concert. Yes, I prefer their older stuff but they're still one of the groups that I really want to see. I've been over here for 25 years now and apart from a few Spanish groups in local fiestas I've not really been to a gig since. I'm really looking forward to this.
    The Manics played in Valencia about 4 years ago, but I only found out about it the same day. They are on my list of to see groups live as well.
  6. Clap
    richinspain reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in Exploiting loopholes is sometimes OK…   
    Anybody still got Parry's email address? Would be interesting to hear his defence of this.
  7. Cheers
    richinspain reacted to i-Ram in Festival and Gig Tickets   
    Happy Birthday Pedro, whenever it falls. I sent the wife off to Wembley with a friend to watch them; she loved it. If they would play songs from their first 2 albums at a small venue in Brighton or London I would kill you for a Coldplay ticket.
  8. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from ThePrisoner in A new window on the Universe   
    I thought it was a King Crimson track.
  9. Cheers
    richinspain reacted to Miggins in A new window on the Universe   
    You have partially redeemed yourself @richinspain!! ?
  10. Clap
    richinspain got a reaction from Miggins in A new window on the Universe   
    I'll be honest, I don't think I've ever listened to a whole track by them. I just wanted to put a prog rock group and it was the first I could think of. Probably should have put this thinking about it. It's certainly apt.
  11. Haha
    richinspain reacted to admira in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Grant Holt shouldn’t be allowed to name any more children. 

  12. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from Miggins in A new window on the Universe   
    I thought it was a King Crimson track.
  13. Like
    richinspain got a reaction from I know nuffin in RamsTV Streaming | How to Watch   
    RamsTV audio subscription 
  14. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from JoetheRam in A new window on the Universe   
    I thought it was a King Crimson track.
  15. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from angieram in A new window on the Universe   
    I thought it was a King Crimson track.
  16. Haha
    richinspain reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in create your best uk band   
    He's up the with them plucking away at something
  17. Haha
    richinspain reacted to Day in create your best uk band   
    I don't mind to be honest, guitar, banjo, triangle, take their pick
  18. Like
    richinspain got a reaction from Quagga in RamsTV Streaming | How to Watch   
    RamsTV audio subscription 
  19. Clap
    richinspain got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the ex-Ram from his playing career   
    Gary Miclewhite
  20. COYR
    richinspain got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in A new daily game. Name the ex-Ram from his playing career   
    Gary Miclewhite
  21. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Eiran Cashin   
    So there's still time then?

  22. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from Ghost of Clough in Eiran Cashin   
    So there's still time then?

  23. Clap
    richinspain got a reaction from jagerbob in Eiran Cashin   
    So there's still time then?

  24. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from Chester40 in Eiran Cashin   
    So there's still time then?

  25. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in Beer Thread   
    Why have you uploaded a photo of a fruit juice?
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