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Posts posted by ketteringram

  1. 40 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    Yes. The biggest argument against iOS is that you can't customise it. Those that use argue, that's fine by me, why would I want to much about with something that is damn near perfect. But if customisation is your bag, then android is for you. 

    If you're not going to customise android. What does it actually have over iOS?

    So....... Because I don't want to 'customise', I shouldn't have an android phone. Righty O. 


  2. 22 minutes ago, blackNwhites said:

    Anyone know why I can't get sound through the audio option?


    Seems to have sorted itself now...unless 10 mins before kick off is the usual thing?

    It's live on 5live extra. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Leicester Ram said:

    Baby Driver: 4/5

    Really quite good, maybe not as amazing as some reviews have made it out to be. Think the fact it's an Edgar Wright film means it gets the benefit of the doubt from a lot of people but that's for good reason; he has started made a film that wasn't anything less than above average yet.

    Car chases are the best I've very seen, very grounded and technical while still being fun and outrageous. Some of the side characters and conversation are Tarantino level good.

    I was pretty late to the game, not sure if there's many more showings of it left.

    As I said with this one. First half brilliant, second half awful. I really loved it right from the start. I agree with everything you say. But...... From the moment they go to buy the guns, it's downhill all the way. If I'd have known it was going that way, I'd have walked out. Maybe I'll give it another go on the small screen. I came out wondering how someone could make a film so good, turn so bad. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

    No, not hard to watch from a gore/realism point of view, in fact there's very little gore, if that's what you mean.

    I couldn't take my eyes of it, it felt so immersive, saying anymore would ruin it.

    Its a 12A cert, and a gentle one at that.

    Excellent. Wednesday night then I reckon. Have to settle for a normal screen though. No idea where nearest Imax would be. I'll check! 

  5. 12 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

    Its a very hard film to describe, certainly not the film i thought it would be, and more powerful for it.

    Its certainly the only time I've watched a film and had to compose myself a good while after, yet I couldn't really say why!


    Is it a hard film to watch? Thinking of going one night next week. Must check what cert it is! If it's like first part of Saving Private Ryan, then I won't bother. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    A fellow member of the church?.

    Thinking of going to see it for the same reason as I was listening to the review on my way to work this morning. Also love the Cornetto trilogy films.

    Yes. Church member. I trust his reviews more than anyone else's. If he says something is very good, then I usually go and see it. Apart from horror, which he loves, and I have zero interest in! 

    Maybe I need to see Baby Driver a second time. Overall I enjoyed it. Just got stupid in the second half. 

  7. Went to see Baby Driver last night. From what I'd heard, it wouldn't really be my sort of film,but was persuaded to see it by the Mark Kermode review. 

    Really loved the first half, and remember thinking to myself that this is going to be a masterpiece. But the second half was total garbage. Oh well. Brilliant soundtrack. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Paul71 said:

    I could go on.

    The bloke sitting next to you who has to put his knee or elbow or worse on your side of the seat. He may be 6'3 tall or even 6'3 round but thats not my fault, please keep to your side of the seat please.

    The bloke or woman in front of me who reclines their seat, ok you have a bit more room but i now have less, its only a 4 hour flight to greece is this really necessary?

    The kid behind me who cant stop kicking the back of my seat, why wont his parents say something to him?

    That person who everytime he/she gets up to go the toilet and walk down the aisle has to grab hold of everyones head rest as they do, thanks for that i was just having a snooze but im awake now.


    And those ******** on a night flight that keep their overhead reading light on, when they're not reading. Should be just thrown out of the door. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, David said:

    No, don't think you can do that on a kettle either can you? Might be more fancy ones that do, I know they do an upgraded one of mine that you can set the cup size for latte's and that, not posh in this house tho, milk, bag and hot water does the job for me.

    Well, no. But I'm pretty good at  knowing when to turn it off before it boils. Like the Mrs. 

    I never drink tea. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, David said:

    Kettles are like Androids, I'm dumbfounded people still use them. Hot water dispensers are the way to go, they pour out 250ml water each time, only boil what you need. 


    Will that thing chuck out water that's at whatever temp you set? 

  11. It's quite odd the way people talk about phones. I'm not really sure how that's come about. Why don't people go on about kettles or washing machines? Maybe they do. 

    The whole 'mine is better than yours' thing, is even stranger. Is that simply about money? Harry Enfield style? You could give me the latest highest spec laptop or desktop, from either Apple or anyone else, and it'd probably never even get switched on. It does absolutely nothing, that I want doing. Well that's not strictly true. It can get me online, so that I can use a wonderful site such as this! But there's so many ways I can do that already. 

    I get it that they are extremely useful for work, and especially in a creative way with Apple. 

    Before phones, what was it that people went on about in that way? 

    Phones seem to have become like your football team, or favourite band. You sort of support them, almost no matter what they do :)

  12. 7 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    This is all I could say. Plus get well soon. Edit: also making a decision to 'get well' will probably also make you feel better and thus more able to make decisions that are in your best interest. I don't mean to be trite, but you only have one life.

    Agree with this. 

    @Paul71  I don't know about your circumstances, regarding not being  paid and managing somehow, but the only really important thing in all of this, is for you to get better! 

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