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Posts posted by cstand

  1. 13 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Great post. And don't forget it was GSE and Nigel who built our best team in 20 years. It needed Mac in the end to release it's potential yes, but that ownership were pretty effective as well as responsible.

    Great to see you turned over a new leaf great post

  2. 8 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    I think you have deliberately got the wrong end of the stick. Nobody has said he isn't entitled to reply. I have said quite the opposite. You have baulked at my suggestions for getting him on to the forum in order to exercise his right.

    No I was deliberately trying to highlight your reply made no sense whatsoever in a humorous manner. You are now deliberately trying  to ignore that fact.

  3. Just now, AndyinLiverpool said:

    What the deuce are you talking about? He has the right of reply any time he likes. This is a public forum.

    It doesn't need to be a phone call. You could contact him through his Twitter feed or some such thing. It could be, of course, that you're not really concerned about his right of reply and you're just blowing off.

    I don’t do toxic Twitter feel sorry for anyone being brainwashed by that social media. If you or anyone else are that concerned about him why don’t you just twit him yourself. 

    Surely in a democratic society everyone has a right to free speech and right to reply to their accuses do you have a problem with that?

    As for blowing off what happens between me and Mrs C stand in our own bedroom will remain private but you can always PM me not sure Mrs C stand will go for it though.

  4. 2 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Drop him a line. Get him to come on to the forum. You seem concerned about his right of reply. 

    Bizarre how you would think I would have his number also are you saying he has no right to reply to all the allegations put forward by certain posters on this forum would this not violate his human rights?  Or do you chose which human right right you wish to evoke depending on your political view?

  5. 8 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    People are asking questions.

    As for there being no right of reply, anyone is completely free to sign up to this forum and contribute.

    I meant  Erik Alonso

  6. 5 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I don't grasp the analogy with beggars being choosers. If we are the proverbial beggar than that's only because Morris has put us in that position.

    Mel is not the first or the last football owner to get into financial difficulties chasing his dream. Yes he has made loads of mistakes but biggest mistake of all was not having an exit strategy if we did not end up in the Premiership and run out of money.

  7. 1 hour ago, jono said:

    Frankly as long as he isn’t either a criminal, a complete admitted misogynist / homophobe / anti semite bigot and doesn’t publicly incite violence or repression of dissent then his personal politics don’t interest me. Add in that maybe he is a VOX reformer ? Do we know ? Should we know ? If we know, is it really for us to pass judgment ?

    Thing is we don’t all think the same .. and why should we. ? And why if someone has a different view on tackling an issue are they somehow undesirable, unsuitable or not allowed to voice it ? It certainly shouldn’t reflect on his ability to broker a deal or run a football club. 

    I reckon today’s self appointed moralists are every bit as bad, hypocritical, self congratulatory and judgmental as the dyed in the wool old boys of times past. One “establishment” replaces another in near seamless fashion. It’s part of life.

    Well said can we put this bickering to bed and move on. The biggest lesson to learn is beggars cannot be choosers I fail to understand how people do not realise this simple fact.

    I always wanted Mel to  keep the club under sound financial stewardship and not to waste loads of money trying to get the club into Premiership even if it meant more years in the championship but I got slated for this a few years ago and the main reason for this I did not want to end up selling the club to some dodgy character in the same manner when we ended up with the three amigos. 
    When any football club is dying financially you cannot complain which vulture comes along to pick over the bones 


  8. 7 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    So is this guy part of the new board or just a facilitator of the deal? 

    Who knows what his real intentions are just got hope it and pray it works out in the long term.

  9. 15 minutes ago, RamNut said:

    relax everyone.

    There’s no way Uncle Mel will sell us to some dodgy right-wing Spanish fraudster. 

    And the EFL fit and proper persons test will be pretty rigorous too.


    We gave Spain bargain brits in the sun what do you expect in return.?

  10. 6 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Not a Day Goes by without race being involved ?

    Alonso been in a few races hopefully he will see the chequered flag with the Rams

  11. 1 minute ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    You're not the only one, I'm sure. But I'm sure I'm not the only one who is concerned.

    Unfortunately beggars cannot be choosers. I never wanted Mel to waste millions on our club because I never wanted to be in the financial predicament we find ourselves in today desperate to sell to any chancer who wants to make a name for himself. 

  12. On 04/04/2021 at 13:51, Gerry Daly said:

    I think most reasonable people can see that in these exceptional circumstances something like this is needed. Its clear it will only be temporary. I think the people worrying about civil liberties of 'ethical concerns' just need to accept that we are not in the right place for idealism and some rough and ready make the best of a bad job measures are the best we can do  

    Unfortunately the people who complain about civil liberties the most are not reasonable people and never will be. 

  13. I think we will stop up this season I am more concerned about next season. If the takeover drags on any longer I think most players who are out of contract will leave for better pay and prospects at clubs with more ambition than us at the moment. Also will Rooney stop at a club with very little money to spend to attract new players?   I never wanted Mel to throw money at our football club I wanted a long term sustainable plan to get us in the Premiership .

  14. Bought into Ridgecrest at 3p it’s a spac company so will be a reverse takeover the management have a very good track record and are major share holders never done this before so will see what happens when the shares get suspended will I end up losing all my money, not be able to sell for 6 months, only time will tell. 

  15. Well Argo did not drop as much as I expected but Bitcoin went up due to Biden fitting turbos to the printing presses which is no surprise that’s why I invested so much in GGP three years ago I thought gold would be the safe haven but never realised JP Morgan manipulated the gold price so much good job I was quick enough to switch to a undervalued Bitcoin miner and Kr1.  
    Very happy with all three now but as Mike Tyson said everyone has a strategy until they get hit in the face so let’s let’s hope I don’t end up being hit with a sucker punch but as Shaun Wallis says on the chase ...I take nothing for granted.. wise words indeed.

  16. Don’t believe it Just when I was thinking of selling Argo blockchain then buying them back at a lower price on a regular basis because it’s so volatile they are issuing more shares  at 200p this will drop the share price big time tomorrow IMO. If you believe Bitcoin has a long term future then this the last time to buy at a lower price. Remember investing in Argo you can place it in an ISA.

    I just dam well knew I was not happy about something the share graphs never lie should have be more disciplined. Long term though still a buy and I suppose it will help with their expansion 

  17. On 02/03/2021 at 18:37, 86 Hair Islands said:

    4 Blocks - Gritty, multiple award-winning German crime show about Arab cartels battling for control of the Berlin drugs trade. Good stuff if you're not one of those folk with subtitle-phobia. 

    Subtitle phobia


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