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Posts posted by alexxxxx

  1. 3 minutes ago, Derbados said:

    Because the EFL are a bunch of inept idiots who couldn’t organise a *** up in a brewery 

    Its cost us far more than the points deduction for failing p&s rules. 

  2. Just now, Dan_Ram said:

    I guess the next question is: If we appeal, how long does that process take and does it push us past the start of the season?

    I would have thought so... First match likely 4th August. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Mckram said:

    Think you’ve read what you want to read there…

    We have to redo our accounts and if they are over P&S limits then looks like we will be going down.

    The EFL’s statement adding in that Wycombe and our fixtures are interchangeable is a big hint at that. 

    Yeah that's what I'm reading this. 

    If we fail p and s we're doomed. 

    EFL are determined for us to be relegated so it will be. 

    If we are relegated there's a good chance we'll be in admin and we'll struggle.

  4. This is expensive. US sports you can normally pay for the whole season online for $150 or whatever. I think for baseball and basketball it works out about $1/2 a game. 

    When you're battling against dodgy Iptv providers it doesn't seem a good move?

    Its like the UK PPV games.. I already subscribe to sky sports so there's no chance I'm paying £12 when I already get an albeit crappy 1 camera game on red button.

  5. 31 minutes ago, cstand said:

    How many died in the left wing riots last year, how many homes and businesses were burnt to the ground how many police were injured.? 

    Go on.. How many? 


    And also why are we being dragged in to talking about events in the United States.

    I know some people like to conflate British political movements to American ones to bash the left/right here but I don't remember there being widespread shootings and looting in the UK. 

  6. 7 hours ago, maxjam said:

    It aims to be less London metropolitan elite centric and give a voice to the argument that the BBC and Sky find increasingly uncomfortable.

    What does this even mean? What voice in what argument?

    The boogeymen of the 'london metropolitan elite' means nothing because it can just mean anyone who's against nationalist populist talking points. 

    Can I read 'the argument' as being the ongoing 'culture wars' stoked in the print press? 


    I firmly believe that it will attract a lot of forgotten center-left labour voters, who feel neglected by the political parties and spoken down to by existing broadcasters.

    Really? This is daily mail tv can't see how this is at all attractive to the centre left? It's populist right all over. 

    Tried to watch some of that Wooton show again last night but it was garbage. I think if this kind of show does become popular, BBC and Sky will respond and match the format but with a more grown up approach. 

    Having said that, might watch sunak with Neill later - will be interesting how much of a hard time he gives him. 

  7. Just now, maxjam said:



    It will be interesting to see whether other advertisers step in to fill the void or whether advertiser funded GB News begins to struggle.  

    I have watched a bit whilst sat at my PC this morning, sensible discussions, interviews with Politicians - just normal stuff.  I can't for the life of me work out why the boycott GB News campaign exists and why advertisers are pulling their commercials other than they have whipped themselves up into a frenzy over something they have never even watched. 

    This is the 'creep' I have always been concerned about.  You start off banning the far right, then you ban the Tommy Robinsons, then you ban slightly troubling youtubers now you try to ban a news channel fronted by respected ex-National TV personalities.  Where does it all end?

    Sounds like they're being silenced by the free market. 

    I'm not sure the run of the mill will be that controversial, just as most of LBC isnt/wasn't. But they felt the heat for Farage and Hopkins.

    What I think is a bit disingenuous by gb news though is to go on about their crusades about how they are the only ones covering certain issues.

    For example the cladding crisis is covered all the time on sky and bbc platforms yet I thought I heard them say today that 'no one is talking about it' yet its just not true.

    Im not against gb news' right to exist, we do need some more plurality in our media I just find the whole premise of being 'anti elite and anti woke' as laughable. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Time will tell. I normally watch the Papers on Sky News and it's great that it is usually civil (always way too short). It's great when people across the political divide have respect for each other and each other's views. Despite the hate on Twitter from opposite sides for both Owen Jones and Kate Andrews, they clearly get on well. Same for Polly Mackenzie and Alex Deane who are possibly my favourite pairing. And then Andrew Pierce and Kevin Maguire are like a married couple!

    The biggest exception is Rachel Shabi who is universally rude to her co-presenter and sometimes Sonia Sodha who can be the same.

    Edit: I agree Sky set the standards for years, after its founding by Andrew Neil, but it's let a lot of that go now with the arrogance and hectoring of its main reporting team, the likes of Adam Boulton. I once saw him introduce Jolyon Maugham as a guest to give an "unbiased legal view on Brexit"! Unless I see otherwise, I'll expect Andrew Neil to put a good team together and be a good editor again.

    Kate Andrews is now much better since she left IEA which frankly is a hyper-ideological, yet populist organisation. Andrew Pierce winds me up to no end but so does everything the express writes. 

    Boulton and Burley are the worst on there...

    32 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    I hope it will be - that is one of their mission aims after all.  Time will tell.

    I mean i don't think time will tell, I think it told you it's standpoint before it's launch. 

    32 minutes ago, maxjam said:


    Don't watch ITV News, only watch a bit of Sky News but the BBC is London centric, anti-Brexit and pro-lockdown.

    Sky was far more anti-brexit than the BBC. In fact the BBC are the mouthpiece for pro-gov policy through Laura K, shown through the Cummings revelations the other day. 

    32 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    See the previous link I posted in the thread re. Brexit bias and maybe write to the BBC asking why they didn't cover the 50k+ person march that bought several areas of London to a standstill the other week; 

    The BBC and all 'MSM' get accused of this every time there's a protest. There are protests literally every weekend in central London. 

    32 minutes ago, maxjam said:


    Another of GB News' stated aims is to actually bring you the news *NOT* just the bits of the news that the BBC want you to know about.


    What news is that? Banging the drum and blowing whistles over right wing talking points which are discussed on talkradio/lbc/in the tabloids every day? 

    Anyway veering in to politics now but I'm just sick of the right wing commentators are silenced narrative.. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Some ad hominem stuff on here. Currently all the UK broadcast news media speaks with a single voice. It's relentlessly negative and it also hectors a lot of people, telling them what they should think rather than reporting news.

    Can't really see what gb news does differently apart from being almost exclusively commentary.

    It all seems like LBC/TalkRadio but in TV so I wouldn't say its unique in that way either. 

    I don't think gb news presents a positive outlook either, it looks for conflict and certainly its main role is not presenting news. 

    Sky has set the standard for TV news for years. CNN International isn't bad either but the US focused stuff can be tedious. 

    6 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    The GB News stuff I've seen so far looks different and that has to be a good thing. There are lots of voices from left and right, and they debate but it's civil. In some ways like The Pledge on Sky News. 

    From what I've seen so far (just opening night) it wasn't civil. Sky News press preview is civil. 

    6 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Andrew Neil launched Sky News and is genuinely regarded as the most impressive political interviewer the BBC had for many years. People like Alastair Stewart are traditional, proper news people. The ratings for the first night were far in excess of either BBC News or Sky News which was a very impressive debut, despite the obvious technical difficulties. But those technical issues are easily fixed. I sometimes get asked onto Russia Today to do interviews, but might well try pitching myself as a space/future expert for GB News!

    First night excitement... 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Maybe Mel used him in his corporate transaction to buy dcfc from the yanks and he's being resurrected. 

    Didn't Mel buy the club in 2014? This company wasn't registered til 2015.

    Could be wrong but I think it's just someone messing about buying the company name. 

  11. 19 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    It's been restored having been previously dissolved so is effectively a new company from 4th June. 

    Looks like a SPAV to me (special purpose acquisition vehicle). 

    Directors look like a father and son duo with a third lady. 

    Now, can anyone connect the stevensons with any interesting investors? 

    But from what I can tell the guys been on the books there for 6 years?? 

    So surely that would mean that they were interested since then? 

  12. 8 minutes ago, rynny said:

    Newly formed company? Erm.... 


    Its this kind of basic stuff that makes me not believe a lot that KM says. 

    From what I can tell this company has never done anything. 

    All three directors are just directors of Derby county limited and k Stevenson limited, both dormant companies. 

    Registered office is just a standard registered office service to cloak the real location.

    Other companies at this address include 'BT telecom limited' which was formed in 2020...


  13. 31 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    Now I'm not totally sure on what this means, but a quick google tells me he is a barrister?

    I think this might be a red herring. Derby County Limited was formed in 2015 according to companies House and was a dormant company for years. Just happened to be this person was put in control of the dormant company today. 

    Just gone on CH again - maybe not actually.... Looks like it's had a lot of changes this month. 

  14. 45 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    BBC reporting a 4 week extension to measures still in place, looks like Sage and the media have their way.

    Question that should be asked today - PM you said as recent as last Monday that there was nothing in the data requiring an extension of measures left in place, what has changed

    Question that more likely will be asked today - PM you promised we would open up on 21st, will you be resigning?

    I mean this isn't even the worst u turn, the school one where they sent all the kids back to school for a day.... 

    BJ will say they always said that the 21 June was the earliest date for reopening everything. 

    What they'll do is throw a bone today about some additional stuff that can reopen to ease the pain . I reckon they'll permit weddings and maybe extend rule of 6 to rule of 10 or something. 

  15. Watched a bit of it this evening. Not only has it got horrible production values, being told it’s anti establishment whilst hosting the likes of Alan sugar, neill and newspaper editors it’s of course ridiculous. 

    it also claims that ‘ordinary people don’t care what’s on Twitter’ but then starts talking about a social media campaign against James corden who was being accused of degenerating Asian cuisine. Then bizarrely linked it to wet markets in wuhan....

    The populist right telling us over and over again how they’re silenced in the media even when their views are expressed daily in the most popular tabloids, on the radio and now on their own channel.

    It has no sense of impartiality and from what I’ve seen so far has no interesting talking points either.

    just the constant point being made that they’re anti-woke.

  16. 3 hours ago, Gaspode said:

    Well that was one of the most boring races you'll ever see. They have to find a way to make Monaco less of a procession - it's a classic circuit, but the modern cars are too fast and too wide to allow any proper racing - and relying on clever pit stops or crashes to make it interesting isn't the answer....

    Thought they should have gone for the harder tyres so there was more incentive for wheel to wheel racing instead of looking after tyres.


    21 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I understood the MSD £18m loan was secured on the stadium, which the club do not own?

    From what I can tell Mel bought the freehold to the stadium and then the mortgage is against the very long commercial lease that the club owns. 

    Much like how you buy a flat or leasehold property where you can still get a mortgage against the property even if you don't technically own the freehold title. 

    Could be wrong though. 

  18. 4 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Its a pretty reasonable assumption to make if the historical data shows a trend. 

    One thing I would say though, is didn't we start handing out ridiculously long contracts of 4 years as standard procedure around this time?

    Not to mention odd contract extensions...

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