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  1. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Jesse Marsch on verge of becoming Saints manager   
    I take it none of them fancy the look of Steve cooper?
  2. Angry
    GboroRam reacted to Ram-a-lama fa fa fa in Alliterative eleven   
    mel morris
  3. Haha
  4. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    I do get what @Carl Saganis saying and strangely I agree with much of it. I wouldn't say it's a form of worship but we've got ourselves into a difficult place with regards to the NHS. I fully accept it has to change because it is failing. It's failing on a number of fronts. But politically, it feels like failure is being used to justify changes which will bring about more private hands dipping into a public service. One side refuses to hear criticism, the other wants to talk about changes that scare me. 
    The NHS isn't as good as we'd like to tell ourselves. It's failing when compared to other countries. But we have to keep telling everyone that it's the best in the world. It isn't. 
    It needs more joined up thinking, linking social care and medical care. 
    People need to stop getting shitfaced and doing idiotic things that end up with them in A&E. 
    We need to keep the expensive resources we train, rather than let them leave to go to the US or Australia for the money, unlike many currently do. 
    The bureaucracy thing seems to be less of an issue that was banged on about during the last but one government's attitude. But I'm sure there's savings still to be made. 
    But most importantly, it needs funding. And that likely requires more taxation. Health care is costly at the top end. An aging population requires more care. And much of the care could be better focused on social care rather than in hospitals, if we got the thinking right. 
    It needs some radical overhaul, but I get nervous when the current government suggests anything that contains the two words "radical" and "NHS". I don't trust them one bit. 
  5. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Unsung NHS Heroes (potentially polical depending on how you read it)   
    I do get what @Carl Saganis saying and strangely I agree with much of it. I wouldn't say it's a form of worship but we've got ourselves into a difficult place with regards to the NHS. I fully accept it has to change because it is failing. It's failing on a number of fronts. But politically, it feels like failure is being used to justify changes which will bring about more private hands dipping into a public service. One side refuses to hear criticism, the other wants to talk about changes that scare me. 
    The NHS isn't as good as we'd like to tell ourselves. It's failing when compared to other countries. But we have to keep telling everyone that it's the best in the world. It isn't. 
    It needs more joined up thinking, linking social care and medical care. 
    People need to stop getting shitfaced and doing idiotic things that end up with them in A&E. 
    We need to keep the expensive resources we train, rather than let them leave to go to the US or Australia for the money, unlike many currently do. 
    The bureaucracy thing seems to be less of an issue that was banged on about during the last but one government's attitude. But I'm sure there's savings still to be made. 
    But most importantly, it needs funding. And that likely requires more taxation. Health care is costly at the top end. An aging population requires more care. And much of the care could be better focused on social care rather than in hospitals, if we got the thinking right. 
    It needs some radical overhaul, but I get nervous when the current government suggests anything that contains the two words "radical" and "NHS". I don't trust them one bit. 
  6. Haha
  7. Haha
  8. Haha
  9. Haha
  10. Haha
  11. Haha
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  13. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to sage in Lincoln City (H), 7.45pm Tuesday 14th February.   
    Never in doubt.
    See you in the Brunswick ?
  14. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    If what you are saying is true, I'm in agreement. But I've literally never heard anything like that. 
    Not saying it's not true, as there's always somebody saying something others will find objectionable. How prevalent is it though? 
    Not a topic I spend much time looking into, so on that basis, I'm out (of the conversation). 
  15. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to angieram in There keep should been sent off   

  16. Haha
    GboroRam got a reaction from maxjam in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    Nobody has ever suggested that you can change your biological sex. 
  17. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    If what you are saying is true, I'm in agreement. But I've literally never heard anything like that. 
    Not saying it's not true, as there's always somebody saying something others will find objectionable. How prevalent is it though? 
    Not a topic I spend much time looking into, so on that basis, I'm out (of the conversation). 
  18. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Comrade 86 in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    Like I said, live and let live. No single group's rights override another's. That goes for all, not just the self-elected, but let's have it right here, not all TQ+ are as militant as your portrayal. Far from it.
  19. Haha
    GboroRam got a reaction from Norman in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    Nobody has ever suggested that you can change your biological sex. 
  20. Like
    GboroRam reacted to TomTom92 in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    Keep putting his hands in his pocket? If that wasn't viable then by default Mel's still to blame for leaving us with that as the only viable route. 
  21. Haha
  22. Clap
    GboroRam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    Round of applause for the off-world colonies line. However, you have to describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about your mother. 
  23. Clap
    GboroRam reacted to Carl Sagan in Starship and a Human city on Mars   
    It will be really, really hard. For some of the reasons you mention and others. And there is zero economic reason to do it. So unless someone like Musk who is absurdly rich, one of the greatest innovators and engineers I've seen, and motivated to save Humanity, it will likely never happen. What we call the "short window" will be closed forever, and sooner or later Humanity will go extinct on Earth.
    Energy will come from some Mars-based solar, but there can be long planet-wide dust storms. I suspect there will be in-orbit solar too, just as people are experimenting with here as a means of continuous supply and more efficient than after the incoming radiation is weaker by the time it reaches ground level. There is the possibility of geothermal, but we don't know how easy. So the obvious reliable supply will be nuclear. Relatively small nuclear power plants for use in space and on other planets are in development.
    There is a massive difference in Humans living in ZeroG (such as the space station) and Humans living in a gravity environment, even if lower like Mars. So Mars would be much, much healthier than life on the ISS. But there are lots of unknowns, probably the biggest being to do with pregnancy. However, space settlement will not occur in isolation - there is continual progress in other areas. One of the key technologies that I think will help will be artificial wombs, which are becoming ever more advanced and I would expect will be fully capable within 2-3 decades which is the sort of timescale that fits.
    Starship will also allow us to build rotating space stations to test a lot of the issues through artificially generated gravity.
    Musk is trying to democratize space. The vast scale is intended to make this (relatively) cheap. If you want to "begin again in the offworld colonies" it will cost you the price of an average American house, about $300,000. Yes it's a lot of money, but not if you're building a new home there.
    I would ask what general behaviour of Musk on Twitter has been bad? He's been funny and democratic and fairly transparent, and is trying to make it a place where a variety of voices can be heard rather than only "left wingers" and "progressives". Whatever someone's political standpoint, surely that's a good thing? 
  24. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to Archied in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    What you do behind closed doors is up to you ,but
  25. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to Normanton Lad in Is "woke" confusing kids   
    There is no such thing a "folk construct strawman fallacy". That doesn’t mean anything. If you mean I have misrepresented his argument then I disagree. He used two stories to support his claim about racism. I have shown that the story about the teacher and the 7 year old is almost certainly not true. Do you think it is true? Be honest and don’t just revert to insults. The second story where he had to listen to complaints from non-whites presumably about whites strikes me as racist against him. It seems like an attempt to guilt trip him just because he was white. Did he have the opportunity to complain about non-white racism? If the “about forty year old woman” was one of the complainers would he have had the opportunity to question the truth of the story? I doubt it. I think that would also be classified as racism. In the current climate even questioning the truth of racism claims is proof of racism. 

    Why did he come up with these two stories? Some would say he was angry about racism but I think he probably had an ulterior motive. He was signalling to fellow “wokies” on here that he a “good person” like them.  Nowadays it is called virtue signalling. I’ve not posted much on here about non-football topics because as a “non-wokie” I can see I am an interloper. Don’t bother rushing in with the insults because I’m just going to stick to threads of little interest to wokies. 
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