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Posts posted by Day

  1. Just now, LesterRam said:

    How would that bend, surely dropping it from the second story of a building would just disintegrate on impact?

    I am not supporting Android based phones because they are built through a cooperative with different makers and each phone built differently.

    What I meant is it's the dumb YouTubers that created "Bendgate", the same ones that do the drop tests, dip them in acid and all sorts. Grab any phone and try and bend it and you will crack most, they are not designed to be bent. All phones will also scratch or dent when dropped from buildings. 

    Only 9 people actually made a complaint to Apple



  2. iPhone 6S

    Apple has determined that a very small number of iPhone 6s devices may unexpectedly shut down. This is not a safety issue and only affects devices within a limited serial number range that were manufactured between September and October 2015.


    iPhone 6+

    Apple has determined that some iPhone 6 Plus devices may exhibit display flickering or Multi-Touch issues after being dropped multiple times on a hard surface and then incurring further stress on the device.


    Note 7

    On October 10 we took the decision to stop sales and shipments of Galaxy Note7 devices as part of our commitment to customer safety. 

    We have asked everyone with a Galaxy Note7 to back up your data (click here for details of how) and switch off your device. 
    Once you have done that please replace your device following the steps below. 

    We are truly sorry that we have not met the high standard that you expect from Samsung.
    We thank you for your patience during this time, and apologise for the inconvenience we have caused.

    We would like to reassure you and all our Samsung customers that the Galaxy Note7 is the only device affected.



  3. Just now, PodgeyRam said:

    Ah, fair enough. In terms of phones I was using Windows phones, but the lack app compatibility really hampers them, which is annoying considering how important they are for my job. So I've moved to Android and never looked back. They tend to be cheaper than Apple as well, which is good for my limited budget. 

    Yeah Windows are a bit diff for that, even this forums software developers won't support it, give it another couple of failed flagship phones and they will be gone.

    Apple or Android now, your only 2 options.

    I get the appeal for Android, more customisable, expandable storage but that comes with more security issues, App Store full of malware, adware virus crap. You basically accept the software that comes with the phone, updates are so slow if ever as you have to wait for the operator to fill it with their bloat ware before releasing it.....but they are cheaper and in some cases look nicer.

    S8 looks super sexy, just a shame it runs Android


  4. 13 minutes ago, LesterRam said:

    4 and 6 had a recall notice, 6+ bend issues and fire risk and 5 had so many problems it was unreal, on button went AWOL and charging problems, 7 screen freeze, nothing on any apple product is an original patent, even recently they paid Nokia for a patent under duress ( court order)

    Samsung had a fire problem with the Note 7 and Apple paid £300m USD to discredit them for a fault through increased advertising streams.

    Operating system, iOs operating system is excellent and highly efficient.

    Behave, give me any phone and I can bend the ******, that's the dumb YouTubers that drop test them out of 2nd story windows for views.

    All the rest show me your sources as I can smell something farm yard like in here.

    There was never any "recall notices" Apple were aware of a very very small number of 6S phones that shutdown which they replaced.

    A recall is when the company issues for example urgent notices for all devices to be returned as they are fire risks. Never never happened with Apple.

    For every Apple issue you can find I will link you to 5 Android phone issues from fires, security, Ram, display issues. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, PodgeyRam said:

    Surprised you still use them @David. I've seen how much you've complained about Apple on Twitter.

    Not moaned about iPhone? MacBook had issues but they replaced with a brand spankingly new sealed boxed one when it was out of warranty.


  6. Just now, McRamFan said:

    Is that the same company that paid £12m in tax on a £2bn profit in the UK a few years ago, only about £400m short?  The same one that got a £11bn fine for tax avoidance?

    When they start paying their tax I might look at their products. 0.005 per cent tax on its European profits for more than a decade...

    You say that like we should have morales and use an Android *shudders*, not saying it's right but I like my phone to work. 

  7. 40 minutes ago, froggg said:

    Are you in the gluten free gang with Boycie?

    I prefer not to be used in a sentence with that thing but maybe, depends if you're going to take the piss or not.

  8. 38 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    My problem is when I am not drinking alternatives when I go out just dont appeal that much, hate having a soft drink in a pub just doesnt seem right.

    That's why I've not stepped foot in a pub either, I'm only a strong willed man when in the house with no alcohol and a 2 mile walk to the shop.

    Half a glass of lemonade would have me at the bar for something stronger.

    Gut problem why I'm doing it, not a random let's go dry challenge, the pain for the next couple of days isn't worth the few hours enjoyment. 

  9. On 18/05/2017 at 12:42, Alpha said:

    I like McGregor and appreciate he's hard as nails. But this isn't street fighting against Nate Diaz or any other UFC fighter. His opponents may have black belts in Kung Fu but none of them have spent their entire lives working on head movement, balance, footwork, ring craft and punching in a boxing ring.



  10. 2 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    Ohhh! As Signund Freud would say "signs of ultra anal-retentivity there". Do you iron your socks by any chance @Davidand ha:mellow:ve you indexed and sorted your vinyl collection in chronological order of Artist's name? 

    Not at all, the guy just reminded me of Mel that's all so I call it my Derby mug. Some will say I'm the mug but they've never tried the sausages.

    59 minutes ago, admira said:

    I believe mine is rather marvellous. I've had it for 40+ years and it's never been used either.


    Never thought I'd ever see a cup older than Forest's! 

  11. See I thought Gaming was supposed to be fun, sat at a desk furiously tapping a mechanical keyboard whilst sat at a desk sounds more like work.

    Throw in Windows, all the viruses, malware what a ball ache.

    Are PC sales not still on a decline as well? Technology advances, it's like listening to music on the gramophone refusing to move on

  12. Best way to stop anxiety? Keep busy, don't give your brain chance to wonder as once it's started walking it can be a real ******* to stop. Everyone is different so not all methods are take away advice for everyone. 

    If I was to describe it non sufferers, its like having two voices in your head, one saying that pain is your denture, the other telling him to shut the **** up. The tosser usually wins as he's got the louder voice.

    For me what works is several things, one is podcasts, having another voice in the room, increase the volume so it's the loudest. If that fails, music, anything that you can sing along to in your head.

    Mobile phone games are also great, anything that needs fast reflexes and concentration. It's all about stimulating the brain.

    Way back when my anxiety attacks could last for 5 hours or more, they would leave me so drained I could barely lift my head. Now I can turn them around in under an hour, half hour most times.

    Hasnt been so much the anxiety this time, the stomach, pains are real, the stress ***** with your digestive system completely. 

    Dont feel brave for posting any of this, I don't really feel like it helps me either tbh as I'm past that stage, being able to talk openly no longer gives me relief as I don't bottle anything up anymore. Stick me in a room with anyone and I'll chew your ear off on mental health. Really is an area where the NHS needs more funding for mental health support. Could go into another long rant on that but I won't.

    That might come across as arrogant and I really don't mean to, talking is the best thing you can do, even if it's strangers. Opening up and being honest is big thing, opening up to close friends and family is massive and I urge anyone on here struggling that hasn't, do it. 

    It won't cure it, that's not the magic stop button and even having that support network in place you are still capable of anxiety striking again but having those around you understanding how you're feeling helps a lot.

    Beware, not everyone will understand and you have to understand that as well. Can be frustrating having close friends and family tell you to man up. My Dad did the same to me, what would you do if the war started and you had to fight for your country. Never forget that.

    As a long time sufferer I remember what I was like before I started to learn about anxiety, thought I was the only person in the world that feels like this, nobody understands, when you realise many people are going through the same, maybe not as severe it makes you feel a little more normal. 

    Just here to check in, friendly reminder you're not the only ones out there worrying about **** and putting my gut out there as a don't let this happen to you.

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