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Posts posted by Day

  1. 2 minutes ago, Kennington Ram said:

    Put simply, if you buy a Pixel all your GDrive photos and video storage is unlimited. Whereas my girlfriend's iPhone is trying to back up her billion selfies to the iCloud and doesn't seem to be working because they want money.

    For the rest of my stuff, I have 1tb of storage from Microsoft that I get with an Office subscription I'd pay for anyway - more than I will ever use.

    Guess that's kinda cool, have no comeback for that one for once. Using it to lure people away from Samsung probably, cheeky tactic. 

    Don't think 79p is too bad though, not as good as free but doesn't leave me feeling fleeced. 

  2. 1 minute ago, LesterRam said:

    go on son, give it to him :ph34r:

    DCFC Fans is an unofficial fans forum, we are in no way affiliated or connected to Derby County Football Club  Apple but if you put an Apple logo on a turd we will cue all night and buy it for £6k :lol:

    Get back to your left right wing taxing him her not them topic and leave the serious stuff to the big boys ;) 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Kennington Ram said:

    I'm reminded of every time my girlfriend complains her phone is nagging her about her maxxed out iCloud - again, fleecing customers.

    Bit surprised by this point, having just received my iCloud receipt today, 79p a month for 50gb. 5gb account is free.

    Google Drive 15gb for free, $1.99pm for 100GB, $9.99pm for 1TB or  $99.99pm for 10TB

    Dropbox 2gb free or £8pm for plus which gives you 1TB

    Apple also offer 200gb for £2.50pm or 2TB for £6.99pm

    Apple offer better prices, Google give the better free account which if you're under 15gb is fine but with backups, music and photos now that will soon get snapped up still


  4. 6 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

    Well, no. But I'm pretty good at  knowing when to turn it off before it boils. Like the Mrs. 

    I never drink tea. 

    See thats the beauty of this, place the cup on, milk and bag in, click go, return to Jeremy Kyle for 5 minutes. Go back, quick stir and done. No more standing around brushing crumbs off the side to stand in

  5. Just now, ketteringram said:

    Will that thing chuck out water that's at whatever temp you set? 

    No, don't think you can do that on a kettle either can you? Might be more fancy ones that do, I know they do an upgraded one of mine that you can set the cup size for latte's and that, not posh in this house tho, milk, bag and hot water does the job for me.

  6. My swipe right screen is pretty empty, barely use it, would disable it completely if I could.

    The control centre I'm looking forward to having access to a few more settings, won't have anywhere near the amount on the right. Don't see them putting apps themselves in it, be kinda pointless having a home screen.

    I can see the new iPad dock making it's way on to the iPhone tho, which would make more sense having as the swipe up, switching screens through multi tasking I don't use, just seems easier to go back to the home screen.

    Move the control centre to the swipe right.

    Then swipe left for a widget screen.

    Infinite scroll on the main page full of apps.


  7. 3 minutes ago, LesterRam said:

    I heard Samsung are designing a flip phone, apparently Apple trumped that and are currently designing another bendy phone :ph34r:

    Be the other way round that! Before and after the first iPhone 




  8. Rooting also voids the warranty, even if you unroot Samsung will know, so whilst it's possible it's not exactly recommended just like jailbreaking. That's a big risk on a £800 phone to take isn't it?

    As for Android updates, Nougat is 6 months old now yet still not available on all phones, it's only installed on 7% of active devices. iOS when it's released it's released for all phones, same day unless it's a super old device that's not getting supported.

  9. 2 minutes ago, cannable said:

    It's not unexpected, it's when it gets too cold in open air. Cold but at PPS? Works. Cold but indoors? Works. Cold outside? Dies. 

    A couple of my mates have this issue as well. 

    Rather annoying.

    They not contacted Apple to get it sorted? They repair it for free

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ewetube said:

    Having a phone for 2 years (which I generally do) means I want to be excited by it, maybe root it, install a custom recovery and custom rom, remove the manufacturer's and network's bloatwear, increase its performance, learn about advanced features over the course of that time.

    Think this is what separates a lot of people, they don't want to go through all that mess. I'm a bit of a geek but even I can't be arsed with all that, when I had the Samsung S7 I was bogged down with settings after settings, I was bored to tears by time I got it setup.

    Also forgive my ignorance but isn't rooting an Android pretty much the same as Jailbreaking an iPhone?

    To buy a flagship Android phone and to think you might only get one update, that's when the operator can get round to filling it with junk nobody wants is another thing that is off putting, not so much for someone like myself that trades in each year but those that want to get a few years out of it. 

    Seems silly for Android to put an operating system out then Samsung come along and layer theirs on top. Why not make your own OS if you can do it better?....saying that Touchwiz is an example of why you shouldn't.

    Apple has finally got round to addressing the junk issue on their phones, only allowing you to hide not fully remove is a start.

    Both need to realise that forcing apps on its users will not make them want to use them, if anything it would piss me off more. 

    I find it interesting that Samsung closed the ability to change the purpose of the Bixby button, isn't that going against why Android users are Android? 

  11. 13 minutes ago, Ewetube said:

    For this reason I can't fathom why a certain sector of the public slavishly support one brand even if their product is inferior but then try to convince everyone else it's superior.

    A bit like political party supporters then :p 

    Fanboyism and trolling a side, what actually makes one or the other inferior?

    One criticism that is aimed at Apple products is the hardware specs are not up to those of a Android phone or PC. The argument to that is optimised software to a device won't need the same specs.

    If you take an iPhone 7 and Samsung S8, both phones are capable of browsing the Internet, listening to music, watching videos, social media, pictures, filming and even making phone calls. 

    Run them side by side and you're looking at split seconds time difference, although those tests are not exactly scientific as you need to run them on clean phones, yet one may cache better than the other on the 5th 6th run.

    So it pretty much boils down to software, the options, features, how easy it is to operate, this is where the debates are really to be had.

    Android is great if you want full customisation and widgets, Apple is more rigid yet that suits people. I for one have no desire to change the font, customise the icons with themes. 

    For me, with the rigidness of Apple it's the little things they do have as standard, pressing the time will take to you to top of the page, double tap the home button lowers the full screen. 

    Samsung condense the site into a small rectangle in the corner, there is no default tap to take you to the top of the page. It's these little things that can be fixed with apps on the play store which you have to run the malware gauntlet.

    Apple are more stricter with their apps, where I "believe" other than a quick scan you can upload an app to the Play store pretty much immediately (may be wrong).

    iPhone on it's own is great, really is, but when you get sucked into that evil ecosystem it's even better.

    MacBook, iPhone, iPad, Watch, any device I can read a text, pick up a email, sync photos. I can sit at my desk with a call through the MacBook, move away and handoff to the phone, no ending the call, seemless. Crop a picture in my photos, 2 seconds later I can grab it on another device. Sit on the toilet, Reading a lengthy article, return to the Mac and one click and it's takes me to exactly the same point so I just carry on.

    I can go down the garden, upstairs, not thinking where's my phone, expecting a call. It's on my wrist, answer the call, done. 

    I'm sure this is all possible finding apps for Windows that sync with Android, but Apple it's out the box, you're not relying on 3rd party developers for updates, fixing issues. 

    When you turn that Mac on, there's no AVG running a security scan, no installing updates 1 of 2000, on and getting to your task within 15 seconds. I can even use my finger print now to unlock my Mac without having to type in a lengthy secure password.

    That was more than I expected to write. I know someone asked me further back why is Mac better, didn't get chance to reply as I got caught up in the ethics debate, apologise for this lengthy post was aimed at you, just the inferior thing was a good starting point :) 

  12. Just now, McRamFan said:

    Spend your money how you like. Just asking your opinion on apples ethics, especially having 200% margins on goods, working conditions and the enormous amount of corporate 'bullying'.

    My opinion is that there are many large companies that will have poor working conditions in Asia, or bend the tax rules, I could pull your house apart and find many items from cars, food, clothes to electronics finding unethical practices articles online.

    It's the world we live in, it's not right but I'm not willing to sit in a dark room naked, starving myself.

    You talk like you think it's only Apple that make ridiculous margins on products, do you think flagship Android phones are not making similar profit margins? Do you not think Tesco, Asda are also making large profit margins on the food they sell? What about the car you drive to work in, or the kettle you make your morning brew. 

    The world doesn't go round on 0% profit. 

    It's a boring conversation to be honest, one I've never shown any interest to go down. Already proven I can throw articles out for other companies or the £25 iPhone myth, yet they will be ignored. It's just Apple. Or Apple are paying Google who are behind Android to remove articles about them and bend the truth.

    If you want to talk about the actual devices I'm down, but I'm not wasting my time shouting up to you on that morale high ground you have placed yourself on. By phone is better than yours as childish as it may be is a much more interesting talking point than this.


  13. Would never queue but but can understand why he would sell the devices on early. Used Apple prices in good condition with the box are really good.

    Say you hold on to an iPad for years, it would work great but you may miss out on features, iOS does slow devices down if you're installing the latest version on say a 3 year old phone, it works but just a bit slower.

    When it ultimately comes time to buy a new one, you might have to pay £600-£700, your old device being pretty much worthless. Trade it in each year, never have any problems and you will maybe get £400 for your old iPad.

    If you keep trading in each year you get maximum resale value, I've never done it before receiving the new device but say you pay £800 for the iPhone 7, you can expect to get around £600 resale value. The iPhone 8 might cost £850 so it's cost you £250.

    As I said to Lester earlier, if you go sim free it works out much cheaper, you get a better contract, the latest phone each year whilst saving £20-30 per month. Plus the initial outlay of a phone that would be on a 2 year contract.

    For many people having the latest and greatest doesn't matter, all you do is browse the Internet, not fussed about iCloud and all that. An original iPad if you didn't max out the iOS updates would do just that.

    I make websites, it's what I do, I need to see how it looks on all screen sizes, like building a car without having a road to test it on. No way can I afford to stay and one device and run it's course, then suck up the costs of replacing all the devices with no resale value on old.

    New iPad and iPhone each year, minus the contract would cost me around £400, that's £33 a month, little over a pound a day.

    Listing all Apple devices might make you look mega rich but you play the smart game it's really not that expensive after you've made the initial jump.

    (this only works if you take care of devices, Not chuck them around like toys)


  14. Apple paid for these stories.

    NOT JUST APPLE: Samsung Under Fire For Allegedly Giving Employees 16-Hour Workdays, One Day Off Per Month


    A worker-safety group has documented more than 200 cases of serious illnesses including leukemia, lupus, lymphoma and multiple sclerosis among former Samsung semiconductor and LCD workers. Seventy-six have died, most in their 20s and 30s.


    Samsung and Panasonic accused over supply chain labour abuses in Malaysia


  15. 8 minutes ago, Ashz09 said:

    One thing you should learn is don't debate with David. I've learnt this a while back with Game of Thrones. I've gave up since lol.

    I don't mind debating with anyone, it's just important that people recognise they are wrong so we don't spend all day on it.

    What kills any debate is when fake news is being used, like the iPhone costing £25 to make. 

    See there's an article in the Independant, took me 30 seconds to find which states the iPhone 7 costs £174 to make


    The comeback on this will be yes but Apple Pay to bury the truth. This article was paid for by evil Apple.

    Whilst Samsung has been fined over $300k for being found guilty of posting fake negative reviews on competitors.

    You will also find those more strongly against iPhones haven't used one recently, views come from burning hatred from within, which is fine. 

    I've used Android phones, seen the stats on this forum and watched 3 seasons of Game of Thrones. Unless I'm slightly on the wind up I won't give an opinion from ignorance.

    Stand by what I've said about Apple, they are not faultless, nor is any phone. Should they pay more in taxes? Of course. But I won't boycott them based on it, the company do create hundreds of jobs, throughout the UK, Tim Cook recently gave $100m to charity.

    The laughing chimp knows this.

  16. 1 hour ago, Boycie said:

    I expect to see you with one of each by the end of the summer.


    Well I have upgraded to the new iPad Pro so if you're interested in an iPad Pro 9.7 inch with a white Apple silicon case, give me a shout! 

  17. Ok so iOS 11 is nothing but improvements, using Apple Pay to send money through texts is a bonus, App Store looks so much better designed. iPad changes look awesome, that new dock will be so much better and that infinity photo app is insane.

    The only disappointment is no dark mode still, unless they didn't think it would be big enough to mention, doubt it though.

    HomePod, **** name, price really depends on that sound. £350 is a lot. Especially when you can get a Google Home for much cheaper. Can almost get 3 for that price. BUT if the sound quality is as good as they say, tempting. 

    iMac Pro.....yeah 18 cores, wait to see what the price of that thing is, 4 or 5k calling it now. Will be waaaay out of my budget.


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